The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4698: , the impact of war

The result is already there. Continuing to struggle with that problem will only make them fall into endless troubles, and they will get deeper and deeper.

At a critical moment, Ye Qingxuan showed the decisiveness that a leader should have.

The knife fell from the hand, and the knife cut in two directly, and this matter was cut off!

There is no such thing as the best of both worlds in this world.

Therefore, being able to make a decision cleanly is also one of the essential qualities of a leader.

If even you, as a leader, are entangled and uncertain, what should the people under you do?

With this kind of decision, Ye Qingxuan never disappoints.

In the eyes of the subordinates, their eldest lady is always full of self-confidence and clean and neat.

And it is precisely because of this that they trust their eldest lady so much.

While continuing to focus on the Holy See Nation of Holy Light and earnestly engaging in business, the preparations that need to be done on the spaceship side are actually simple.

In other words, hoarding supplies.

In addition, the most is to let Xu Ji and Cyrelia do some exploration work within the controllable range when they have nothing to do to broaden their horizons.

During this period, on the frontline battlefield, the war between the Wingmen and the Zerg will undoubtedly continue.

This made Luo Ji, the Minister of Logistics and Supply, have to continue to transport supplies to the front line.

This caused the economic situation of the territory under Luo Ji's rule to show obvious tension.

Although Luo Ji himself, in response to a series of problems that came up in the follow-up feedback, he still handled it in an orderly manner and with ease.

But this obviously does not change the reality that their economic development rate has dropped significantly.

Of course, in general, the impact at this stage is mainly concentrated on development and construction.

To give a simple example, originally according to Luo Ji's development plan, he wanted to rectify the buildings and streets in the human city on a large scale, re-plan the urban blueprint, and even carry out large-scale scientific and technological construction in the urban area, so that some science and technology are used for civilian use. change.

But now he has absolutely no money to do it.

Because the money for development funds mainly comes from the taxation of the people.

But now these taxes have all turned into military expenses, and after being converted into materials, they were sent to the frontline battlefield.

This directly caused Luo Ji to have no money to develop.

Under this premise, the human city under Luo Ji's governance did not increase taxes due to the war, nor did it recruit troops from the human population.

In theory, the human inhabitants should not be affected much.

But the answer is not so.

The large-scale procurement of materials has led to the scarcity of many materials in the market.

No matter what, once it is scarce, it will start to rise in price, and even start to cause a general rise in the market.

The general rise in prices will undoubtedly have the most direct impact on people's lives.

Not to mention that at the beginning of the war, in many urban areas under Luo Ji's rule, there was a situation where the people were buying supplies.

This situation will undoubtedly further lead to scarcity of materials and stimulate prices to continue to rise.

Gu Yu

Fortunately, Luo Ji responded in a timely manner, and immediately issued a decree prohibiting ordinary people from hoarding supplies in large quantities. All shopping malls and shops began to sell limited quantities with their ID cards.

In addition, Luo Ji also set a price ceiling for some core materials that sustain people's lives.

There are few things, and when supply exceeds demand, price increases are the norm in the market, and Luo Ji can’t force it.

So after taking a step back, Luo Ji drew a line for all the merchants.

This is equivalent to telling everyone that 'you can raise prices, but the prices must be within a reasonable range, especially for necessities of life. It is not allowed to exceed this line, which will have a serious impact on people's lives'.

Luo Ji's timely response, coupled with the production capacity of the human city itself, although the people's daily life has been affected, but basically, they can still live on.

During the period, officials including Luo Ji, of course, did not forget to show up every once in a while, do a special interview program or something, and give the public a psychological massage.

In fact, to be honest, life in human urban areas is relatively easy.

The real bad thing is the winged city.

Because the wing people had to be conscripted while facing the problem of price and material scarcity.

Taking this as a premise, most of the production work of materials basically falls on human beings.

In this situation, within the star domain under Luo Ji's governance, after deducting the supplies sent to the front line, Luo Ji must give priority to securing the limited supplies in the human city, and can trade them to the Yiren city. Want less.

This has led to the fact that materials are more scarce and prices are higher in Yiren City.

But the high-level side of Yiren will definitely not pursue him for this issue.

Because they all know, the reason for this is because Luo Ji sent most of the supplies to the front line.

When Luo Ji is already the biggest 'sponsor' of their frontline army, what else can they say?

At the same time, it provides sufficient supplies for the front-line army and the residents in the rear. At this stage, no one in the Holy Light Holy See can do this.

Under this premise, how could they force Luo Ji to do it?

Those in power in the military above are all sensible people for the time being, which makes the Holy Light Holy See Kingdom look more harmonious.

Just like that, time flies by...

Anyway, after confirming the identity of the Zerg, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan didn't get involved in the border war at all.

Holy Light Holy See Nation, the hard power is still very strong.

Although the battle rhythm was forcibly disrupted by the Zerg's tactics in the previous battle, UU read www.uukanshu. com is a little bit chaotic.

However, the situation was quickly stabilized in the follow-up. At present, according to the latest feedback, the front-line army has now stabilized the situation again and has the upper hand.

At the same time, as the core of the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, inside the temple deep in the holy city, a huge light cocoon floating in the air gradually faded and dissipated. Under the light cocoon, the six golden wings slowly opened.

I saw that under the six wings, wrapped, was a baby with long golden hair and fair skin.

The temple knight who was guarding outside noticed the movement inside and came to confirm the situation. After seeing the baby flying in the air, he immediately knelt down on one knee and made a pious gesture.

"Welcome the return of my lord!"

Hearing the voice, the baby's bright golden eyes glanced at the temple knight kneeling below, and then, although the voice was immature, it contained an endlessly majestic voice, and it sounded in the house.

"Go, call all the six-winged holy-winged species in the holy city to come and meet."


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