Prayer week is a kind of prayer activity that each church will have on certain days.

The activity lasted for a week, and the content of the activity, in simple terms, is that during this week, the believers will stay in the church all the time, disconnect from the outside world, and strictly demand themselves. While tempering their spiritual will, they will go to God pray.

Not many people participated in this event, even among the winged people.

Because this process is too harsh, many devout Wingmen may not be able to stand it.

Mrs. Scarlett had already expressed her interest in this event to him a long time ago.

This time, she attended as promised, and even dragged her busy husband over.

Counting the time, it is now the third day of the prayer week, and there are still four days left before this round of prayer week ends.

At this time, an accident happened...

Not to mention that from the beginning of the week of prayer to the present, the Scarlett couple have never left the church, let alone contact with the outside world, so Father Willen's personal judgment is good.

Over the years, Father Wei Lun has seen too many people of all kinds in the church.

So at that time he could actually see that Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were really surprised by this happening, and it could even be said that they were not psychologically prepared.

This made Father Wei Lun sure in his heart that what happened this time should really have nothing to do with them.

Under this premise, the activities of the prayer week, of course, allow believers to withdraw halfway, but they have persisted until the third day, and they are almost halfway through the day.

But to be honest, compared to the failure of the event, in Father Weilun's view, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan should be more concerned about the big trouble in front of them.

Considering the status of human beings in Xiacheng, once Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan fell into the hands of the inspectors, no matter whether they did this or not, they would definitely be dead anyway.

With Luo Ji, Ye Qingxuan, and Father Weilun, they already have a good relationship, not to mention that they often donate to churches, and even contribute to organizing missionary activities. They are simply model believers.

No matter what point he took into account, Father Wellen didn't want them to be harmed by the Inspector.

Thinking of this, Father Weilun also offered to help them come forward.

At the same time, just in case, let the couple continue to stay in the church and do not show up.

After Father Weilun set off in their carriage, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan also showed complete headaches about this sudden situation.

Ye Qingxuan had calculated in advance to come to the church to participate in the activities of the "Prayer Week".

Although the specific plan had not yet been determined at the time, she deployed the move of 'Prayer Week' first.

After confirming the plan, they were just able to use it to avoid the "accidental death" of the inspector.

Who would have thought that such an unexpected situation would suddenly occur before the inspector's 'accident' occurred!

The plan was disrupted.

After the initial accident and anger, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan quickly calmed down again.

After about half a minute, the two of them raised their heads subconsciously and exchanged glances, making them both guess each other's thoughts.

After such a long period of "husband and wife", this tacit understanding still exists.

"We are now on the cusp of being pushed to the cusp anyway, so let's just continue to follow the original plan and let him die!"

Luo Ji's words made their thoughts more completely unified.

In this situation, it is better to simply act aggressively, rather than being stubborn and indecisive.

In the current situation, the inspector has locked them in, and even the members of the entire inspection bureau should have such a bias in their hearts.

But in this case, if the inspector dies, then, they seem to be the most suspicious, but if you think about it carefully, the suspicion will be the least!

After all, everyone in Xiacheng knew that the death of the inspector would be in the best interests of the Scarlet Group. At the same time, they also knew that the inspector had determined that they were behind the scenes. They even had unpleasantness with each other. , all pointed to the Scarlet Group, and told everyone that if the Inspector died, the Scarlet couple would be the murderers.

Under this premise, under the influence of some subtle psychology, they will become the person with the least suspicion.

This is like everyone suspects that you will kill people, so everyone is staring at you. At this time, who would act rashly?

The target is dead, it only means that someone wants to frame them!

You know, the one who can testify for them here is a priest!

With this idea in mind, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan got in touch with others directly through their team's built-in communication devices, and gave a quick explanation of the next plan.

At the same time, on the side of the Supervision Bureau, after learning about the situation from the captain of the guards who had withdrawn, the Inspector's anger broke out completely!

"Father, it's that **** priest again!!"

As soon as the inspector scolded these words, the captain of the guard below was taken aback.

In their Holy Light Holy See country, cursing the clergy is disrespectful, and if it is serious, it will be directly executed!

But his boss, who was clearly mad, apparently didn't realize what he'd done.

In order to prevent himself from being implicated, UU Reading found an opportunity, and the captain of the guard quickly resigned, leaving only the mad inspector, in his luxurious office, frantically smashing and venting!

After I calmed down a little, looking at my belongings that were shattered on the ground, a shrill scream came from the office, and the inspector blew up again...

Two days later, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were still in the church.

But not for the activities of the "Prayer Week", but to accept the kindness of Father Wei Lun and stay here to avoid the limelight.

On this day, as the deputy minister of their security department, Barenke hurried to the door...

"Boss, we have already investigated the matter of the previous attack on the Supervision Bureau."

In this Xiacheng District, according to the current distribution of forces of the Scarlet Group, it is much easier to check things than the Supervision Bureau.

Father Willon happened to be there when Barrenke was giving his report.

The crowd did not shy away, and directly let Father Wei Lun sit on the sidelines.

"Tell me, who did that?"

While speaking, Luo Ji vigorously rubbed his cheeks. These days, the enormous mental pressure made the faces of the two of them look haggard.

At the same time, Father Wei Lun was worried about their mental state.

"In fact, many people know about this matter. A few months ago, the two forces in the northern district were fighting in the streets. Halfway through the fight, the guards came and killed more than 100 people. That day, they attacked the supervisor. Those in the bureau are the relatives and friends of the more than 100 people."


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