On this trip to the church in the south, the Inspector came back with nothing.

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for him to do anything to Scarlett again.

Because the other party has bound themselves to the South Church to a large extent.

If he does something, the other party goes to Father Weilun to complain a few words, and he can put a big hat that hinders the mission directly on his forehead with his backhand!

Thinking of this, the inspector couldn't help but get annoyed.

After taking two deep breaths and adjusting his emotions, the inspector walked to his wine cabinet, took out a bottle of wine, and then took out a crystal glass. It was not until half a glass of fine wine was eaten that his emotions finally calmed down. .

Through the holy light stone used for lighting, admiring the crystal clear glass body and the ruby-like wine in the glass, the inspector's eyes showed a bit of intoxication.

The crystal cup in his hand is very valuable. It was specially bought from the Holy City. One cup costs an astonishing price of forty silver coins.

At the same time, the bottle of wine is not cheap. As a consumable, it costs five silver coins per bottle, which is the monthly salary of ordinary people in Xiacheng District. It can be said to be quite expensive.

Using a crystal cup worth forty silver coins and drinking five silver coins a bottle of wine is not something that one can afford with the income of an inspector in the lower city.

Perhaps it was because of his position that he couldn't hold his head up among the winged people. Therefore, in order to earn some face in front of his relatives and friends, the inspector made his life extravagant.

The winged nobles in Shangcheng District, their days are almost like this.

But if you want to maintain the noble life of the winged people, the daily expenses are undoubtedly very staggering. According to the income of the inspector, it is impossible to live such a life under normal circumstances.

It is evident how much oil and water he has fished in this position.

But this oil and water is not endless. This place in Xiacheng is really poor. At this point, there is not much oil and water to fish.

In fact, in the past few months, the extravagant life of the Inspector has gradually become unsustainable.

This situation made the Inspector's mood extremely anxious and irritable.

This kind of feeling is like a disguise that I have finally done well, and it is being ripped off bit by bit!

Thinking that he would be disgraced in front of those relatives and friends, the Inspector's mood became more and more irritable.

And it was at this time that the Scarlet Group broke into his field of vision...

How excited the Inspector was at the beginning, how excited he is now!

"Scarlett?! How dare you play this trick with me! We'll see!"

In this wave, the Inspector undoubtedly recorded the Scarlet Group thoroughly.

At the same time, the atmosphere in the headquarters of the Scarlet Group is undoubtedly much more relaxed and pleasant.

After a sip of the rye beer in the barrel glass in his hand, he wiped the corner of Wade's mouth, feeling very excited.

"Boss, this hand is too beautiful, this time, the inspector should not dare to provoke us!"

In this Holy Light Holy See country, the most deterrent beings are definitely not those officials, but the clergy.

Ye Qingxuan had already started preparing for this layout.

Because considering their situation, it would be beneficial and harmless to them to have a good relationship with the church first, or even make oneself a devout believer.

Ye Qingxuan didn't rush to the church to donate money and pray after being targeted by the inspector.

In fact, she has been doing this all the time, that's why Father Wei Lun believed in her as a "devout believer" and was even willing to cooperate with Ye Qingxuan in organizing missionary activities.

As for how she got so many people from Xiacheng who had no interest in the church to gather to listen to Father Weilun's preaching...

This thing is actually very simple, that is, send something.

After a round of missionary activities, you can line up to receive a rye bread.

In this Xiacheng District, many people are struggling to survive, but at the same time, many people have lost their jobs, wandering on the streets, and can only make a living by rummaging through **** and begging.

For these people, they don't have to do anything, just listen to what the priest has to say there, and they can easily get a rye bread and solve a meal for themselves, which is a great thing.

Moreover, the people who come to participate in the missionary activities, they are not unlimited, only the first 100 people will enter in a round, on a first-come, first-served basis.

After all, there are too many people, and Father Willon preaches the doctrine there, can the people behind him hear it clearly?

One hundred people is a more appropriate number.

At the end of the day, if you die, you will carry out four rounds of missionary activities. The cost of 400 rye bread is a drop in the bucket for today's Scarlet Group.

But they solved the big trouble of the inspector on the premise of paying such a small price, which is why Wade admires it so much.

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However, looking at Wade, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan who were in high spirits, although they were not pessimistic at this time, they did not show much optimism either.

"The inspector will not stop here."

Luo Ji's words made Wade, who was about to pour himself a drink at the time, make a move.

"Well, isn't he afraid of offending the church?"

"Of course he's afraid, but he can use other means..."

The phrase 'other means' in Luo Ji's mouth made Wade have a lot of associations, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com even brought the whole person, and the wine was a little sober.

"Then what do we do?"

"Don't be nervous, the inspector shouldn't take action in the short term, but our previous plan is probably to speed up the progress."

While Luo Ji was speaking, everyone at the wine table had already put down the wine glasses in their hands.

That battle, needless to say, they are going to talk about business next.

A week later, one day late at night, on a site seven blocks away from Scarlett Commercial Street, a group of gang members who copied the guy quickly rushed into the territory of other forces and attacked each other directly. The stronghold of power.

After a wave of night attacks, the attacked party was completely caught off guard, and the leader was forced to abandon the site and flee in embarrassment.

All this happened so suddenly, that night, even many surrounding strengths, were not able to react at the first time.

When they reacted, one of the sites had already changed owners.

This has brought huge excitement to the surrounding forces. For a while, seeing everyone is an enemy, it feels quite a bit like a soldier.

During this process, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were relatively calm.

They didn't do the night attack, and even to say it, their site was seven blocks away from the scene of the incident, and even if they went crazy, it wouldn't affect them.

From this point of view, this wave, they are completely outsiders, just watch the show. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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