The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4595: , the plan cannot keep up with the changes

As mentioned earlier, cutting off the food of the winged people is actually of little significance to human beings.

Because according to the military strength of the winged people, if they dare to play like this, the other party will immediately send troops, and they will be destroyed in minutes.

Under the premise that the disparity in military power is so large, there is no substantial difference between doing this kind of thing and courting death.

But once both sides become wingmen, the situation will be different...

After all, they have the capital to hold.

Not to mention that one of them is the border army.

No matter how good their bishop is, his status is equivalent to a city lord. Even if he has a defending army for him to dispatch, can the scale be compared with the border army?

However, Henry Bol made it clear that he wanted to take the city more easily, so he came to Luo Ji, and wanted Luo Ji to cooperate with their border army to carry out operations and cut off food for Shangcheng.

After all, if their frontier army really wants to rise up, what they need to face at that time will definitely not only be the defending troops of the city in front of them.

All the cities on this planet, and even the defending troops of many surrounding planets, they have to take it into consideration.

From the opponent's point of view, this move is understandable.

But from Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan's point of view, the other party's wave is a little bit tricky.

Originally, according to Luo Ji's original intention, if you want to fight, just fight, don't bother me, anyway, whoever of you wins, I will hang out with whoever.

Here, there are some points to look at the situation first, and then consider the meaning of standing in line.

And now, Henry Bohr made it clear that he wanted him to stand in line before the frontier army started.

"I don't understand, is it necessary to be in such a hurry?"

Luo Ji's words had multiple meanings. While asking Henry Bohr why he was so eager to let them stand in line, he was also asking the other party why he was so eager to do it.

This is a big plan, don't you need to prepare more? At the same time, let him be more prepared.

Now that he and Ye Qingxuan have taken over the Xiacheng District, although the development and governance have made good progress, in their opinion, this is still in the early stage, and they need to further develop to make themselves better on the Xiacheng District. Take control.

At this juncture, such a move will not only be detrimental to the stability of the Xiacheng District, but will also have a huge impact on the residents of the Xiacheng District, and even shake their rule.

It was impossible for Henry Boer not to understand what Luo Ji meant.

If he could, why wouldn't he want Luo Ji to develop further?

After all, judging from his big plan, the better Luo Ji and the others develop among humans, the more beneficial it will be to his future plans.

But why can't the plan keep up with the changes...

Thinking of this, even Henry Boll's face flashed a hint of helplessness.

However, he didn't plan to hide it from Luo Ji.

Since it is to cooperate, it must show some sincerity.

"There was a war here a few years ago. You should know this information. You said that your spaceship was accidentally caught in the turbulent space and could come to the Holy Light Universe. I guess It is highly probable that the original battle had a severe impact on the surrounding space energy, making it different from other spaces, so you can lock in the anomaly here and get out of trouble."

At Henry Boer's words, Luo Ji nodded silently.

In fact, after learning this information, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan already had similar guesses in their hearts, but does it have anything to do with the current situation?

Probably seeing Luo Ji's doubts, Henry Boll quickly continued...

"But you shouldn't be aware that the battle at the beginning was actually a three-way melee. Our Holy Light Cosmos was one of them, and the other two were humans and a group of ugly-looking strange races similar to insects. We will It's called the Zerg."

The three-way melee was obviously something Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan didn't think of at the beginning.

But even so, this topic didn't arouse much interest in Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan at the beginning, until the phrase "weird race similar to insects" came out of Henry Boer's mouth.

The appearance of this information made Ye Qingxuan's heart beat faster while sitting in the cubicle.

Listening to Henry Boer's statement, that strange race they call the "Zerg", there is no small possibility that it is a Zerg!

This information is really too important to them.

Once it is determined that the other party is indeed a zerg, then it can be proved that the cosmos they are in now still exists in the space plane where they originally lived, then they have a chance to be able to go back!

However, it would be better for them not to reveal this information for the time being.

Henry Bol is too sensitive. If he is not careful, the other party may detect something. The exposure of this intelligence will only continue to increase the unstable factors. Considering the current situation, it may not be a good thing for them.

Ye Qingxuan didn't need to remind him that over the years, Luo Ji's independent thinking ability had improved by leaps and bounds, and with the cooperation of the individual mastermind, it was enough for him to understand the pros and cons in a short period of time.

During this entire process, Luo Ji could sense that Henry Boer was watching him, but the other party wanted to see something from his face, that was really thinking too much.

During the whole process, Luo Ji didn't say anything, and the expression on his face didn't change much.

In this regard, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Henry Ball didn't think much of it either.

'Observing' was just a habitual move, it didn't mean that he thought Luo Ji would react to this information.

"At the beginning, our Holy Light Holy See Nation was at war with a human civilization, and the Zerg suddenly intervened later, and finally formed a melee, but at that time, the Zerg army was not large, just sent by the other party to explore the way, In that case, our Holy See Nation of Holy Light, with its absolute strength, defeated the Zerg Pathfinder troops while destroying human civilization."

Speaking of which, Henry Boll paused.

"The war here has come to an end temporarily, but it has not ended there. The follow-up troops of the Zerg will come soon, and then on the battlefield here, there was actually a war of attrition between the two sides for a period of time, and they were deadlocked for a long time. time."

"Our Holy Light Holy See country's border defense intensity has always been high. During the process of consumption, the Zerg side should also realize this, so in the subsequent battles, the opposite side gradually dispatched troops and transferred the battlefield. Now the battlefield is , is at the other end of the Holy Light Holy See country outside."

While speaking, Henry Boll roughly gestured his position so that Luo Ji could have a relatively clear understanding.

"As for the latest news, the war there has been tense recently. In order to stabilize the situation, the 'Seventy-two Wings Council' on the Holy City side finally decided that the presiding judge, one of the members of the council, would personally lead the trial knights to the border to help fight! That presiding judge happens to belong to our opposite party."


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