The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4552: , bells and whistles

Originally, the person who bought the tool for thirty copper in the Scarlet tool shop had no idea about this matter.

But I can't stand those who are greedy for cheap. They have a pit in their brains, so what to pick first!

You used to laugh at people and laughed so happily, but now that the tools on both sides are compared, the gap has come out, and they must not laugh at them back?

It was supposed to be over soon.

But I don't know which genius, suddenly pulled out a sentence, "If you don't spend five more coins, what a sense of superiority! ' the words come.

Good guy, this one-handed rake, but it made a lot of people laugh.

This directly caused the whole situation to gradually get out of control, and there was a lot of trouble among the two crowds in the lower city.

In the science and technology country, most of the similar things happen on the Internet, and they are usually bombed, and if they die, they will be fleshed out.

But in this Holy Light Holy See country, there is no such thing as the Internet.

Ye Qingxuan, who heard the news at that time, couldn't help but want to respect the other party for being a man.

Needless to say after that, the person was quickly found out, and whether it was alive or dead, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan didn't quite know.

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After all, they don't care about it at all.

To be honest, this uproar actually further established the advantages and reputation of their 'Scarlet' tool, allowing their brand influence to spread faster than expected.

For the past week, the tools in the store have been sold out of stock!

It's true that the louder the noise outside, the better their business will be.

Originally, those who bought their tools simply thought their tools were easy to use and worth the money.

As a result, after doing this now, and being stimulated, one by one, they have become die-hard defenders of Scarlett.

Now it's basically like a 'grandmother, talk nonsense! Whoever refuses to accept it, I will kill anyone! ' posture.

And taking advantage of this wave of opportunities, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan quickly started their next plan.

It was said earlier that in this low-end market, they will definitely dabble in the future, and now is just a good time.

After all, this wave, but those blacksmith shops made the first move, then there is nothing to say.

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan had already made plans for entering the mid-to-low-end market. After the plan was officially confirmed, it only took a week for them to have everything ready.

Then they directly asked members of their company's security department to rush into action, promoting their new products and new events in the streets of the lower city.

Most of the human beings in the Xiacheng District are workers, which makes the news of the Scarlet Tool Shop now attracting a lot of attention in the Xiacheng District.

As soon as I heard that Scarlett was going to launch new products and activities, everyone was eager to get started.

Those who haven't bought it before are naturally more excited, and can take advantage of the event to buy a 'Scarlet' tool at a cheaper price than usual, while those who already have one, this time they will Focus on other tools.

As Luo Ji said before, the more people who have used their tools, the more they get used to their tools, the more they find the original tools cumbersome and difficult to use, so they want to replace their other tools with theirs. Carlette's tool idea.

In order to allow everyone to make better purchases at that time, the Scarlet Tools store has already opened the event consultation and explanation a week in advance, so that everyone can understand.

In short, the event continued for three days.

The officially launched mid-end products have a standard price of 25 coppers, and the overall performance is slightly worse than that of high-end products. However, during the event, this product will be sold at a 30% discount.

At the same time, the high-end product line of their Scarlet tool line, along with the latest batch, was officially renamed the "Master Series".

As the first new tool of the "Master Series" after the revision, it also has its own independent name "Snow Scavenger".

This is a sleigh shovel. Luo Ji and the others have already learned about it from Wade. The winters here are very cold, and it often snows heavily, flooding the streets with snow, which happens every year.

So when winter comes, there will be a lot of snow removal work.

And now, the season on their side has actually officially entered winter, and the launch of this sled shovel is completely in line with the season.

Of course, for other revised "Master Series" tools, they also have fancy names, such as "Mine Trailblazer", "Exploration Master" and so on.

The guests didn't understand what these fancy names were and what they were used for, but the price didn't change anyway, so it didn't matter to them what they were called.

Not to mention, during the event, the 'Master Series' is also discounted, although it is only 10% off, but you must know that this 'Master Series' has not been discounted since the store opening event. Now a 10% discount is enough. Let countless workers **** their heads.

And these fancy tool names came into play after their reputation spread further, and they were used for a period of time.

That day, a heavy snow had just finished, and the snow that submerged the calf completely blocked the road. A certain worker who bought a snow scavenger took over the job and was busy clearing the snow.

It turned out that a co-worker who took the job with him was looking at him frequently.

The worker felt strange in his heart, so he asked a question, and then he saw the worker hurriedly approached with great interest, looking at the tools in his hand and asking…

"Brother, you have a snow scavenger, right? Can you lend me a feel? This one has been snowing heavily recently, and the store is out of stock!"

At that moment, he felt a little refreshed in his heart, and suddenly realized the cool thing about this thing, and the whole person was full of enthusiasm, and even after shoveling snow, he had a bit of air.

This fancy name, its meaning, basically comes from this.

Most of the work of the workers in the lower city is boring, and this cool name, which is bells and whistles at the same time, is a wonderful way to bring a little bit to their boring work. color.

This kind of thing is actually more reflected in a psychological level, but it can always hit the preferences of many people.

On the Xiacheng side, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan's serial operations have basically pushed the reputation of Scarlet Tool Shop to the extreme, and at the same time, the business has also been pushed to the top.

As long as there is no accident, the business of their tool shop will basically be stable, and they should naturally start to implement other development plans that have been planned for a long time...Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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