The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4587: , the purpose of Henry Bohr (2)

Luo Ji never imagined that they would be involved in a coup d'état euphemistically called 'the side of the Qing emperor'.

Of course, perhaps Henry Bohr was still loyal to their 'god'.

At the same time, in essence, it is indeed for the future development of the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light, but this still cannot change the fact that their action this time is a coup.

As Henry Bohr himself said just now, their gods are not good at government affairs, and to put it bluntly, they basically don't care.

Then they killed the past and overthrew the original ruler, who will be in power after that, needless to say?

It's definitely not their **** anyway.

But even so, there was one thing Luo Ji didn't understand.

In fact, it's not so much that he didn't understand it, it's better to say that he had some guesses, but he felt that it was unlikely.

"Since Mr. Bol already has a frontier army, is it necessary to pull us in? After all, a group of us humans can't bear to mix in a major event like this, and at the same time, we can't help much. As for productivity..."

While speaking, Luo Ji glanced at Henry Bol.

"When Lord Bol's frontier army takes over the city, we will naturally make it easy for you. After all, we can't resist."

What Luo Ji said was undoubtedly another big truth.

Anyway, in this city, whoever is in charge of the house, they will mix with whoever is. In this kind of thing, a group of human beings have no right to choose.

But listening to these words, Henry Bol shook his head with a smile.

"No, Scarlett, I need you!"

While speaking, Henry Bol, who had already stood up, opened his arms directly.

"Even the future of this Holy Light Holy See Nation needs you!"

At this moment, Henry Bol, who said these words, looked so serious that Luo Ji couldn't even question his words.

"Our wing people have a very small population base. Today, in the entire Holy Light universe, on every planet, the number of human beings is basically maintained at about 70% to 90% of the total population. On the Holy Light Star with the largest number of people, the number of winged people does not exceed 30% of the total population of the planet, and the planet with a small number of people even accounts for less than 10% of the population of winged people."

"Under this premise, for the development of a country, besides resources, the most important thing is productivity. After all, without either of the two, development will not be smooth."

"And you humans happen to be a race with powerful productivity. This productivity is not only derived from your huge population base. In fact, in various production jobs, you humans do have more winged people than us. higher talent."

"The powers above, in order to maintain the Holy Light Holy See's system and the status of the winged people, have taken extreme measures to obtain productivity from human beings by enslaving human beings and preventing technological development."

"In the early days of the war, the situation was chaotic. In an emergency, in order to maintain domestic stability, I have nothing to say about adopting such means, but our Holy Light Holy See Kingdom has entered a period of stable and peaceful development many years ago. "

"Although there will be some small-scale wars from time to time, they will basically not affect the whole country. Under this premise, it is undoubtedly too unwise to continue to use the extreme methods during the war."

Having said that, Henry Boll looked at Luo Ji seriously...

"I have always disapproved of this method of obtaining productivity through slavery. I don't want to flaunt how kind I am. I just feel that this method is too inefficient."

"Assuming that the maximum productivity that a human being can provide is set at 100%, then, under our enslavement, a human's productivity can only exert at most 20%, or even only 10%. Not even ten."

"This can be seen from the fact that after your Scarlet Group developed in the lower city, the productivity of the lower city began to rise significantly."

"And even if you put aside the issue of productivity, long-term oppression like this will lead to trouble sooner or later. This time, the Scarlet Group can control the lower city so smoothly, and mobilize the human beings in the lower city to start fighting against the upper city. The city is not only because of your Scarlet Group's control over the lower city, but also because the human beings in the lower city have been dissatisfied with the oppression from the winged people for a long time."

"As long as those human beings can live better, there won't be so many people who will rebel against you."

Henry Bohr, who said these words, still had a bit of ease that he had nothing to do with himself, and even smiled at Luo Ji at the end of his speech.

And for this matter, Henry Boll is indeed on the point.

There are so many humans in Xiacheng District, and in this situation, they still stand firmly on their side, not only because their Scarlet Group is the biggest force in Xiacheng District, but also because they have been dissatisfied with the Wingmen for a long time.

In this matter, the Scarlet Group put it bluntly, that is, to comply with public opinion and rise up.

"At that time, I was thinking, why can't we provide humans with a better environment and better treatment? We don't even need to treat them specially, we just need to allow them to live a normal life and treat them as It is enough for the people of our Holy Light Holy See country to treat them equally, even if it is just like this, human beings can bring us benefits far beyond the present, which is not difficult for us.”

Having said that, Henry Bol's face showed a bit of helplessness...

"But unfortunately, those in power did not realize this problem, or, in other words, their arrogance in their bones made them not want to do this, they just wanted to use their power to enslave others, even enslave others. Wing people, to show their dominance, but never thought of getting along with others as equals."

Luo Ji was undoubtedly shocked when Henry Boll said these words.

"So you want to..."

"I want to overthrow the existing regime. In the new regime established, I will give the status of ordinary human citizens, and at the same time, I will no longer suppress the development of human technology. According to my assumptions, such a huge Holy Light Holy See The country needs the support of scientific and technological power. In fact, the winged people themselves cannot be stably mastered. The current rulers worry that after the human beings master the scientific and technological power, it will have an impact on the dominance of the winged people, but I think that human beings and Wing people can complement each other and develop together.”

When it comes to this point, Henry Boer's thinking is undoubtedly very clear.

At the same time, Luo Ji completely confirmed his and Ye Qingxuan's previous guesses.

It's just that this guess was too unrealistic for them before. How could a winged man living in such an environment want to liberate mankind?

But it turns out that Henry Bol's pattern is even bigger than they thought before.

"Under this premise, I need someone who can help me communicate with the human side and manage the human group during the transition period, and now..."

While speaking, Henry Boer's hand was already on Luo Ji's shoulder.

"Scarlett, you're the best candidate for me right now!"

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