Under the pressure, Zhao Hao with blood-stained mouth clenched his teeth and made a bold move. As soon as he made a move, it was a powerful combination of [Dragon Snake Yanwu].

The attack of [Dragon Snake Yanwu] was not the first time the Insect King had faced. Even in the previous confrontation, Zhao Hao's [Dragon Snake Yanwu] had basically been unable to help the Insect King.

Now facing each other again, facing Zhao Hao's [Dragon Snake Yanwu], the move is still the same move, but the insect king is no longer the insect king at that time.

The increase in strength made the Insect King, who faced Zhao Hao's ultimate move, have a new idea in his mind.

Facing the incarnation of the dragon and snake swept in with terrifying power, I saw the insect king quickly make a simple charging action. The arm suddenly made a forward punching motion.

In an instant, there was a strange spasm in the insect king's right arm, and then, the carapace of the right arm expanded rapidly, and under the carapace, there seemed to be a fierce living creature twisting wildly there.

The more and more violent twisting amplitude, so that the insect king's originally well-covered right arm carapace could no longer fully wrap it, and it was quickly stretched, accompanied by sticky mucus, a piece of worm-like thing, from The insect king flew out of his right arm.

While the worms flew out at an astonishing speed, they quickly intertwined together, forming an extremely ferocious and strange limb full of alien aura.

The weird limb was based on the insect king's right arm, and while it kept flying out, it swelled wildly.

In the blink of an eye, its scale was not inferior to the incarnation of the dragon and snake that swept in.

In this case, let alone Zhao Hao, even the Insect King, who was the initiator, was a little surprised.

To be honest, after completing the evolution, how much has changed in himself, in fact, even the insect king himself is not particularly clear.

The reason why he made such a move just now was purely influenced by his own instinctive reaction.

At that moment, his instinctive reaction made him feel like he could do something.

In order to have a full understanding of the evolved self, the insect king completely followed his own instincts.

In the end, even the Insect King himself was surprised by what he did.

As the thoughts flew around, the strange limbs intertwined with a large number of tentacles were already fighting with the dragon and snake incarnations that swept up.

In an instant, the surrounding space was shattered inch by inch, and in a blink of an eye, not an inch of void was intact in the surrounding area.

In this process, after several fights, the dragon and snake incarnation, which should have the advantage of two to one, fell into a clear disadvantage.

In the end, it was completely strangled by the strange limb that the insect king extended from his right arm!

[Dragon Snake Yanwu] was forcibly broken by the Insect King. Zhao Hao, who was the caster, was immediately backlashed. With a mouthful of blood spitting out, the blood on Zhao Hao's face instantly went seven points.

During this period, the offensive of the insect king's strange limbs continued for a moment, just like a poisonous dragon coming out of a hole, attacking directly towards Zhao Hao.

This limb looks like a living thing, as if it has independent consciousness, but in fact it is completely controlled by the will of the insect king and his fighting instinct.

And it is precisely because of this that the existence of this strange limb is even more terrifying.

With the speed of thunder, he fell, and Zhao Hao suddenly felt a shocking force swept from the tentacles.

After penetrating the layers of defenses of his Shang Shan Ruo Shui and "Vajra Indestructible Magic", he directly crushed him.

At that moment, Zhao Hao's battle armor, cast by the top craftsmen of the Yanhuang Empire, was immediately crushed to pieces by this force. The violent force impact, coupled with the backlash of the previous moves, almost made Zhao Hao smashed into pieces. Hao lost consciousness on the spot.

However, at the juncture of life and death, Zhao Hao still held his breath, and at the moment when the tentacle penetrated the defense and hit him, he directly controlled the avatar of Xuanwu and bit it tightly!

Faced with this situation, the first reaction of the Insect King was to break free.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a suppressing force suddenly swept towards him from all directions.

For the Insect King, this repressive force is obviously not strong enough to completely immobilize him.

But the sudden attack did indeed interrupt his movements, and to a certain extent, restrained his next movements, and put him in the void.

"It's now!"

Seizing the opportunity, Zhao Hao, who was already injured, broke out in the previous attack and defense.

With the additional suppression of Donkey Kong Lion's Roar, in an instant, the lore shot!

[Xuanwu, shocking change! ! ! 】

Compared with the power that the insect king had continuously accumulated in the previous battle, this time, in terms of the 'total amount' alone, it was obviously not as good as before.

But the attack of the insect king just now brought Zhao Hao a 'surprise' while causing serious injury to Zhao Hao, adding another fire to his [Xuanwu Heavenly Change]!

Zhao Hao actually wanted to wait, but the reality was that he couldn't wait any longer.

The attack strength of the Insect King was far greater than before, and he didn't know how many moves he could block. Maybe the next move might take his life.

At the same time, he didn't know whether such an opportunity would come again.

So he decided to gamble on it.

Zhao Hao didn't think his attack could kill the insect king, he just wanted to inflict heavy damage on him.

After the heavy damage, the key to victory and defeat, he pressed on the X-level warriors of the mechanical race who cooperated with him!

At this moment, at both ends of the void with the insect king as the center, two fully-armed X-level warriors of the mechanical race are each carrying a larger gravity generator than their 15-meter-high body, outputting power Fully open, in this void environment, the action of the insect king is restricted by gravity waves.

In order to effectively suppress the insect king, the two X-level warriors of the mechanical family were obviously specially equipped with equipment that was completely beyond the level of their individual soldiers of the mechanical family.

In fact, even so, it would be unrealistic to completely suppress the Insect King.

Fortunately, it doesn't need to be completely suppressed. For Zhao Hao, it only needs to be suppressed for a moment.

That is, at this moment, the [Xuanwu Shocking Change] that erupted completely engulfed the Insect King on the spot!

The energy storm that can be called destroying the sky and destroying the earth is raging wildly in this void.

Under this circumstance, even with the detection equipment of the X-level warriors of the mechanical family, there is no way to effectively detect the situation in the energy storm~www.readwn.com~ At this moment, in the energy storm, suddenly There was a violent tumbling.

In the next instant, the insect king burst out of it directly, attacking one of the X-rank warriors at an astonishing speed.

The two X-rank fighters who showed up at this time were clearly typical heavy equipment, and they did not have any advantages in speed and flexibility.

Once locked by the insect king, there is no way out at all.

A face to face, the insect king pierced through the force field shield and smashed the thick outer armor. Just when the insect king was going to completely pierce it in one breath, the huge X-class was called. Soldiers, unexpectedly disintegrated!

At the same time as a large number of armors were detached, a part of the body center showed a liquid nano-armor, which quickly covered the surface of the insect king's body, and formed a magnetic field traction with the external armor that had been detached before, and sucked all those armors back, on the spot. An armored cage was formed, and the insect king was imprisoned at the very core!


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