The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4512: , the first day of scavenging

"Well, honey, I feel like I'm going to faint from hunger..."

This time, a morning has passed.

Two meals a day are common here. Compared with the penitentiary, although the food in the church has improved a little, the two rye breads are still the same.

In the morning, they had already done cleaning work in the church, and with their hungry stomachs, they ate two rye bread.

If they didn't have to do any hard work all day, this little food would have allowed them to barely carry it until dinner, but today was different.

In order to find some metal to sell for money, they almost walked in this garbage mountain all morning, and the exhaustion of physical strength made them even more hungry.

At this moment, most of Ye Qingxuan was already hanging on Luo Ji's body, tired and hungry, and didn't want to walk by herself.

In response, Luo Ji spread out his hand and put it in front of his mouth. The next second, he opened his mouth and spat out four pieces of bread the size of a sugar cube.


Seeing these bread cubes, Ye Qingxuan's eyes suddenly glowed.

"As expected of you, my dear."

While talking, Ye Qingxuan hurriedly motioned Li Ke to take out the kettle. Although the church did not prepare lunch for them, it brought them some water for now.

Soak the small piece of bread from Luo Ji in water, and after absorbing the water, the piece of bread expands continuously for a short time, and in a blink of an eye, it expands to the size of a rye bread.

Although the taste itself is far from delicious, for those who are hungry, it is not bad to have one bite, and what Ye Qingxuan eats is called a fragrance.

At the same time, I didn't forget the cry of 'Dear'.

For this state, the rest of the people are all calm, obviously mentally prepared.

In fact, Ye Qingxuan and Luo Ji have been doing this all the time.

The fundamental reason, of course, was because Ye Qingxuan set herself up at the time, and her and Luo Ji's current external identities were a couple.

In order not to reveal flaws carelessly at certain times, Ye Qingxuan maintains this state all the time now, in order to integrate this state into her every move.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Luo Ji kept his palms open, and gave the three remaining bread cubes in his palms to the other three.

"Do you want it?"

In response, Li Ke and Ye Feixing waved their hands to signal no use.

It wasn't that he hated that the piece of bread was spat out of Luo Ji's mouth, but that he wanted to save as much food as possible.

At the same time the loaf was actually very clean.

As for, where did this loaf of bread come from?

Of course, those were the ones Luo Ji had eaten before.

Luo Ji, who is a mechanic, doesn't need to eat food.

But in order not to arouse suspicion, Luo Ji ate every meal without fail.

It's just that all the things that were eaten into his mouth were compressed by him, and then stored in a small space in his stomach.

The original machine did not have this function, but this body was repaired by Xu Ji, and then some inexplicable functions were added.

Of course, if you really want to talk about it, it can't be said to be an inexplicable function.

When Xu Ji designed this function at the time, it was so that Luo Ji could better hide his identity as a machine when necessary.

And now, this function that has hardly been used before is undoubtedly officially used.

The rye bread that he had eaten before was basically stored in Luo Ji's body, and it could be eaten as emergency food for everyone. That amount was quite considerable.

But no one knows what will happen next, and they have better physical fitness and can withstand it.

According to Li Ke and the others, it is better to store as much of these emergency food as possible.

After confirming that Li Ke and the others didn't want it, Luo Ji directly stuffed the remaining three bread cubes back.

And at this moment, Ye Qingxuan had finished eating, not even the crumbs of bread left.

After eating a rye bread, I finally got a little bit of energy and continued to work.

Everyone originally thought that it would not be too difficult to pick up some metal, but later it turned out that they thought too much.

At the end of the day, they found almost nothing except for a wooden stick in their hands to facilitate them to fiddle with the garbage.

Seeing that the day was about to pass, Ye Qingxuan and the others were exhausted physically and mentally from walking in this endless mountain of garbage. Naturally, they were unwilling to go back empty-handed and waste the whole day in vain.

So, they simply stopped looking for metals that could sell for money, and turned their attention to other things.

They also rummaged through some rags and tied a few knots to use as bags so they could carry more stuff.

In the evening, looking at Ye Qingxuan and his group who came out of the garbage mountain one by one, the person in charge of the garbage mountain was undoubtedly a little dumbfounded.

Unlike those old birds who scavenged waste, the newcomers came to scavenge waste the first day, and most of them found nothing. UU Reading

Because the valuable things on the periphery of this garbage mountain have long been hollowed out by those old birds.

Knowing this, and at the same time knowing where to find valuable things, most of the old birds have a clear goal and go straight to their destination as soon as they start work.

But the newcomers don't know that they won't gain anything after a day in the garbage mountain.

This is the norm here.

The appearance of Ye Qingxuan and others almost made the person in charge think that he was wrong, until he checked the contents of Ye Qingxuan's large and small bags, and he smiled.

The co-authors of this big bag and small bag are all worthless garbage, and there is not even anything that can be sold for money.

After that, Ye Qingxuan and the others said they wanted to take the garbage back, and the person in charge didn't care.

There is too much garbage in this garbage mountain. On the Yiren side, if you have to spend money to clean it up, the cost will be very exaggerated. This is also the biggest reason why the garbage mountain will always be piled here, and it is so exaggerated.

Therefore, if these scavengers are willing to take some of this garbage, they will basically not stop them.

However, this does not mean that the scavengers can take away the things in the garbage mountain.

In fact, there is a juncture outside the garbage mountain, and it is guarded by guards. All things to be taken away from here will be checked by the other party.

During this process, Ye Qingxuan clearly discovered that all things like electronic parts were thrown out by the inspectors.

In their eyes, although these things are worthless garbage, they do not allow the scavengers to take them away.

This can't help but make Ye Qingxuan have some deep intentions for the wing people, and some new guesses and ideas...


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