The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4770: , Qilin Wudi

For Qilin Wudi, the representatives of all parties here can only say that they have been well-known for a long time.

However, at most, they only heard that they didn't really know how strong Zhong Mo was.

After all, they have never seen Zhong Mo make a move, and most of the rumors are exaggerated. Who knows if that is true or false?

And as the master of Yan Huang and the king of a country, how could Zhong Mo surrender himself and stand up to prove the truth of those rumors?

Under this premise, there are many people in the known universe who suspect that the name of the Qilin Martial Emperor was actually blown out by the royal family of the Yanhuang Empire, in order to establish a strong image of themselves, so as to achieve the purpose of stabilizing their own rule. .

Such means are not uncommon in themselves. Many royal families will use similar means to blow themselves up as if they were descended from the heavens.

As for the Yanhuang Empire, although it is said that the country was established by martial arts, the wind of martial arts is very strong, and the founding emperor is a generation of invincible powerhouses, but who can guarantee that each generation of emperors has such a high talent and becomes a peerless powerhouse? To outsiders, this is almost impossible.

However, what they didn't know was that the emperor of the Yanhuang Empire was truly a peerless powerhouse in every generation! As for the specific strength, even if he cannot be 100% sure that he is the strongest in the empire, the strength of each generation of emperors can still be among the best when looking at the entire empire.

And when it comes to Zhong Mo's generation, there is no doubt that he is the strongest in the empire!

Of course, there will be a problem at this point.

That is, to become the strongest in the martial arts, that is not something that can be achieved by hard work alone. He not only needs extraordinary talent, but also requires great opportunities and luck.

But if it's a little bit worse, it's hard to reach that peak.

As for the royal family of the Yanhuang Empire, under the premise of being handed down from generation to generation, how can they ensure that each generation of their heirs has unique talents and amazing talents?

Of course this cannot be guaranteed.

However, the royal family of the Yanhuang Empire has special means to create a gifted and stunning heir for themselves!

It was said earlier that when a martial artist has limited talent, or has good talent, but accidentally misses the best training time, he actually still has a chance to change his life against the sky.

But it will be very, very difficult to get this opportunity.

And one of the methods is for the top powerhouses to self-destruct martial arts cultivation and perform corresponding exercises to cut down the marrow for the Book of Changes.

The name of this divine art is "The Great Method of Washing the Marrow", and it is one of the peerless divine art that the royal family of the Yanhuang Empire is not known for.

Therefore, even if none of the contemporary heirs of the Yanhuang Empire is talented, they can still use the "Dafa of Washing the Marrow" to cut down the marrow for their Book of Changes and change their lives against the sky.

Of course, the magical power that can change one's life in this way is naturally limited, and not everyone can perform it.

First of all, the practice method itself is very difficult to practice, and at the same time, if you want to cut the marrow for it, the person who performs the practice must at least have the strength of the Wushuangjing level to do it, because the Yijing cuts the marrow and defies the sky. Changing your life is not an easy thing.

Secondly, every time he performs the "Bloodwashing Dafa", the practitioner has to endure backlash, self-destructing his skills, causing his own strength to drop.

Therefore, this is not a practice that can be performed at will, and at the same time, one must be cautious.

And just like this, at most it can only ensure that the heir of their Yanhuang Empire must be a martial arts powerhouse, but it cannot ensure that he will be a top-level powerhouse.

So this has to be said about another peerless magical art of the Yanhuang Empire's royal family, "Wedding Clothes Magical Art"!

This is a very peculiar practice. The nature of the practice allows practitioners to transfer their own skills directly to others.

And it is precisely because of this that the various records of the Yanhuang Empire basically exclude the royal family by default.

After all, the Yanhuang Royal Family did not follow the usual routine at all, and it could not be regarded as a normal situation at all.

However, this does not mean that the heirs of the Yanhuang Empire will only need to wait to become the top powerhouse after they are born.

"Wedding Clothes Magic" can transfer the practitioner's skills to others, but how much skills can be used for one's own use depends on the beneficiary's own ability.

Every generation of heirs of the Yanhuang Empire has also cultivated hard since childhood, laying a solid foundation for the arrival of this day.

Among the heirs of Zhong Mo's generation, Zhong Mo is definitely not the best root bone, and his own root bone can only be said to be average.

However, Zhong Mo has the highest comprehension among all the heirs of that generation. It can even be said that Zhong Mo's comprehension belongs to the top level among the successive heirs of the Yanhuang Empire's royal family.

And it is precisely because of this insight that Zhong Mo stands out from the many heirs of that generation.

After all, if you have poor roots, they have the "Dafa of Washing the Marrow" that can help you cut down the marrow of the Book of Changes and change your life against the sky. This belongs to some salvation, but if you have poor understanding...

Then there's really no way.

Simply put, there is no cure for a fool.

In this way, Zhong Mo, who is very savvy, is naturally placed in high hopes by the elders of the clan.

And after completing the Book of Changes and cutting the marrow with "The Dafa of Washing the Marrow", he did not disappoint, and directly showed the appearance of heaven and man.

With the help of "Marriage Clothes Magic", when he was only eighteen years old, he directly entered the realm of Martial God!

You must know that even with the help of "The Great Method of Washing the Marrow" and "The Magic of Wedding Dress", the royal family of the Yanhuang Empire, which has almost full of plug-ins, rarely has any generation of heirs who entered the Martial God Realm at the age of eighteen.

Because of the essence of "Wedding Clothes Magic", to a certain extent, it is like an adult who directly threw a spring and autumn sword in front of a three-year-old child.

The three-year-old boy didn't even want to wave, he couldn't even drag it.

It takes time for them to get used to it, to adapt, and eventually to master it. This time is not uncommon for decades as fast as it is as slow as hundreds of years.

After all, the people who use "Wedding Clothes Magic" to pass on the practice are basically the previous emperors of their Yanhuang Empire, and their martial arts cultivation is the worst in the Martial God Realm, and there are not a few people who are successful in the Martial God Realm. Among them, Zhong Mo The predecessor of Chuan Gong was a peak powerhouse with a complete Martial God Realm!

How strong is the life skill? Where is the ordinary junior, who can digest it in three or two years?

But under this premise, UU reading www., as the party to be taught, Zhong Mo is an exception compared to his predecessors in all dynasties.

I don't know if it's because of his high comprehension. After cutting the marrow with the Book of Changes in the Dafa of Washing the Marrow, after opening the root bone, he obtained Zhong Mo, who taught the martial arts. Just a thousand miles a day.

The speed of entering the country scared the elders of the clan at the time. They were worried that Zhong Mo would improve too fast and his foundation would be unstable. They hurriedly asked Zhong Mo to slow down and play steadily.

But it turned out that they all thought too much. Not only did Zhong Mo enter the realm of the Martial God at the age of eighteen, but he also comprehended the mysterious and mysterious top-level divine art "Taiwan" that very few people have comprehended since ancient times. Xuanjing, famous all over the world!

When they came back to their senses, he had already been crowned with the name of 'Kirin Martial Emperor'!

He didn't put this name on himself!

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