The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4571: , the night is dark and windy

Although the wing people don't care about the life and death of human beings in Xiacheng District, they are very concerned about the stability of Xiacheng District.

After all, only a stable Xiacheng District can produce stable productivity, so that their comfortable and comfortable life can be maintained for a long time.

Therefore, once the stability of the lower urban area is destroyed and the productivity of those people is affected, then the wing people living in the upper urban area will also be affected that cannot be ignored.

Under this premise, what the inspector did was undoubtedly undermining the stability of the Xiacheng District. Once he reported it, he had a high probability of being fired.

He has already been assigned to Xiacheng District. If he is fired again, what will he be reduced to?

The inspector didn't even dare to think about this matter.

Therefore, following Father Weilun's words, the Inspector was obviously panicked.

"Father, you are making a big joke! As an inspector, how could I do such a thing?"

"It's best not to do it. Mrs. Scarlett is a devout follower of our church, and her husband and wife have made great contributions to our church's mission in the lower city. It's better for the Ombudsman to give them less advice!"

After he finished speaking, Father Wei Lun didn't look at him, he just shook his hand, turned his head and left.

After Father Wei Lun left, there was another sound in the room.

Fortunately, this time the inspector doesn't have to suffer from the pain. In this room, he has already smashed almost all the valuable things...

At the same time, Father Weilun, who had returned to the church, was undoubtedly the first to tell Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan about this, so that they could feel at ease.

The two who understood the situation had expressions of gratitude on their faces.

"Thank you so much this time, Father."

While speaking, Luo Ji turned his head and glanced at Ye Qingxuan who was sitting beside him. Although Father Weilun's words made her feel relieved, her mental state still seemed to be poor.

"Father, can we stay in the church for a while longer? You can also see that this time, my wife's spirit has become very bad. Living here, she should be more at ease, and you know , Sister Mana and my wife are good sisters, so they can chat on a regular basis."

"Certainly, Scarlett, make this your home."

The Scarlett couple had originally left their church, and recently the church just happened to have vacancies. The single room they had stayed in before was also vacant now. Of course, Father Wellon didn't mind them coming back for a few days.

After dinner, life in the church was very regular. Ye Qingxuan took Sister Mana to talk for a while, and then the two went back to their room.

After nightfall, although Luo Ji was sitting here, his miniature reconnaissance robots were undoubtedly scattered all over the city, carrying out continuous missions.

The Inspectorate is his current focus of surveillance.

On this day, the inspector smashed a lot of things again, but Father Wei Lun's words undoubtedly succeeded in deterring him, so that the other party did not dare to act rashly.

At least so far, the inspector has not done anything other than smashing things and cursing various swear words at Father Weilun.

Just when Luo Ji thought that the night was about to pass, there was a new situation on the other side.

Of course, the situation here has nothing to do with the Supervision Bureau. It is the orphanage in Xiacheng District. Just today, another carriage brought many infants to the orphanage.

The staff in the orphanage obviously received the news in advance and waited there early.

As soon as the carriage arrived, they immediately began carrying a large number of babies from the carriage.

During this period, Luo Ji was also remotely controlling the miniature reconnaissance robot, and quietly landed on the carriage.

He came to see where the carriage would go.

If you are lucky, you might be able to follow the trail and find the source.

The staff at the orphanage were experienced and quick-moving. The baby in the car was quickly carried away. After that, the carriage did not stop for much time, and left immediately, crossed the suspension bridge, and drove into the upper city.

During this entire process, Luo Ji's miniature reconnaissance robot just landed on the roof of the car, and let the carriage take it away, saving trouble and energy.

Referring to the incident that happened when Wade was a child, this shows that the place where the human captives are held is definitely not far from here, otherwise, the other party will not be able to escape to the lower city.

However, considering it from another angle, what happened to Wade happened many years ago after all, and the place of detention has changed, so it is not impossible.

Under this premise, Luo Ji was able to conclude that even if the place changed, it would definitely not be too far from the city they were in.

You must know that this is a civilization with inconvenient transportation, and orphanages can be set up in every city. A baby like this, taking into account the vacancies, must be sent to which orphanage is the closest.

The carriage apparently did not intend to stay in the city for the night, and riding the carriage, they quickly passed through the Upper Town and exited through the city gate on the other side of the Upper Town.

Here, what needs to be mentioned is that the upper and lower urban areas of the city are separated by a fairly wide river.

The Xiacheng District and the piles of garbage mountains are on the other side of the river, while the Shangcheng District is on the side with two inner and outer city walls.

There is nothing to say about the inner city wall, and the outer city wall was built directly along the river, clearly to prevent people from the lower city from swimming to the upper city.

The carriage continues to drive, and depending on the situation, there is still a lot of rush on this part of the road.

At the same time, outside the Supervision Bureau in Xiacheng District…

In the dark night, Jessica, who was wrapped in a night clothes, moved like the wind, her steps were light and silent, she had already sneaked into the interior of the supervision bureau.

Needless to say, the task of assassinating the inspector this time fell on her shoulders.

After all, among the few of them, Ye Feixing, you can let him charge head-on. Stealth assassination is really not his area of ​​expertise, and he is not that material either.

And Li Ke himself is a good player. Although he is not too young, according to the natural lifespan of human beings in this era, his physical fitness has not yet declined. Coupled with Li Ke's daily training and maintenance, his If the state is not unexpected, it can be maintained for at least another ten years.

But this time, they chose the best of the best. Compared with those elf rangers, Jessica's skills were not too conceited. In Ye Qingxuan's team, in addition to providing remote support as an archer, Jessica was like a lot of needy nights. She did basically everything she did when the black wind was high. Taking it all into consideration, she was definitely a better candidate than Li Ke.

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