After finishing all the things to be said, because it was still early, Ye Qingxuan took another nap and asked Luo Ji to wake her up three hours later.

This time, she fell into a deep sleep, and it took a little time for Luo Ji to wake her up.

Fortunately, in the case of business affairs, Ye Qingxuan usually does not stay in bed. With a lot of perseverance, after getting up quickly, Ye Qingxuan ate a little breakfast and quickly moved to their office at the headquarters of the group to convene the group. A group of cronies and backbones discussing matters.

In fact, at this juncture, they have already ordered and confirmed all the important things that need to be ordered some time ago.

To put it bluntly today, it is to listen to a report and see if there is any situation in the various departments under his command.

In addition, all they have to do is to make all the preparations they can, and then wait for the response from the upper city.

If the bishop on the opposite side listens to their opinions, then the agreement between the upper and lower urban areas will be reached, and everything will be fine.

And if it doesn't...

Then I'm afraid I have to fight to the death and the net is broken.

It's just that the difference between now and before is that when it's really at that point, they can consider contacting Henry Boer again to see if the border army behind the other party is willing to take action.

After all, last night, Henry Bohr had officially threw an olive branch to Luo Ji.

But honestly, don't expect too much.

Because they still don't know the specific plans of the border army, what if the other party doesn't plan to raise the flag directly at this stage?

Under this premise, intervening in this dispute between the upper and lower urban areas and helping Luo Ji and the Scarlet Group would be equivalent to exposing their plans in advance. The border army may not be willing to take this risk for Luo Ji and the Scarlet Group. .

Therefore, the existence of Henry Bol and the Frontier Army is at best to let them try multiple times, and in the end, it is undoubtedly their own, which is the most reliable!

In this way, as soon as the genius shined, the members of the large-scale security department of the Scarlet Group on the lower city side had already brought roadblocks, and they were fully armed and gathered near the long bridge area connecting the upper city and the lower city.

Of course, they haven't really gotten close to the Long Bridge yet.

Because the Wing People set up the Supervision Bureau in Xiacheng District, also near the Long Bridge.

At this moment, on the side of the Supervision Bureau, a total of 453 winged guards have gathered near the long bridge in full armor, and pulled up the barricades and set up a formation.

Before the battle, all the human forces in the Xiacheng District will retreat, and it can even be said that they only have to flee in embarrassment.

But now, the form is completely different. Although the members of the security department of the Scarlet Group did not come directly, they formed a formation and concentrated in batches on the streets connecting this area. .

They are also fully armed, and the weapons on their bodies, according to the group's intentions, are hidden behind them or wrapped in cloth.

Although those weapons are not directly exposed to the air, anyone can see that these people are all copying the guys.

Under this premise, although many of them are still nervous in their hearts, each of them has no intention of retreating.

On the contrary, the more than 400 winged guards guarding the end of the long bridge, facing the sights that fell on them, all of them were like awns on their backs, and they had no heart at all. The heart is directly hanging on the throat.

During this process, many of the wingmen would glance at the colleagues beside them from time to time, as if to see if anyone could say the words that they had always wanted to say in their hearts, but were afraid to say. Then everyone reached a consensus, and when the situation is not good, they will slip away together.

What are you kidding? Now that the Scarlett security forces crowding the streets are at least 3,000 people, how can this special girl be beaten?

Not to mention these winged guards, the captain of the guards was equally clueless.

If it weren't for the fear of being held accountable by Shangcheng District, he would have taken the lead in 'retreating' long ago.

As the sun slowly rose, the sky in the Xiacheng District became brighter and brighter. The Xiacheng District, which had been busy with various tasks in the early hours of the morning, has now fallen into a dead silence. .

All the people have already received the news in advance, and they are all hiding at home honestly today.

On a roof not too far away from Changqiaokou, Guo Jia and Guo Zhen stood there, looking down at the scene over there.

To be honest, when the crowd gathered at the beginning, the scene of the crowds made Guo Jiadu feel a tingling in his scalp.

It wasn't until that moment that he realized that he still underestimated the Scarlet Group after all.

The opponent's strength and appeal in the lower city obviously exceeded his imagination.

The original Guo Jia joined the Scarlet Group with a mentality of "the end of the road, desperately fighting", intending to fight Shangcheng.

But now, looking at this scene, his mind has changed.

It might work!

This was his most real thought at the time.

Of course, the 'can do' here does not refer to a head-on confrontation with the regular army of the winged people, that is definitely not the case.

His "can do" is to let the bishop in the upper city give up the idea of ​​sending troops and let them enter the autonomous period in the lower city instead!

As for Luo Ji's plan, Guo Jia at this time was undoubtedly clear, because it was roughly similar to his original idea.

Originally, he didn't know a lot of information, so he couldn't be detailed to this level.

And now, he already knew exactly what Luo Ji was going to do.

Under this premise, their military strength in the lower city, although not the key to the victory of this contest, is also an important deterrent.

The bishop in the upper city must be made aware of their strength and determination to break the bank, and thus generate pressure, in order to increase the success rate of their plan!

The information on the Xiacheng district was undoubtedly passed on to the bishop long ago.

After all, after Luo Ji left last night, how could the bishop still sleep? Didn't sleep at all at all.

Now, after receiving the latest feedback, the bishop, who had been struggling all night, exhaled a long breath and gave the order.

Following the issuance of the order, a winged messenger rode a fast horse and quickly rushed to the position of the winged guards in Xiacheng to give the order.

Hearing the order, the captain of the guard, who was already mentally prepared, was stunned on the spot.

"Retreat, retreat?"

Looking at the captain of the guard who had a sluggish expression and was a little caught off guard by this order, the messenger expressed his understanding, because when he first received the order, it was the same reaction, and he was reprimanded by the Lord for this.

"Yes, retreat! The bishop's order, the guards and all officials, immediately withdraw from the lower city, must not be wrong!"

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