The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4506: , Upper Town and Lower Town

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan had expected the situation in front of them, but they didn't expect that it would come so quickly.

Judging from this situation, they can at least regain their freedom to a certain extent.

But in contrast, they seem to have lost their food security.

From the point of view of food, staying here is actually quite good. The house is clean. Although I can't eat enough, I can't starve to death. I don't have to worry about two meals a day.

But once they leave here, according to Henry Bohr, they have to work and make money.

Although Henry Bol also said that the so-called church would arrange work for them, Luo Ji would not be too optimistic.

He doesn't know what the arranged job is now, nor how much money this job can make them a day, let alone whether the money they earn will be enough for them to eat a full meal.

After such a comparison, the days here at the penitentiary are very comfortable, with food, drink, and place to live, and there is no need to work.

But they have no choice now.

Henry Bohr has made it clear that they cannot stay here any longer.

At the same time, considering that Xu Ji and Cerilia are still hiding in the depths of the void, it is impossible for them to stay here all the time, continue to eat and wait for death.

Although taking into account the fact that the two of them did not eat a lot, the food in the spaceship should still be able to hold at this point in time, but they really need to start thinking of a way to send some food back.

How to send it back, let’s not talk about it, the problem they need to solve most now is that they have no money. While solving their own food and clothing problems, how can they get a lot of food!

Of course, all this has to wait until they get out of here first.

Since he got off the warship, Luo Ji was in contact with Ye Qingxuan and the others for the first time today.

During the period, everyone felt 'ecstatic' about the fact that each other was still alive. At the same time, as the person with the best language skills, Luo Ji quickly conveyed the meaning of Henry Boer to the crowd.

Knowing the situation, while being 'deeply hit' for the fact that their spaceship no longer exists, the people who cheered up thanked Henry Boll in a lame tone.

In this regard, Henry Bol just nodded and said nothing more.

At the foot of the mountain, he had prepared a carriage.

In their place, the existence of human beings is not uncommon, but a group of human beings appear in the upper city, which is still quite conspicuous for the time being.

In order not to be so conspicuous, but also to avoid trouble, he prepared a linen robe for Luo Ji and the others, each with a wide hood. Wrap them all in robes.

In this regard, Luo Ji and the others did not have any reason for not cooperating, and they followed suit.

Walking through the long mountain road, at the foot of the mountain, everyone quickly saw the carriage waiting there.

The carriage is relatively simple, with a large brown shed on the body part. There are benches at both ends of the shed and the end near the front of the car. Calculate the space. For normal adults, squeeze it. This shed is stuffed with seven Eight people shouldn't be a problem.

And there are only five of them, and Henry Boll, who is also with him, is six. In theory, they shouldn't have to sit very crowded.

But they soon realized that they were thinking too much, and the pair of big wings behind Henry Boll made the space that should have room to be crowded all of a sudden...

After everyone got into the carriage, the carriage moved quickly.

After this rudimentary carriage started running, the experience it brought to everyone must have nothing to do with 'comfort'.

Enduring the bumps along the way, everyone quickly arrived at the junction of the two urban areas.

There is a suspension bridge in the middle, and guards guard both ends of the suspension bridge.

Passing pedestrians and vehicles are basically checked.

However, this was not a problem for them. Henry Boll, who was sitting in the carriage, briefly showed his face, and the winged guards who were there quickly released him.

Not that the other party recognized Henry Borne as the head of the penitentiary.

It is because the winged people are a race that pays great attention to bloodlines. Apart from some exceptions, the level of bloodline often determines the status of the winged people.

The winged man with small wings behind him and without the ability to fly is just the lowest level of the winged man bloodline.

And like Henry Bol, a winged man with a pair of large wings and the ability to fly, is called a "flying winged man" among the winged people, and has a higher status than ordinary winged people.

The guards guarding the bridge were just ordinary winged men, while Henry Boll was a Flügel.

In this way, the carriage passed the suspension bridge smoothly, from the upper part of the city to the lower part of the city.

This carriage didn't have windows, so the people inside couldn't see the outside scene, but Luo Ji could.

When he got on the carriage, he had already parked a miniature reconnaissance robot on the top of the carport, so he could see clearly the scene along the way. UU reading

In order to allow himself to master the language faster, Luo Ji temporarily gave up his reconnaissance work on the city, and let the miniature reconnaissance robots stay in the most prosperous areas, collect language samples, and transmit them to him.

So his reconnaissance work did not actually end here.

And now, the scene in the lower part of the city has undoubtedly brought a lot of surprises to Luo Ji.

At the beginning, they originally thought that the upper city and the lower city were just a simple division of the city, which is also the case in many cities in their known universe.

Now it seems that he was wrong...

This Xiacheng District, I am afraid it is really the 'Xia' City...

Compared with Uptown, it can be said to be two worlds.

The upper city is clean and bright. Every street is paved with neat floor tiles. The houses on both sides of the street are also orderly.

But what about the downtown area?

Before crossing the suspension bridge, you can see the thick smoke rising from a long distance. I don't know if it is because of the thick smoke. The sky in the lower city is gray, and even the air Full of impurities, granular dust visible to the naked eye is constantly floating in the air.

After crossing the suspension bridge, the first thing that catches the eye is the messy and disorderly buildings, which are also mixed with various sheds.

As for the road, although it can be seen that it should have been watered, it is still dirty. The mud puddles on the road often splash a large amount of mud water when the carriage gallops past, causing the pedestrians on both sides to curse again and again. .

And it is in such a lower city, which is so different from the upper city, where the eyes come and go, it is the unkempt human beings who live here...

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