The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4764: , Summit Dialogue (5)

Chapter 4765 Summit Dialogue (5)


Ten minutes passed by quietly, with various comforts and Ivan's self-regulation, he managed to suppress his emotions for the time being.


"It's me who lost my temper."


"It's okay, the meeting will continue now."


While speaking, Mia raised her hand and made a 'please' gesture towards Pompeii Rand, signaling Pompeii Rand to continue speaking.


After all, in this incident, the information that the Elf Kingdom can provide has basically been provided before. The incident happened in the Imperial Palace of the Black Iron Empire. Naturally, the main information came from the Black Iron Empire.


"The guards of the palace rushed into the interior. At that time, my father was in very bad condition and fell to the ground. There were two corpses not far away. After confirmation, it was basically determined that the two corpses were the Elf King Jason Rust and his deputy guards. Sir Gerald."


"Besides that, isn't there anyone else in the room?"


Listening to Pompeii Rand's description, Mia asked a question at the right time.




Faced with this question, Pompeii Rand gave an affirmative answer, and while speaking, he directly maximized the indoor image so that Mia and Ivan could see it clearly.


Although Ivan may not want to watch it, in this link, he also has to prove the innocence of their Dark Iron Empire.


After all, this happened in the palace of their Dark Iron Empire. All the Elf King and Elf Guards died. In other words, the only people who could provide testimony were their own people in the Dark Iron Empire.


In this case, if you are not careful, you will be beaten down by the other party, saying that they secretly changed the scene of the crime.


In fact, the question from Secretary Mia just now had a bit of that meaning.


Although it is true that he is providing information now, but obviously, the other party does not believe what he says.


Taking this into account, Pompeii Rand directly enlarged the image and told everyone clearly that in terms of time, it was basically impossible for them to process the scene in such a short period of time.


Not to mention the comparison of the impact from the images captured by the guards' tactical equipment to the subsequent forensic shooting, it can be confirmed that the crime scene he presented at this time has never been dealt with.


At the same time, according to the time display, there is no vacuum period in between.


In response to this, Pompeii Rand's confession basically made sense. After Mia nodded, she motioned for the other party to continue.


"After my father's mood stabilized a little, we went to confirm the situation at that time. According to my father's dictation, the elf king cooperated with his deputy bodyguard to assassinate him, but he was used by his self-defense blaster gun. After killing him, he pressed the emergency button and issued an encirclement order for the elf mission."


Following these words, Ivan on the other side thumped the table obviously and said something emotionally there. However, due to the ban, his voice did not pass smoothly. .


And in order for the meeting to proceed smoothly, at this point in time, Mia obviously didn't intend to relieve Ivan's experience, so Ivan should vent first and then calm down.


During this process, Mia, who was the host of the meeting, did not stop, so Pompeii Rand continued to talk...


"After resting for about half an hour, my father, in the name of Emperor Hei Tie, held an emergency press conference. This matter was not discussed with us in advance. , we are not mentally prepared.”


Speaking of which, Pompeii Rand paused, as if to justify his father, so he added another sentence.


"My royal father should have been frightened, and he made these drastic actions after being frightened and furious."

Faced with these remarks, of course, as the host Mia, it is impossible for him to fan the flames. He can only give understanding so that he can continue talking.


After skipping his father's remarks from the ministers after the press conference, he was furious on the spot and wanted to execute the ministers. Pompeii Rand directly said that he sent his father after the press conference. Returning to the bedroom, and then comforting the other party's emotions, let the other party sleep and rest.


Although according to Pompeii Rand's temperament, he is not afraid of shadows, but his father has passed away now, and he really does not want to add such a stain to his father's life.


"Prince Pompeii, besides you, did His Majesty the Emperor of your country meet anyone before his death?"


"Aio, my brother, he is studying at the Capital Royal Academy, he should have heard the news here, so he rushed back. After I left, the father met with Ai, and it was also Ai who sent him the last A ride."


"Does the Prince of Pompeii have anything to add?"


"temporarily unavailable."


As for Io, his father told him to destroy the elven kingdom before he died. At this time, Pompeii Rand also chose to hide it, so as not to intensify contradictions in this sensitive period.


So far, as the next Dark Iron Emperor who is about to succeed the throne, Pompeii Rand's entire performance has been quite calm, and his teacher will undoubtedly be satisfied with this.


After confirming Pompeii Rand this time, Mia's eyes finally turned to Ivan.


At this moment, Ivan's mood has calmed down again.


The next step is undoubtedly to enter the free statement time on both sides.


When Mia lifted the ban and asked him to speak, Ivan had already sorted out his thoughts.


"I doubt that the Dark Iron Emperor used the self-defense blaster to shoot my father and the deputy chief of guard Gerald!"


Ivan, who said this, took a deep breath, as if forcibly controlling his emotions and forcing himself to remain calm.


"Although my father is not good at force, from the point of view of his physical condition, compared to the Emperor Hei Iron, there is no doubt that my father's physical condition is better. Does the other party admit this?"


In this wave, Ivan, who has been holding back until now, is obviously aggressive, and facing this problem, Pompeii Rand can only nod and admit it. After all, this is completely visible to the naked eye. He couldn't deny it.


After confirming this, Ivan spoke again...


"On the premise that his physical condition is better than that of the Dark Iron Emperor, my father, as an elf king, has a variety of elemental equipment for self-defense."


"With all due respect, under normal circumstances, even if a heavily armed force attacked my father, with the elemental equipment on his body, my father would be invincible in a short period of time, and at that time, Enough for my father to contact the troops for support. To say that Emperor Hei Tie could kill my father in a short period of time with just a small blaster for self-defense, it sounds like a joke to me! There is also the existence of Deputy Guard Chief Gerald!"


"Combining the above arguments, there is only one way to achieve the effect you mentioned, and that is to make a surprise attack. Before my father can react, he killed him with a surprise attack!"


Ivan's analysis was actually on point, but at the same time it also made Pompeii Rand feel a little unhappy and annoyed, because the other party's remarks completely pointed the finger at his father, Barry Rand. !


"You mean my father lied?"


"Is not it?!"


(End of this chapter)


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