The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4700: , predictive analysis

There is no need to say more about predicting how defiant this ability is.

On the premise that the other party does have the ability to predict, if the other party can predict the future at will, the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light will not develop so badly.

After all, you can easily eliminate some wrong policies through predictive means.

Although that 'god' doesn't seem to be interested in government affairs, he doesn't let his country develop indiscriminately just because he is not interested, right?

From this point, they can at least confirm that even if the 'God' has the ability to predict, it definitely doesn't mean that predict can predict.

This ability is bound to be accompanied by huge limitations.

In terms of 'restrictions', all Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan could think of were these directions.

The first is the consumption limit.

Using this ability requires a huge consumption, and this consumption, even that 'God' cannot easily bear.

So every time you use the predictive ability, the other party has to think twice.

Only when it is most necessary will he activate this ability to predict the future.

The second limitation is the limitation of preconditions.

If the other party wants to activate the predictive ability, it is very likely that certain preconditions must be met.

Under this premise, this precondition is relatively harsh, so it cannot be used at will.

Of course, based on these two restrictions, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan came up with another conjecture.

That is the prediction of the other party, which is completely random.

It's like a 'predictive dream'.

Many people should have precognitive dreams, but who can control what they dream about?

Moreover, before the things in the dream happen in reality and make you feel familiar, who can know that it is actually a precognition dream?

Under the careful analysis of the two, they felt that this general direction was basically correct.

However, this issue continues to be entangled, and it is obviously inexhaustible.

In any case, that 'god' has already recognized the legitimacy of all previous actions of the military faction. In this way, following the revolution initiated by the military faction and rising together in the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light, their status and interests should be It can also be guaranteed to a certain extent.

It's a big deal, they really can start their careers in the Holy See Kingdom with peace of mind!

In general, the problem is still not big, mainly because they have no suitable way to deal with this kind of bug-like means, so they can only take a step by step.

Putting this question aside for the time being, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan did not forget to pay attention to what the mysterious Miyamoto Shingen was doing during this time.

The results were pretty bland.

From the moment they arrived in their territory, what the other party has done can basically be summed up in four words.

That is 'eat, drink and have fun'.

Recently, the other party has completely lingered in the various taverns and chess and card rooms under their rule.

Although prices have risen due to the war, Miyamoto Shingen's expenses are basically recorded on Luo Ji's account, so it is not bad money.

As for the language issue...

On the way back, Miyamoto Shingen had already learned some basic life terms from Li Ke.

Gu Feng

And in the process of lingering in various taverns and chess and card rooms, those words became more and more slippery.

It can only be said that if you want to master a foreign language, the language environment is really important.

At the same time, sufficient driving force is required.

For example, the driving force that drives Miyamoto Shingen to master this foreign language, at present, is to be able to drink and play cards better...

Regardless of this 'old man' who is going further and further on the road of eating, drinking, and having fun, due to the fact that the war between the Holy See Nation of Holy Light and the Zerg continues on the front line, there are still quite a few troubles that Luo Ji needs to deal with recently.

During this process, Luo Ji, as the 'Minister of Logistics and Supply', could undoubtedly inquire about the latest battle situation on the front line in an open and honest manner.

After all, he is providing military supplies.

If this battle continues, he will have to provide supplies all the time. It is really important to him when this battle is over.

And in this Holy Light Holy See, Luo Ji was definitely not the only one who hoped that this battle would be over soon.

Not to mention, just say Henry Bohr, who also hoped that the war would end soon.

He originally thought that when the war broke out, the most difficult life would be Luo Ji, the 'Minister of Logistics and Supply'.

In the end, who would have thought that his life would be worse than Luo Ji's!

"My lord! Scarlett, can you give me a little more supplies?!"

No, as soon as they met, Henry Bol began to vomit bitterness to Luo Ji.

In response to this, Luo Ji just spread out his hands helplessly, expressing that he was also poor.

"Well, Henry, you know I'm not having a good time."

But in the face of Luo Ji crying poor, Henry Boer, who has always been calm and reserved, was unceremoniously speaking at Luo Ji at this time...

"Fuck! It's hard for you to have a hard time with me? If I continue on here, I feel that the wingmen under my rule are about to start demonstrations!"

Faced with these remarks, Luo Ji unceremoniously rolled his eyes at him.

"Henry, do you believe me? Control the distribution of resources a little. How many people are there in the winged talents under your rule? How many people are there in the human race under my rule? I still have to provide military supplies for the front line, where are there more supplies now? Can I give it to you?"

Every sentence of Luo Ji's rebuttal reached the point, making Henry Boer unable to resist for a while.

During this process, Luo Ji even expressed his victorious pursuit...

"Furthermore, my lord has already woken up from his deep sleep, what else could be wrong?"

Although Luo Ji had no faith at all, let alone "gods", but when you go to the countryside and do business on other people's soil, you have to respect their traditions.

Therefore, in daily conversations, UU Reading Luo Ji will also use words such as 'My Lord' very frequently, and even his entire tone of speech, with his vivid devotion attitude, seems to be a Just like a devout winged man.

If, in the face of Luo Ji's previous rebuttal, Henry Bolt still wanted to struggle, then as soon as this sentence came out, Henry Boler completely lost the ability to struggle.

After all, even the 'My Lord' has moved out. Could Henry Bol still doubt its dominance?

Even if not even the 'belief' has been shaken.

After that, Luo Ji undoubtedly learned about the latest first-hand battle report from Henry Bol.

At this stage, the winged army has recaptured part of the occupied territory. Although the Zerg has not been defeated, in order to avoid its edge, now it can only choose to retreat steadily and find another opportunity.

Three months after this, a heavyweight news came from the Holy City of the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light.

That is their 'God', set off again, ready to go to the front!

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