The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4750: , heartbroken

"Father, it's too risky for you to do this!"

Inside the Elf King's Castle, the door of the government office was pushed open, and the second prince Ivan Rust walked in quickly and anxiously.

Looking at Ivan Last's appearance, Jason Last, the elf king who was flipping the virtual screen in front of him with a pair of reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, couldn't help shaking his head...

"Ivan, you're not too young, why are you so frizzy?"

"I'll pay attention next time, this is not the point!"

Ivan Last walked all the way to Jason Last's desk, holding the table with both hands, looking at his father in disbelief.

"In this situation, it's too dangerous for you to dispatch the Dark Iron Empire yourself."

"Ivan, do you think the frontline army of the Dark Iron Empire has really 'betrayed'?"

"No! Of course not!"

Faced with this question from his father, Ivan Last answered quickly.

Over the years, his father often asked him various questions, which made Ivan Rust almost form an instinct. Even in the case of anxiety, he would be the first to ask his father's questions. Time to give your own answers and thoughts.

"Although we have established diplomatic relations with the Dark Iron Empire for a short period of time, it is not difficult to see during this short time together that they are unlikely to make a 'betrayal' thing."

Speaking of which, Ivan Rust glanced at his father.

The father didn't speak. He knew that the father was waiting for his next sentence.

He exhaled a long breath, and while adjusting his emotions, Ivan Rust, who had also sorted out his thoughts for the time being, spoke up again...

"Of course, what's more important is that they have no reason to 'mutate'. What good is mutiny for them? This approach is too stupid! The dwarves are indeed bold and rough, but they are not stupid, and those who take the opportunity to make trouble's clear that I'm not at ease."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Jason Rust's mouth.

Obviously, he was very satisfied with Ivan's answer.

Under the guidance of the powerful public opinion of the universe network, Ivan still maintains a clear mind and his ability to think independently.

"Look, you also said that the Black Iron Empire has no reason to 'betray' at all. The major powers in this universe are basically aware of this matter in their hearts, and this matter will be found out sooner or later. At this time The one who dances the most is nothing more than a group of clowns jumping on the beam."

While speaking, Jason Rust put aside the virtual interface in front of him, and focused more on talking to his son.

"This incident may cost the Black Iron Empire a lot, but they are a powerful country at the level of hegemony in the universe, with a profound background, and the dwarves, like us, are a long-lived race, so their regime should be more stable and lasting. , this price can only affect them for a while, but it can't shake their foundation. At most... in a few decades, they will completely restore the strength of their overlord-level powers. This time is not long for us long-lived races. ."

"So from this point of view, as neighbors, we have been getting along well with the Dark Iron Empire over the years, and the living environment of each other's citizens has become better. In fact, we hope that the Dark Iron Empire will continue to be so good, and even change. Better, this will be beneficial to our elven kingdom."

Speaking of which, Jason Rust paused slightly.

"Ivan, you have to know that the real friend is the one who gives help in the snow. This statement will indeed make our Elven Kingdom bear some pressure from public opinion, but this pressure can't do anything to us, and the Black Iron Empire is just right now. It is a time of crisis, and at the same time the old emperor is about to abdicate. The situation at this time will bring more pressure to the new emperor who succeeds the throne. If we can lend a helping hand, the relationship between our two countries will definitely be closer. At least During the hundreds of years of the new emperor's reign, the other party will not forget our kindness."

Jason Rust's words are very clear, and the flexible-minded Ivan Last, there is no situation that he can't understand.

But he still couldn't agree with his father's decision.

"Father, I understand what you think, and I also agree to help the Dark Iron Empire in exchange for a closer relationship between our two countries, but in this special period, you don't need to go to this kind of thing yourself!"

"It is precisely because of this special period that I can magnify this kindness by going there in person. Moreover, I have already said what I have said. As the elf king, I cannot break my promise."

As for his father's point of view, Ivan Last was basically unable to refute, because this approach was not inherently problematic.

Ivan Last objected because he didn't want his father to take this risk.

Although he didn't think the Dark Iron Empire would betray, the situation was very chaotic after all.

"Then, you can declare to the public that you are not in good health, and I will send you to the Dark Iron Empire on your behalf. I am also a prince, isn't that sincerity enough?"

Ivan Last felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said, but he didn't expect his father to reject it outright.

"No no no, Ivan, it is because you are the prince of this country that you cannot go."

"Why, why?"

Ivan Rust's mind was a little bit overwhelmed at this time.

"Because you are the future of a country, Ivan."


Jason Rust's words made Ivan's expression startled. For a moment, he didn't know how to deal with it.

Before he could think of how to deal with it, Jason Rust's voice sounded again.

"Okay, Ivan, I still have a lot of things to deal with and prepare for before I go to the Dark Iron Empire. At the same time, if I remember correctly, I also arranged a lot of work for you, but I don't have time for you to be here. waste."

While speaking, Jason Rust couldn't help but order the elf attendant beside him to send him out of the castle.

During the period, looking at Ivan's back, Jason Rust showed a bit of sigh in his eyes.

In fact, this time, he personally sent the Dark Iron Empire for another purpose. He didn't tell Ivan That is, he would take this opportunity to appoint Ivan as the Minister of State Supervision. During the Iron Empire, it took full charge of internal government affairs.

As an elf king, he is not young anymore. Naturally, he should make some choices about his heir, so that it is more convenient to cultivate him.

Over the years, Jason Rust has thought a lot.

Although I feel sorry for Ajer, considering the development of the Elf Kingdom, Ivan is undoubtedly a more suitable successor.

However, among their elves, according to tradition, the eldest son has the priority of inheritance.

Although Ivan's performance over the years has earned him the support of many new generations, he still cannot change the fact that most elf families, ministers, and even elders in the country are still more inclined to support the eldest prince Ajer. .

Under this premise, he wants to give Ivan more opportunities to perform so that he can get more support.

And the best way to do this is to let Ivan temporarily take charge of government affairs.

But the problem is that if he does this, he will inevitably attract opposition from all sides.

But if he wants to send an envoy to the Dark Iron Empire, the situation will be different.

He, the elf king, is not in the country, nor is the eldest prince Ajel in the country. In this case, Ivan, the second-in-line heir to the elf kingdom, sits in the position of 'supervising the country' and temporarily manages government affairs. A logical thing to do.

Even Jason Rust made up his mind. After he came back, he said that he was tired from the journey and would rest for a while, so that Ivan could continue to supervise the country.

This old father is also heartbroken for his young son...

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