With the large-scale retreat of the coalition forces, the Void Zerg may want to pursue it immediately, but it will take some time, and it is impossible to catch up immediately in a short period of time.

This allowed the coalition forces to gain some breathing time.

For the coalition forces now, the most urgent thing is not to rectify their respective units, but to quickly find out what happened!

While giving an explanation to each member of the coalition, it is also an attempt to unite the coalition again.

Otherwise, in the face of the huge Zerg army, they will be completely powerless to parry.

To do this, they need to convene representatives of various forces for a meeting.

All the problems in this world, if you don't even talk about it, there is basically no way to solve it.

Under this premise, in order to facilitate this conversation more smoothly, Delke undoubtedly first contacted the commander-in-chief of some of the forces in private, and first made a simple statement about their attitude at this time. confirm.

In order to show sincerity, Delk hopes that representatives of all forces can come to the meeting site and talk face-to-face, but the reality is that the representatives who come to the scene, plus Delke himself, only have the Quartet forces.

They are the Ye's Chamber of Commerce represented by Delke, the Yanhuang Empire represented by Zhao Hao, the Machine Race represented by No. 4327, and the Far Eastern Federal State represented by Zhou Yi.

When he arrived at the conference site, looking at the empty seats in front of the conference table, Zhou Yi was mentally prepared for the time being.

After all, who can guarantee that there will be no enemies on the scene?

If there are enemies, at that time, who can ensure the safety of their lives?

As mentioned earlier, the trust relationship within the coalition has been destroyed because of what happened before.

From a rational point of view and their own standpoint, it is also natural to avoid showing up in person and reduce the chance of risk.

Even Zhou Yi's thoughts were like this.

But judging from the results, Zhou Yi made it clear that he did not obey his own reason.

He had to admit that he was indeed moved by the previous rescue from Delk and the Machine Race, and this time his choice was the result of his 'emotional' under pressure.

The representatives of other forces refused to come in person, and there was no way, but Delke convinced them to participate in this meeting by remote projection.

In general, it is always a good thing that everyone is willing to participate in the meeting, which shows that everyone still has the willingness to talk.

As long as you don't directly refuse to communicate, there is still room for change in this matter.

A minute or two before the official start of the meeting, in front of the conference table, on the seats representing the various forces, projections began to appear one after another.

Of course, it also includes General Lai Yin and representatives of other forces from the 'Fourth Universe Strategic Alliance'.

Although General Laiyin and the others had already received the news in advance that it was the troops of the Mechanic who rescued the troops of the Far Eastern Federal State at the last moment, but when he saw Zhou Yizhi sitting there with his own eyes, he was still in control. There was a sudden burst of violent mood swings.

Leaving aside other forces, Zhou Yi, who is sitting on the scene, will inevitably become the focus of attention of representatives of various forces in the 'Fourth Universe Strategic Alliance'.

Probably feeling the sight that fell on him, Zhou Yi subconsciously looked towards the representatives of the 'Fourth Universe Strategic Alliance'.

After meeting his gaze, he was probably ashamed, and the expressions on the faces of the other representatives were obviously embarrassed.

In comparison, General Lai Yin was quite calm.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did at the time, he really tried his best, and he had a clear conscience.

And now, to confirm that Zhou Yi is still alive, he is also sincerely happy.

Now I noticed that Zhou Yi looked over, and after the two sides met each other, they both behaved very calmly, and they nodded slightly at each other in a tacit understanding, which was considered a greeting.

Then, without waiting for them to think about it, the scene was accompanied by the appearance of a virtual image, and the conference room was completely fried!

"Adolf! You still have a face?!"

"Why did the traitor of the Dark Iron Empire appear at this meeting?!"

"I've never heard that traitors can participate in this meeting!"

"They should be arrested immediately!"

"What they did this time, even if they die, they can't pay for it!!"

At that moment, the generals of one of the forces in the coalition, with a filial attitude, pointed the finger at the virtual image that had just appeared.

It is the commander-in-chief of the Dark Iron Empire, Dominique Adolph!

Because of the previous events, the Black Iron Empire was undoubtedly pushed to the forefront.

After someone made a head, representatives of many forces also disregarded their image and scolded them.

Faced with this situation, Dominique Adolph could only endure it silently.

Delke, who saw this scene in his eyes, was looking for a chance to control the situation, and he looked at Dominique Adolph who was silent the whole time, and his mood was also complicated.

When contacting him, he actually mentioned that asking Dominique Adolph to come over in person would show some sincerity and add some credibility to some of his next words.

But the suspicion that spread within the coalition forces complicates the whole thing.

To put it simply, at this point, even with a temperament like Dominique Adolph, he has not dared to show himself easily.

In fact, he was able to use remote projection to participate in this meeting, and he had already summoned great courage.

Because of the scene in front of him, he didn't have to guess at all.

As long as he shows up, he will be 100% insulted and besieged by various forces!

According to the intelligence on Delke's side, at this moment, the most scolded ones are basically the ones who suffered heavy losses in the previous attack of the nuclear artillery.

One of the worst forces, UU reading www. uukanshu. com The troops who participated in the battle on the front line at that time were basically wiped out by the ground nuclear cannon, and no one in the entire army was spared!

Under normal circumstances, no matter how powerful the nuclear artillery is, it is impossible to do this.

Because once the Starfleet formation is spread out, in order to avoid mutual interference and ensure the flexibility of its own actions, the interval between warships and warships is still quite far.

But the situation was special at that time. They assembled troops on the periphery of the planet to lure the insect tide to move closer to the planet, so that the nuclear cannon would directly destroy the insect tide, so the formation was very dense.

Who would have thought that in the end this devastating blow would fall on their own heads? !


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