Remember [New] for a second,! The Winged Guards went straight to the headquarters of the Scarlet Group with blood all over them. On the way, it undoubtedly caused a huge commotion.

As the only organization in the entire Xiacheng District that still threatens the Scarlet Group, there is no doubt that there have been people watching over the Supervision Bureau and the Scarlet Group.

Basically, as soon as something happened here, the person in charge of stalking quickly ran back to report it.

As the minister and deputy minister of the security department, Wade and Barenke happened to be there at the time, and as soon as they heard the news, they knew that something was going to happen.

However, their first reaction was not to admit that they were cowardly, but to immediately start gathering people!

It was obvious that he was planning to fight with the winged guards who came over.

They have this reaction because of the power of the Scarlet Group.

In the process of Scarlet Group's crushing momentum, sweeping all forces and unifying the lower city, every member of the group has invisibly accumulated a huge amount of self-confidence.

Counting all the combat power distributed in various sites in the entire lower city, their Scarlett Group's "security department" has reached the scale of tens of thousands of people.

And the Winged Guards of the Supervision Bureau, how many Wings are there when they are full? As far as I know, it's only five hundred to die.

Taking into account the equipment gap and scale gap, the abuse of those forces in the past is naturally the same as playing.

But against today's Scarlet Group, if he is full, is five hundred winged people enough?

How simple and crude is this comparison and thinking?

After thinking about it this way, the fear that the Winged Guards can bring to them has been reduced again and again.

Of course, even so, this is the first time they have officially faced off against the Winged Guards. When Wade and Barrenk just gave the order, many of the security personnel in their Scarlet Group were also in their hearts. A bit of unease inevitably arises.

No way, this kind of reaction is deeply rooted in their bones.

But with the continuous gathering of their security personnel on the streets outside the group, and more and more figures, the tension and anxiety in their hearts were gradually dissipated...

The vendors on the street had received the news in advance, and they all closed their stalls and retreated. The merchants on both sides also closed their doors in an emergency, hiding in the store, quietly observing the scene on the street outside through the cracks in the doors or windows.

Eight hundred people are stationed in this area of ​​the Scarlet Group headquarters.

Considering the street space, if there is going to be a fight, so many people will definitely not be able to spare their hands and feet.

However, both Wade and Barrenk knew in their hearts that this time the call was made not to fight the Winged Guards, but to deter the opponent and avoid the battle as much as possible.

And in order to achieve this deterrent effect, for them, the easiest way is to pile up the number of people!

Not only the headquarters, but the security forces in the three blocks adjacent to the group headquarters have also begun to move here.

On the only way for the Winged Guards to pass, they have already pulled up the barricade. Wade and Barenke took the 800 members of the security department behind them, fully armed, and stood neatly behind the barricade. Waiting for the winged guards to kill.

Without letting them wait too long, the figure of the winged guards quickly appeared at the end of the street.

At that moment, when the security members of the group headed by Wade and Barrenk quickly became nervous, they saw the dark crowd, the captain of the Winged Guards who had come over aggressively. .

Hundreds of winged guards, their steps subconsciously slowed down a bit.

After all, on the side of the Winged Guards, two Winged Guards were killed just now under the attack of the human group. Now, seeing this battle, if you say that they are not nervous at all, it must be false.

Even the leader of the guards had such a hint of retreat in his heart.

But as long as he remembered the hideous face of their immediate superior, the captain of the guard quickly dismissed the idea.

Now that their immediate boss has just been attacked, he is furious. Under the condition of the other party's order, if he runs back in despair, I am afraid it will not end well.

Taking a deep breath, the captain of the guards, who had made some balance in his heart, quickly signaled his subordinates to run back to move reinforcements, while he took the guards under his command, slowed down, and bravely walked up.

Who would have thought that they had just reached the position less than ten meters away from the barricade, and a large number of people continued to pour up at the surrounding intersections.

Obviously, the security forces of the Scarlet Group in the nearby block came much faster than their reinforcements.

In a blink of an eye, every surrounding street was blocked up!

Facing this battle, the captain of the guard secretly complained in his heart.

This kind of battle has never happened in the Holy Light Holy See country in history, why did he let him run into it?

Roughly looking at the number of people, this time, even if reinforcements arrive, he has no idea.

Now their situation can be said to be in a dilemma, and invisibly, they are already set up by these humans in front of them!

Seeing the tension in the guard captain's heart, Wade, who was also a little bit drumming in his heart, suddenly calmed down, and even with his tone, he became a little calmer...

"I don't know what is going on, sir?"

Hearing this, the captain of the guard's eyes twitched. In normal times, a human dared to speak to him in such a tone. He had already beaten him to death, but at this time, he did not dare to act rashly.

Taking a deep breath, the captain of the guard, who calmed down his emotions, said in a loud voice, pretending to be calm...

"Lord Ombudsman wants to see Scarlett and tell your boss to come out!"

According to what the Inspector meant at the time, it was clear that they wanted them to capture Scarlett, UU read www. was hanged on the spot, but considering the battle in front of him, would he dare to say this?

In this way, when the words come to the mouth, they directly become another meaning.

But Wade, who already knows the situation, can't eat this...

"Our boss is not here today, everyone please come back!"

Wade's remarks can be said to be very tough, but it makes the captain of the guard's face quickly look ugly, and he is about to say something.

Unexpectedly, before he could open his mouth, Wade, who was standing behind the barricade, suddenly let out an angry shout...

"go back!"

At that moment, the thousands of security members who had already gathered, as if they were already prepared, immediately shouted furiously at the same time!

"go back!!"

In an instant, the unanimous shouts of thousands of people seemed to turn into a thunder, causing the surrounding air to vibrate violently!

Faced with this battle, the Winged Guards were unprepared, and while their hearts were pounding with fright, they instinctively stepped back!

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