Even in the history of the Yanhuang Empire, there are few records of the three types of unicorns, and it is even more impossible for outsiders to know.

These three styles each have their own uses, and there is no clear distinction between the strengths and weaknesses of their own moves.

Among them, the first Qilin style [Qiankun Qilin Step] is the most moderate, but it is also better than the moderate. It can attack and defend, and can deal with almost any situation.

The second form of the unicorn [Kirin Ascension to the Sky] is a movement technique, supplemented by a turbulent vortex, which can form a suction force and pull the enemy over. Hang directly!

But few people know that this [Kirin Ascension to the Sky] has another function, that is, it is used to undertake the third form of the Kirin [Kirin Step].

Every step of the [Kirin Ascension to the Sky], while moving at a high speed, is actually accumulating power, and the [World-shaking Kirin Step] is the explosion after the power is charged!

In the void that had just suffered a devastating blow, the insect king's body was fragmented, his hands and feet were lost, and only a fragment of the body was left, which was attached to the **** head that was barely hanging around his neck.

"This time, no one will cover you."

Looking at the insect king, Zhong Mo, who has been taciturn since entering the venue until now, rarely speaks out.

Of course, he also knew that the Insect King should not understand what he was saying. The clock was silent, and it was nothing more than a sigh of relief.

As the heir of the Yanhuang Empire, since he obtained the inheritance, he has been a sparring martial artist for Zhong Mo since he was a child.

Under this premise, all the powerhouses, even the top powerhouses, Zhong Mo has a lot of knowledge.

But even so, Zhong Mo had to admit the power of the Insect King. If there was no previous consumption, the two sides would be in a one-on-one situation. The result is really hard to say.

And it is precisely because of this, for the sake of the overall situation, Zhong Mo will never let the Insect King leave alive!

Almost at the same time as the line of sight and the worm king, a series of swords of the void completely divided the worm king.

But maybe it was because he was worried that the death of the other party was not thorough enough. After the Sword of Void was divided, Zhong Mo slammed it out with a backhand, which made it also a top martial arts "Vajra Palm of Great Compassion".

The palm strength of "Great Compassion King Kong Palm" is known for its ferocity. When a palm strikes, it has already been divided by the sword of the void, and the defense of the insect king's remnant body has been completely disintegrated, how can it be parried?

On the spot, Zhong Mo slammed it into a cloud of blood.

A generation of top powerhouses, the Insect King is constantly pursuing stronger opponents and stronger battles. Now he died in the hands of Qilin Wudi Zhong Mo, who was also a top powerhouse.

After dispelling the blood mist, Zhong Mo, who didn't know that there was already a big mess in the back, didn't dare to stay for a moment, hurriedly unfolded his movements, and planned to return to the front line of their Yanhuang Empire as quickly as possible. position.

Although Zhong Mo's strength is strong, but after experiencing several high-intensity fights, he is now using three Kirin styles one after another, and he is obviously approaching his limit.

But now that people are on the battlefield, he can't just fall down like this.

Putting two vitality-boosting qi pills into his mouth, Zhong Mo turned into a stream of light, and soon disappeared at the end of the void.

On the way back, Zhong Mo had actually noticed the situation on the side of the coalition forces on the battlefield, but he was approaching the limit, so he didn't have time to think about it, and he didn't have the energy to take care of it. He took a sigh of relief and returned directly to them. The Yanhuang Empire is in the front line.

Zhong Mo came back very fast, because the speed was so fast, in the eyes of ordinary soldiers, they seemed to appear out of thin air.

With the release of the unicorn formation and the real body of the Martial God, even if he is as strong as Zhong Mo, he must obediently endure the weak backlash.

However, as the Lord of Yan Huang, how could he show weakness in front of countless soldiers? That will only shake the hearts of the army.

After all, in the eyes of Yan Huang's soldiers, Emperor Qilin is the symbol of "invincibility"!

Not to mention, on the way back, Zhong Mo had vaguely noticed that something might have happened to the coalition forces.

Under this premise, their Yan Huang army is also likely to be involved.

Your own existence is more important.

To put it simply, as long as he sits in the army, even if the earth shakes outside, he can stabilize Yan Huang's army!

At this moment, the two vitality-boosting and qi-boosting pills that had been stuffed into the mouth had played a role.

During the period, the personal soldiers who had been in the camp for a long time undoubtedly understood Zhong Mo's thoughts instantly, so they hurried forward to **** Zhong Mo into the camp to rest.

It wasn't until there was no one else around, Zhong Mo breathed a sigh of relief that he was completely relieved.

The personal soldiers who followed on both sides of the whole process were undoubtedly mentally prepared for a long time. They hurriedly moved from left to right, and supported Zhong Mo to sit down cross-legged.

During this period, Zhong Mo stuffed two more vitality-boosting qi pills into his mouth, and then started to run the exercises to adjust his breath.

Both the Xu family and the Zhao family have exercises to ease this negative state, so how could they not have the royal family of the Yanhuang Empire?

After running a few laps of the exercise, supplemented by the medicinal power of Peiyuan Qi Dan, Zhong Moyi's overall condition has improved a lot. Although he is still weak, at least he will not even stand unsteadily.

After Zhong Mo opened his eyes, he soon found that there were many personal soldiers waiting in front of him.

No need to talk nonsense, between eyes, two personal soldiers stepped forward quickly, Zhong Mo grabbed one with one hand, and the next second, Zhong Mo's exercise started, and the two personal soldiers suddenly showed pain.

Fortunately, the pain didn't last long. With Zhong Mo's hands loosening, the two personal soldiers collapsed to the ground with pale faces, and were then helped aside by the other two personal soldiers waiting on both sides.

After that, the other two personal soldiers who were waiting beside them quickly stepped forward.

Then, the previous scene was staged again!

Although this whole scene is a little weird, what Zhong Mo is performing at this moment is not some evil cultivation technique, but a top-level divine art that the royal family of the Yanhuang Empire has not passed on, "Northern Underworld Divine Art"!

After practicing this divine art, every acupuncture point of the whole body can absorb the gong power and use it for one's own use.

It is only a relatively domineering exercise in itself, but later, Zhong Mo's ancestors discovered in an accident that in the weak state caused by the unparalleled state and the real body of Wushen, if you use "Northern Ming Shengong" to absorb people's skills, It can greatly speed up the recovery of your own Astral Qi.

With the recovery of their Astral Qi, their physical condition will get better and better, and the impact of their weak state on them will become less and less.

Basically, as long as you absorb enough energy, you can even get out of the weak state directly.

Of course, this cost will be very high.

Because for Zhong Mo, who is a peak powerhouse, even if he is a martial artist at the level of a thousand military, the opponent's skill is only a drop in the ocean in Zhong Mo's view, and he can practice Those who have reached the Thousand Military Realm are already very few in their aptitude.

However, if he wants to completely get rid of weakness, hundreds of thousands of warriors are piled up in front of Zhong Mo's eyes, and it may not be enough for him to absorb his skills.

Under this premise, the person who is sucked out of the skill will go backwards in the martial arts realm, and if Zhong Mo directly drains his skill, the opponent will even fall all the way to the forging state.

At the same time, due to the reason that "Northern Ming Art" is too domineering, in this process, it will also damage the opponent's meridians.

The person who has been sucked out of the power, unless there is some kind of treasure to help him repair and recuperate, or else, the power that has been sucked wants to be fully practiced...

None so far.


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