The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4593: , initial results

After Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan's policy was officially launched, the number of police reports soared in a short period of time, making Wade, the first director, very busy.

At the same time, it is good to say that the workload is heavy, but the problem is that these things are generally difficult.

Since the Scarlet Group took over the lower city, all the forces of a certain size have basically been annexed by them.

The criminals who are still carrying out criminal activities in Xiacheng District are, to put it bluntly, some small groups and small thieves.

But to be honest, in this day and age, it is really a hassle to deal with these little thieves.

Although the Scarlet Group's influence spreads all over Xiacheng District, there are millions of people in Xiacheng District. These little thieves are single, and they basically commit crimes at random.

After finishing one vote, it is really not that easy to catch him, which is the biggest reason for their unscrupulousness.

In response to this situation, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan undoubtedly had already figured out how to deal with it.

Under the premise of fitting this era, the simplest and most effective method is nothing more than offering a reward.

The propaganda stands set up in various neighborhoods before came in handy at this time.

Three times a day, morning, noon and evening, let the propagandists post the reward information on the propaganda platform.

People in Xiacheng are very interested in jobs that can bring money.

If you provide clues to the police, and the clues prove to be valid, you can get a bounty.

In a simple way, it turned the entire Xiacheng District into the eyes of the police station.

Even if the little thief is a bachelor, it is not so easy to avoid so many pairs of eyes.

This allows the reported cases to be solved one by one.

During this period, the bounty from the police station was naturally spent one after another.

Under the premise that the content of the reward is basically some petty theft, doing this is actually a loss-making business.

But Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan are not doing business now.

Doing business has the idea of ​​​​doing business, and governing the city also has the idea of ​​​​governing the city.

Among them, there are some things in common, but there are also some things in common.

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were struggling to lose money, and they had to solve these cases in order to gain the trust of the people in Xiacheng District.

Let the taxpayers know that we will do our best to provide protection for your life safety. As long as you report the case, we will do our best to help you solve the problem!

This move, invisibly, further reflects the advantages of taxpayers, and at the same time encourages people to pay taxes.

But it cannot be denied that, for now, this effect is significant.

Those people whose problems were resolved after reporting the case must be happy, and for the first time in their lives, they have enjoyed such a service.

While making them feel that their lives are safe and finally have some protection, it will also give them the idea that the taxes they pay will finally have value.

During this period, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan also made public their disposition to those little thieves who were caught.

Direct execution is definitely not possible.

So the best way to deal with it at the moment is to be handcuffed and thrown into hard labor.

Like that kind of hard work, there are some in their lower city, and now they have free coolies, are they afraid that there is nowhere to use them?

In addition, those who have committed crimes like this and have been sentenced will accumulate criminal records at the police station.

If someone with a criminal record is caught again, the sentence will become stronger and stronger as the number of times accumulates.

This article is undoubtedly deterring those criminals.

At the same time, the reward policy launched by Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan actually had a deterrent effect.

The principle here is actually quite simple.

Look, once you commit a crime, as soon as the reward is issued, millions of people in the entire Xiacheng District want to arrest you for the reward. Do you think you can escape those millions of eyes?

In this case, even if these little thieves don't die, they have to restrain themselves.

And as long as the number of crimes begins to drop, the number of people who report crimes will drop, and the number of bounties will also drop. As a result, won’t the police station’s bounty spending be under control?

Therefore, considering this wave in the long run, it is not a problem at all.

And judging from the current situation, they have already achieved quite good results.

After the achievements made by the police station, the attention of countless people naturally began to subconsciously shift to another policy introduced at the same time, that is, the police booths that are being built one by one in some blocks.

After a month or two, it turned out that the public security environment of the blocks with police booths was completely better than those without police booths.

The root cause is also very clear.

Compared with these blocks with police booths, for their own safety, those criminals will definitely choose blocks without police booths to commit crimes.

In addition, there is a very important point, which is the intensity of patrols.

The entire Xiacheng District and every block are patrolled by patrolmen, but the police force of this police station is limited after all. There are only so many patrolmen in total, and the Xiacheng District is so large. In this era of inconvenient traffic, such a large-scale Patrol patrol, more symbolic than practical.

Some criminals with a little brain, UU reading know how to wait until you are done patrolling before committing crimes.

Therefore, although this kind of large-scale patrol can have some deterrent effect, the actual effect is not very good.

But neighborhoods with police booths are different.

The police booth itself is equipped with police force, and this police force is specially responsible for this block.

In other words, they are only responsible for patrolling this block, and the high-frequency patrols make it impossible for criminals to find a safe time to start.

At the same time, a block, in the final analysis, is just that big. If something unexpected happens, the police force stationed will quickly detect it, and they will come over as quickly as possible.

Therefore, since the establishment of police booths, the security level of the blocks with police booths has increased substantially.

This situation has undoubtedly caused more heated discussions about the public security issue, which itself has been highly concerned by a large number of people in Xiacheng District.

The mental state of the residents who live in the blocks with police booths is a relaxing one.

In the past, the Xiacheng District was really not peaceful. Everyone’s life was full of fear, and they had to be nervous when they went out. Staying at home, they didn’t dare to relax too much, and they didn’t even dare to sleep too fast, for fear A thief entered the house.

Now, although the daily work is still very tiring, at least they don't have to worry about the current robbery, extortion and other things in the block where they live, and they can rest in peace, and their mental state the next day has also improved. .

Compared with the original life, this day is really better. I don't know how much.

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