On the side of the elf army, as soon as the news of Delk came, Marshal Philip knew the intention of the other party.

And he now has a lot of things waiting for him to deal with.

Therefore, Marshal Philip at this time obviously has no interest in talking nonsense with Delke.

As soon as the communication was connected, he said simply and clearly...

"Derke, you can't stop me from withdrawing from what you say now. You know, if something like this happens, I can't let the elf army stay on the front line anymore. This is my duty!"

"I know Philip."

Delke and Marshal Philip have a very good personal relationship. Now they have a private conversation, and some unnecessary polite remarks can naturally be saved.

"I'm not here to persuade you to stay on the front line, I hope you can think calmly after returning to the Elf Kingdom, and don't be easily swayed by your own emotions, especially if you want to take care of His Royal Highness Prince Ajer, Philip, you should understand what I meant."

Delke's remarks can be said to be very sincere. Marshal Philip can feel that the other party's remarks are really out of good intentions.

Invisibly, the tone that made Marshal Philip stiffened due to various things softened a little, but after thinking of some things, Marshal Philip couldn't help but show a trace on his face. wry smile.

"I will do my best, and I hope there will be opportunities to sit and drink together in the future."

After speaking, Marshal Philip cut off the communication with Delke.

He is busy now, but there are too many things. The reason for all this is not only because of the bad news that suddenly came from behind, but also because after receiving the news, Ajer has taken his own direct reports without authorization. The troops rushed back.

Marshal Philip, who learned the news at the time, was very frightened.

Originally, if they returned together, with him watching, even if Ajel made some impulsive actions, he would be able to control it in time.

But now? Ajel actually took a step ahead of him, and went back with his own direct troops on his own initiative.

That would be troublesome!

Judging from the current information, His Majesty the Elf King is deceased and he is not there. If Ajer loses control of his emotions and makes some impulsive actions, who can stop him in time?

Ajer's character is no secret on the front lines.

Deerk is undoubtedly aware of this, and that's why he said something like that.

Before I could think about it, Marshal Philip handed over all the follow-up evacuation work on the front line to the adjutant, and he himself also brought a troop to catch up with Ajer, who left ahead of him.

Of course, once Ajer enters the subspace channel, there is a high probability that he will not be able to catch up.

Marshal Philip now only hopes that he will not be too late, so that everything can be stopped in time.

Some may wonder why Marshal Philip is so pessimistic that something must happen?

It's not just because of Ajer's impulsive personality.

According to his adjutant's report to him, what Ajel received at that time was not only the news for them on the frontline elf army, but also the news for him alone.

In the case of the death of His Majesty the Elf King, what will be written in the message to Ajel alone?

It doesn't even have to be guessed! That 100% is a message sent to him by Ajer's supporters, asking him to go back to inherit the throne of the Elf King!

Originally, this was nothing.

The tradition of their elves also pays attention to the primogeniture system. As the eldest son of the elves royal family, it is a matter of course for Ajer to go back to inherit the throne when the previous king passed away.

But there are some variables here that make this thing not so simple.

The late King Jason Rust was the brother-in-law of Marshal Philip. Although they were not directly related by blood, they were brothers and sisters.

Otherwise, Jason Rust would not simply hand over all the military power of the Elf Kingdom to him simply because Marshal Philip was his eldest brother.

Under this premise, Marshal Philip had actually noticed a change in Jason Rust's mind long before.

This change should have started when the eldest lady of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce came to their Elf Kingdom.

Prince Ivan, who was originally considered by the elders around him to be only playful all day long and not doing his job, gradually showed his talent.

Later, when Jason Rust ordered him to take Prince Ajer to support the Republic of Vanega, and even joined the expedition, Marshal Philip further confirmed the guess in his heart.

Although Prince Ajel took the initiative to fight at that time, and he also joined the army all the year round, he was brave and good at fighting, and it seemed that it was not a strange thing for him to lead the army and show the strength of their elf kingdom.

At the same time, judging from Jason Rust's age, it is far from the time to abdicate.

So this move can also be understood as wanting to further train his heir.

After all, it's no secret that Prince Ajel is extremely repulsive and distrustful of other races, and their elf kingdom has now opened up. In the future development, it is necessary to contact other countries. Prince Ajer has been like this, sure is not possible.

In this way, Jason Rust's decision at the time can be completely understood as he wanted to let Prince Ajel have in-depth contact and cooperation with all parties through the actions of the expeditionary force, thereby abandoning the prejudice, and at the same time changing. more mature.

However, when you support the Republic of Vanega, you still talk about it, and when an heir has already been identified, it is a bit unreasonable to let the future heir participate in the expedition?

After all, the matter of supporting the Republic of Vanega is still within control, but the variables of the expedition are too great.

Taking this into consideration, it can only be said that since that time, Jason Rust, or maybe just subconsciously, has begun to gradually prefer to let Prince Ivan succeed him.

It's just that people didn't realize it at the time...

At the same time, Jason Rust is unlikely to talk to anyone about such an extremely sensitive issue. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

And Marshal Philip is that exception.

Not only because the two were as close as brothers, but also because Marshal Philip was the grand marshal in control of their elven kingdom legion.

Whether it is to establish the second son as the first heir, or to succeed the new king, his support is indispensable.

So over the years, in the communication between Jason Rust and Marshal Philip, in addition to asking about Ajer's current situation, he has also been talking about Ivan.

Even just a while ago, Jason Rust made it clear that he felt that Ivan was more suitable for inheriting the position of his elf king.

It's just that Marshal Philip didn't know how to reply at the time, but now he has lost the chance to reply forever...


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