The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4561: , come to the door

Between the various neighborhoods, various forces have been fighting continuously recently, and as the force that was initially attacked and exited, although the gang leader and some brothers are still alive, they were reduced to bereaved dogs in the surprise attack. They are already on the verge of exiting. .

The chaos of the various forces in front of them basically has nothing to do with them.

After all, they who have lost their territory and their manpower are also dead and fleeing. Now, only the thirty or forty brothers are left with him. What qualifications do they have to go with those who occupy the territory? , The forces with a large number of people compete?

Thinking of this, the change in mentality made Barenke, the gang boss who was paralyzed in a chaotic house, even more depressed.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside the house, which made Barenke in a trance recover a little...

Dragging his slightly heavy body, Barenke leaned against the window and glanced down.

I saw outside the house on the first floor, and from nowhere, came a man wrapped in a sackcloth robe.

And the eight or nine brothers under his command had already surrounded the man.

"what happened?"

In the face of this battle, Barenque frowned.

The younger brother downstairs hurriedly reported something after looking up to see Barenke.

"Boss, this guy said he wanted to see you."


Hearing this, Barenke's eyes fell on the figure wrapped in the robe again.

After hesitating for two seconds, he said...

"Bring people in."

This house was the back road that Barenke reserved for himself when he occupied a piece of land and had infinite scenery.

Before being attacked by other forces at night, Barenke, whose brothers suffered heavy casualties, decisively chose to give up the territory, took the remaining brothers, fled here, and hid.

In the warehouse under this house, Barenke has stockpiled a lot of food, and at the same time has hidden his assets for nearly half of these years, which allows him to take brothers No. The days are also going on, and it will not be directly living on the streets.

The man in the robe was quickly taken to the second floor.

Thirty or forty people, not many at first glance, but crowded in the room, it is also a black crowd.

In the current situation, this group of people is already exerting pressure just by standing there.

However, surrounded by such a group of people, the person standing in the center of the room didn't seem to be nervous at all.

Even through the wide robe, Barenke could see that the two were relaxed.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

The next second, an ordinary male voice rang out...

"I'm here to do business with you."


Barenk, who heard the word, let out a sneer, and then his eyes fell on the other party again.

"I don't do business with shady guys."

The meaning of Barenke's words was obvious, but the man was not bothered about it. He simply took off the wide hood on his head, revealing a slightly thin, surly face.

Staring at the other's face, Barrenk searched his memory a little.

There was no such person in his memory.

Of course, it is also possible that he has seen it, but has forgotten it. After all, although his memory is good, it has not yet reached the point of unforgettable.

"Tell me, what business are you talking about?"

In this regard, the man smiled lightly, and then said those four words unhurriedly.

"Weapon business!"

Hearing these four words, Barenke's face suddenly changed slightly, and even the little brother around him caused a commotion.

In this lower city, making weapons is strictly prohibited.

Of course, gangs like them must have some private goods on hand, but they are not many.

At the same time, ordinary gangs, with weapons, must be hiding them, and it is impossible to sell them to others to increase the strength of other forces. Isn't this a threat to themselves?

At this moment, all kinds of thoughts kept flashing in Barenke's mind.

Immediately afterwards, Barenke, who seemed to have thought of something, stared into the eyes of the other party, and then let out a murderous voice...

"The scumbags that attacked me before, the weapons in their hands, wouldn't they be bought from you?!"

"Yes, those weapons, the other party did buy them from me."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone in the house immediately fryed.

That night, they suffered heavy losses, not only lost their territory, but also killed a lot of brothers.

The fundamental reason is because of the dozens of armed people on the other side.

If it is said that these weapons were sold by the person in front of them to the other party, then the hatred is big!

Thinking of this, many people in the house have already started clamoring to slaughter the man in front of him.

I never thought that Barenke, who was murderous before, suddenly shouted at this moment...

"Shut up for Lao Tzu!!"

As the boss of the gang, Barenke's management ability may be very general, but he is very capable of fighting, and his mind can be regarded as smart. Therefore, there are still many brothers under his command who serve him.

This can be seen from the fact that he is now down and down, and there are thirty or forty younger brothers who have been following him.

At this moment, Barrenke roared, and the room fell into silence. During the whole process, Barrenke's eyes were always staring at the eyes of the man in front of him, as if he wanted to see from the eyes of the other party. something to come.

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"Then you still dare to appear in front of Lao Tzu? Aren't you afraid that Lao Tzu will directly abolish you?!"

At the same time as he spoke, with a muffled sound of 'tuk', a machete with blood stains on it was immediately stabbed into the wooden floor in front of him by Barrenke.

In this regard, the man's demeanor remained calm.

"Since I'm here, I have the confidence to go out alive. As for what your Excellency said just now, I don't think I have anything wrong."

This time, Barenke unexpectedly did not interrupt the other party, as if he wanted to hear what flowers the other party could say to him.

"Not to mention that I don't know who they bought the weapons to kill, so what if they knew? Do I have any friendship with you? I'm a weapon seller, and the guests come to the door with money. I have Why don't you make this money?"

"So, you want to come to me now and make some more money?"

"That's right, a businessman. Wherever there is business, run there. Presumably your Excellency is not reconciled and just planted it like this?"

Hearing this, Balk let out a long breath, as if adjusting his emotions, and then nodded, as if accepting this statement...

"what price?"

As soon as these words were asked, the younger brothers around them became anxious.


Faced with this unexpected situation, Barenke shouted again.

"Okay, let's stop. People are right. They open the door to do business. They are not relatives and not related to us. Why don't they do business delivered to the door?"

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