The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4580: , picked up a treasure

At the same time as Luo Ji's official statement, Li Ke did not continue to suppress the bear, and directly released his suppression.

The violent bear who escaped from the predicament gave Li Ke a vicious look, as if dissatisfied, but he did not act easily.

Although he is not as smart as A Lu, he is not stupid either. For the situation in front of him, he still has some ideas in his heart.

No matter whether what the other side said is true or false, if he does it again, it will basically become false.

But the prudence in his heart still made the bear close to A Lu's ear and asked in a low voice...

"Alu, is this reliable? What if the other party wants to hand us over to the wingmen in the upper city? After all, we are the real culprits of the attack."

Although Bao Xiong's voice was very low, Luo Ji and Li Ke were both sharp and discerning, and that sound couldn't escape their capture at all, and they basically heard it clearly.

Hearing that, Luo Ji laughed outright, while Li Ke's expression was somewhat playful.

Looking at this scene, the violent bear muttered in his heart, 'Why are these two guys so smart? ’ At the same time, I was secretly annoyed in my heart.

A Lu is undoubtedly aware of his brother's concerns about the bear.

But now, Luo Ji and Li Ke made it clear that they heard it, so he wouldn't be secretive, he just opened up and said...

"Brother, don't worry, we attacked the Winged Investigator's carriage. This is just an incentive. Those Winged men in the upper city, their real purpose is probably not to see us grow stronger."

Having said that, Ah Lu's eyes fell on Luo Ji again.

"And the strongest force in Xiacheng District is the Scarlet Group. The wingmen in Shangcheng District are actually targeting them."

As soon as A Lu said these words, the bear did not speak, and the following person blurted out directly...

"What does that have to do with us?"

This is exactly what he thought unconsciously after listening to A Lu's words. As soon as he said it, the man immediately realized that something was wrong, and then covered his mouth with embarrassment.

In this regard, after sighing, Alu said with a serious face...

"The winged people can destroy the Scarlet Group today, and they can destroy us tomorrow. Letting the winged people destroy the Scarlet group is actually equivalent to handing over the fate of the human beings in the lower city to the hands of the winged people."

"Today's Scarlet Group is the strongest force that has been born from among our human beings in Xiacheng over the years, and has almost unified the entire Xiacheng District, so he is also the most likely force to compete with the winged people so far. , for our own future, and for the future of mankind, I want to gamble!"

"So, your answer is?"

A Lu's idea undoubtedly satisfied Luo Ji, and at the same time, the other party really came to the point.

That's right, the life and death of the Scarlet Group has long been related to not only their own group.

Because of their existence, they already represent the strongest force of mankind in Xiacheng District, and maybe even the strongest force of mankind in the entire Holy Light Holy See country.

If they perish, the winged people's **** and enslavement of their human beings will surely become more thorough.

A Lu is a smart man, he obviously knows this.

However, just in case, Luo Ji still needed the other party to make a clearer statement.

In response to this, A Lu walked up to Luo Ji with a solemn face and bowed.

"Alu, no! Guo Jia is willing to accept the inclusion!"

Holy Light Holy See Kingdom has undoubtedly enslaved human beings of many civilizations. Although those civilizations have basically lost their inheritance after being enslaved, but fortunately, various surnames and names have been passed down.

And Guo Jia is undoubtedly A Lu's real name.

As I said earlier, very few people use their real names here, and they basically use nicknames or pseudonyms.

Now Guo Jia has taken the initiative to reveal his real name to Luo Ji, no doubt to express his position!

And after his younger brother made a statement, out of trust in his younger brother, Baoxiong undoubtedly followed up with a statement...

"I, Guo Zhen, are also willing to accept the inclusion!"

The two brothers can be said to be the core figures of the entire group.

This time, the two brothers Guo Zhen and Guo Jia were included at the same time, which is undoubtedly a reward for Luo Ji.

At the same time, of the two brothers, Luo Ji undoubtedly values ​​Guo Jia more than Guo Zhen.

According to the current situation of the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, although Guo Zhen can fight, even if he is counted, against the regular army of the upper wing people, once they fight, they basically have no chance of winning.

There is no way, the difference between the two sides' force specifications is too big, and it can't be settled by just a few people who can fight.

But Guo Jia is different. He has a bright mind. In this situation, his mind can bring greater help to the Scarlet Group.

No, Luo Ji had already started throwing questions to him as soon as he was included in the compilation.

"Guo Jia, do you think the current situation, how should we compete with the wing people?"

Luo Ji's question is exactly a question that the Scarlet Group is now facing. Guo Jia doesn't believe that Luo Ji has not thought about it, and at the same time, he doesn't believe that the other party can't think of an answer.

Now that Luo Ji threw this question to him, UU Reading is more likely to want to test him!

Although Guo Jia was not a member of the Scarlet Group before, as an incident that has the greatest impact on the human beings in their Xiacheng District, Guo Jia has really thought about this issue before, and now it is easy to say it. very.

"In the event of a frontal armed conflict, even according to the large-scale and well-equipped security forces of the Scarlet Group, we have no chance of winning against the regular army of the upper wing people. The level of force on both sides is not at the same level. Therefore, this force, at most, can only be used as one of the bargaining chips for the two sides to weigh, but it definitely has no core value."

Having said that, Guo Jia subconsciously glanced at Luo Ji's reaction.

It seems that he wants to get feedback from Luo Ji's expression to see if the other party's thoughts are consistent with his own.

But what do you want to see from Luo Ji's expression? That's just too naive.

After a glance, Guo Jia gave up decisively, and then honestly continued to tell Luo Ji his thoughts.

"So in my opinion, the focus of this confrontation is not on the level of force, but on..."

While speaking, Guo Jia told Luo Ji all his thoughts.

After listening to all Guo Jia's thoughts, a smile appeared on Luo Ji's face.

Obviously, Guo Jia's mind did not disappoint him, and it can even be said that it far exceeded expectations.

I feel that when I came here this time, I really picked up a treasure, and I just made a lot of money!

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