The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4563: , arms business

Remember [New] for a second,! Weapons of this level, and those weapons that the man had quoted before, were obviously not on the same level.

To put it simply, with the same type of weapon, you can buy ten of the original one!

The tenfold price difference made Barrenque completely unable to calm down, and he couldn't help gasping for breath on the spot.

"If you can afford the price, I can sell it to you at most..."

Having said this, the man thought for a while, and then raised three fingers at Barrenke.

"Three, this is the limit. After all, it is not easy to get a weapon of this level."

For the man's remarks, Barrenk actually accepted and agreed with him in his heart.

In his opinion, this weapon is indeed worth ten times that.

If nothing else, let's just say that the actual combat is good.

With the machete in his hand, the opposite side is thicker, and then put some wood or something in the clothes to resist the slashing, the machete in his hand may not be able to completely cut down one after four or five strokes. Humans, but once you change to this level, it's hard to say.

In the battle of hundreds of people like them, the difference in combat power brought about by weapons is enough to reverse the situation!

At this moment, Barenke really wanted to be tough and buy three, but considering the money in his pocket and his brothers, he finally only wanted one.

The other money is used to buy ordinary weapons.

After all, his two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Since he wants to kill him and take revenge, the other brothers must also be armed.

"How exactly do you trade?"

"The time and place, we both agree on one, when the time comes, we will pay with one hand and deliver with the other, and bring up to 30 people on the spot."


The plan given by the man was approved by Barenke.

After the two sides determined the time and place for each other, the man walked simply.

During the whole process, the two sides did not even exchange names.

Because in their view, it is really unnecessary.

At present, this is like a one-off business. After this business is completed, Barenke will take people to take revenge. It is hard to say whether it is dead or alive.

If Barenke can successfully avenge after this time, then, when they do business next time, maybe they will exchange a name, but in fact, in this way, the name is really not that important, basically very important. Few people will use the life of the eight classics, and basically they are mainly nicknamed.

Leaving Barrenke's stronghold, the man disappeared into the crowd with twists and turns.

When he reappeared, the burlap robe on his body was gone, and even his face had been replaced by two.

Needless to say, the person who was busy selling weapons was none other than Luo Ji.

Just as they said when they were discussing the situation in Xiacheng District, the various forces in Xiacheng District have now formed a delicate relationship of checks and balances, and no one dared to act rashly.

The fundamental reason is that among them, there has not yet been a particularly strong force.

It is not difficult to break a situation like this.

But this early bird cannot be done by themselves.

In this way, Ye Qingxuan came up with a plan to directly sell weapons to one of the forces, so as to enhance the strength of that force, wouldn't it?

Don't think that after these hours, they are really just doing some business in the lower city of Holy Light Holy See Nation. In fact, they have been producing weapons and equipment behind their backs.

Now suddenly starting the weapons business, there is no pressure at all.

Under this premise, they asked Wade to investigate secretly, and then cooperated with the reconnaissance of Luo Ji's miniature reconnaissance robot, allowing them to target a guy with good strength and ambition, but not that smart.

Needless to say what happened next, after the other party got a batch of weapons, they simply attacked Barenque in the next block at night, and triggered a series of follow-up gang fights.

But this obviously hasn't achieved the effect that Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan wanted.

They need to make the lower town a little more chaotic.

This is not just for their own follow-up development, but also for the Ombudsman.

After what happened before, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan knew that this inspector would definitely not give up.

So they plan to make a big move in Xiacheng District, and give the inspector something to do.

And the manufacture of these weapons, they also have a little control.

Ordinary weapons are relatively shoddy, but they are much better than the black goods in the hands of those forces in Xiacheng District.

As for the weapons of the level Luo Ji showed just now, in terms of forging skills alone, they were a little worse than the weapons of the winged soldiers.

And if you count other aspects, the gap is even bigger.

Because after this period of time, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan had discovered that the weapons in the hands of those winged soldiers would glow.

Good guy, although I haven't figured out what kind of routine it is, it has been very clearly confirmed that it is not an ordinary cold weapon, but an existence similar to a magic weapon.

The specific transaction time was set in a day, and both parties arrived on time. The entire transaction went smoothly.

There was not much communication between the two sides during the whole process. After confirming the weapons and money in person, they paid the money in one hand, and delivered the goods in the other hand, and then left quickly without even a moment's stay.

Afterwards, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan didn't care much about what the forces headed by Barenke were going to do.

As the chaos between the various forces in the Xiacheng District has become more and more intense, and the scope has become larger and larger, UU Reading Considering the safety of the delivery staff, now basically there is no way to continue the delivery service. Done.

In this way, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan simply concentrated on the weapons business.

In this business, Ye Qingxuan is a good hand.

You don't even think about how their Ye's Chamber of Commerce made their fortune in the first place.

Now that he is going back and forth between those gang forces, it is called a person who can do it with ease, and by the way, he also earns a lot of money.

At the same time, these batches of weapons that were thrown into the gang fights undoubtedly added fire to this fight.

There's a bit of a trend that's going to get out of hand now.

Most recently, the chaos had reached their next-door neighborhood.

Just in case, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan, with the Scarlet Commercial Street as the center, have already set up roadblocks to seal the road at various important points, and they have also dispatched enough manpower to stand guard and be ready to deal with possible situations at any time. Trouble coming to your door.

Needless to say, on their side, they have completely entered the state of preparation for battle!

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