This time, the shock of information that Luo Ji brought to Wade was too huge.

If it wasn't for a small seed planted in Wade's heart when he was a child, then at this moment, facing the collapse of his worldview, Wade's mental state would undoubtedly be worse.

Although most of the humans in Xiacheng didn't have a favorable opinion of the winged people themselves, their previous unfavorable feelings were actually due to their own situation and class treatment.

But now, if you add this layer of cause and effect, the nature will be completely different, and the two sides will suddenly turn into racial hatred!

From this point of view, the luck of Luo Ji and the others is undoubtedly too good.

He met Henry Bol, who was relatively kind to human beings. At the same time, he lied about a powerful cosmic kingdom, so that the other party dared not easily detain them in a place where all human beings were captives.

In addition, the bishop here is not interested in taking care of them, and to a large extent they do not speak the language, so they were finally arranged to this lower city.

Of course, it is impossible for the other party to have not imagined the possibility that they will say some technological remarks.

But they have nothing in their hands. It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. Even if they have some knowledge, what can they toss out in this place where there is nothing?

At the same time, the humans generally placed in the Xiacheng District are descendants of captives who have never been exposed to technology, so even if Luo Ji and the others talked about technology to these people, it was basically impossible for them to make sense.

Then, considering the ideological indoctrination of the Holy See Nation of Holy Light, most of the human beings here are afraid to avoid these 'devil's objects'. Did you get the reward?

From this point of view, Henry Boll is like digging a hole for them, wanting to see them jump or not!

"Anyway, this matter is over for the time being, and it is not allowed to spread, otherwise it will cause big trouble."

Seeing Wade's face becoming more and more ugly, Luo Ji stopped in time and reminded the other party.

"Everything is still in the speculative stage now, and if we want to confirm it, we first have to wait for the next batch of children to arrive..."

Hearing this, Wade was shocked.

"Boss, don't you want to follow that carriage and find those captured people, where they are being held?"

"I will handle this matter, you don't have to worry."

With a wave of his hand, Luo Ji motioned to Wade to stop thinking about it.

"What we need to care about now is our next business."

While speaking, Luo Ji's eyes fell on the production robot.

And along with Luo Ji's words, Wade obviously thought of this "devil's object" again.

When they were talking just now, Li Ke and Ye Feixing, who had not set up a stall in Junk Mountain, had already moved the production robot off the mule cart.

At the same time, they moved along with them, as well as some remaining raw materials in the warehouse, as well as tools that have been made.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

In the warehouse last night, they just did a test.

From the very beginning, they didn't plan to use that warehouse as a production factory, so the amount of raw materials there is not much, and now it is shipped, and naturally there is no pressure.

"That's the first business we're going to do next."

While speaking, Luo Ji shoved one of the tools into Wade's hand.

Luo Ji's tools, in terms of design, are slightly different from the tools commonly found in the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, but their general shape has not changed much, so Wade can still recognize them for the time being.

At the same time, he also knew that when his boss first came to his black market, he was here to sell tools. Once the stall was set up, the business was booming.

Even these few days, the business of his boss's stall is not bad at all.

In Wade's view, this is simply incredible. He has no idea why these slightly strange looking tools can sell so well.

After starting, the feeling is still a little bit.

In their Holy Light Holy See country, the main body of these tools is mainly made of iron, so the weight is not light, but the shovel that his boss gave him was unexpectedly light, which surprised Wade a little, but also That's it.

It's not his fault either, unless it's been used formally for a period of time, it's hard for these people to understand how useful these tools are compared to their original tools, and naturally they can't understand the value.

But it doesn't matter. Whether Wade can figure out this kind of problem will not have much impact on their next plan. Wade only needs to know that they want to do this business.

And Wade himself, obviously did not delve into this issue, and concentrated more energy on the production of robots.

At this point, there's nothing better not to show Wade.

Luo Ji directly activated the production robot, and in front of Wade, he completed the manufacture of a tool in a short period of time with the materials he brought.

For Luo Ji and the others, there was absolutely nothing surprising about the scene, but it fell into Wade's eyes, but it shocked him to the point of incomparable, and his inner emotions were completely indescribable, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

A shovel, how long does it take for their blacksmiths in the lower city to forge it?

As a result, the 'devil's object' in front of him was done in three or two strokes, and its efficiency shocked Wade.

Next, Luo Ji and Wade briefly introduced the production of robots.

To put it simply, this warehouse will become their production factory in the future, and this production robot will be placed here to continuously produce the tools they want to sell.

At the same time, the materials needed for production will be delivered in large quantities in the future.

However, due to the special nature of the production robot, its existence must not be discovered by the wingmen or even other humans.

So this point requires Wade to pay more attention, and pick a few trusted subordinates to guard outside.

Of course, they will also send someone to guard the warehouse, and that person is Ye Feixing.

Ye Feixing's own strength is strong enough, which is only one of the reasons.

Another reason is that since Ye Feixing woke up from the dormant warehouse, in order to restore his martial arts strength and re-attack the Thousand Military Realm, he has always needed time to accumulate the qi in his body.

But after arriving at Holy Light Holy See Nation, due to the influence of various things, Ye Feixing didn't have time to accumulate qi in peace at all.

But now it's alright. Let him guard the warehouse, which can not only ensure the safety of the warehouse, but also allow Ye Feixing to have time to practice and accumulate qi, which is the best of both worlds.

But as soon as Ye Feixing left, Li Ke was undoubtedly the only business on the other side of the garbage mountain.

Although according to Li Ke's strength, there is no accident, but sometimes, a person can't take care of it after all.

Taking this into consideration, Luo Ji motioned to Wade to send five more reliable brothers to follow Li Ke to the garbage mountain to do business.

This time, the benefits of the subordinates will be reflected at once.

Unlike before, just a few of them had to do everything by themselves.

But on the contrary, even if it is a reliable brother, let them do things, you have to give them some benefits later.

Therefore, while saving effort, this expenditure will inevitably increase, which can be regarded as a gain and a loss. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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