"Go to die, go to die! Go to die, die to die! Die to me!!"

Fists were slammed, and the terrifying power made one after another orcs under its heavy punches, completely transformed into splashes of fleshy mud. However, Beimen's emotions did not get the slightest relief, but instead became more and more irritable. .

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

At this moment, Bei Meng had a hideous face, and his six eyes were full of roundness. The mania that there was nowhere to vent was about to drive him completely crazy, making his mentality a little abnormal.

"One, two, three! Not enough! Not enough! Not enough!!!"

At this moment, Belmont finally understood that these fragile fish would be blasted into fleshy fish with a single punch. There was no way to let his emotions vent. It needed a more anti-beating sandbag. '!

At this moment, a loud noise from a distance caught the attention of Belmont.

The movement of Cerberus entering the arena was not uncommon, and the huge body like a hill was even more eye-catching.

It stands to reason that this size is too large to be regarded as a ‘single soldier’ unit. Under normal circumstances, Baymont would not regard it as an attack target. After all, the magnitudes of the two sides are fundamentally different.

But at this time, the entire heart, who was completely filled with uncontrollable mania, could no longer manage that much.

After discovering the existence of Cerberus, I saw that Beamon's wings suddenly vibrated behind him, and he burst out with an astonishing speed, and culled towards Cerberus!

The units of the Orc race have strong wild intuition in themselves, which enables them to display extremely amazing combat abilities in battle, even if they rely solely on wild instincts to fight.

As the ‘beast god’ at the top of the orc pyramid, Cerberus’ wild intuition was naturally stronger, and he was aware of the existence of Bemun almost immediately.

Between the sparks and flints, facing the rushing Beamon, Cerberus didn't choose to retreat. His sturdy limbs suddenly exerted force and slammed directly in the direction from which Beamon rushed!

In an instant, two silhouettes of very different sizes collided together.

The air wave formed by the explosive impact of the two forces madly spread in all directions, almost all the units in the entire area were lifted out!

After a moment of stalemate, the two figures flew out at the same time.

Cerberus's huge body like a hill, at that moment the forelimbs lifted off the ground, and there was an exaggerated rise. On the forehead of the head in the middle, the blood was blurred, and the blood that was constantly pouring out immediately stained it red in a blink of an eye. The whole face.

As the other side of the hedge, Belmont, who also flew upside down, didn't get much better.

The impact of the force made it feel severe pain, especially at that instant, the right fist that it hit directly, the hard carapace wrapped around a whole right arm, has cracked a lot of cracks at this moment. In the crack, dark green insect blood constantly overflowed from it.

This pain made Beamon clearly realize that the behemoth in front of him is not a'sandbag' that can only be beaten, but it also made Beamon, who was about to be overwhelmed by manic emotions, slightly recovered. Kind of calm.

While cooperating with the wings behind him and quickly stabilizing his figure, Beamon lowered his head and glanced at his right arm that was injured in the confrontation.

Accompanied by the contraction of the muscles, in just such a short time, the blood was about to stop.

This is a new discovery of Beamon later.

With the secondary evolution that was successfully triggered, it not only improved its combat effectiveness, but at the same time, its resilience also became stronger. Normal skin injuries can quickly recover in a short period of time.

In this regard, Cerberus, who was a beast-god unit, was undoubtedly the same.

Even its resilience is still higher than that of Belmont. Valley

Don't look at it now, its face is covered with blood, it seems to be miserable, but in fact, it's just skin wounds.

The reason why he shed so much blood is purely because the capillaries on the head are densely distributed.

At this moment, Cerberus's blood had completely stopped, and even the wound was healing quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You are the one!"

With his mouth grinning, the densely packed small fangs were suddenly exposed to the air, and Beamon showed a fierce grin.

The strike just now made it a little bit hurt, but Belmont could clearly feel that he was in a much better mood.

At this moment, Belmont looked at Cerberus' eyes, as if he had locked a prey.

This look made Cerberus visibly annoyed.

Who is that? It's Cerberus! The beast **** of the orc race! The totem symbol of the kobolds! It is the existence worshipped by the orcs!

Even for races other than kobolds and even orcs, when they see it, their eyes are more of awe, fear, and horror. How has Cerberus been used by other creatures to stare at its prey? Staring at it?

Belmont’s eyes angered it. Facing the slaughter of Belmont, Cerberus didn’t even hesitate for a moment, accumulating even more powerful strength, and directly slaughtered him to meet him!

However, this time, Belmont had learned to be clever, and he didn't rush forward.

At the moment when their two figures were about to collide, Beamon's wings vibrated behind him, and while directly avoiding the frontal collision, he boldly punched a set of four punches, directly hitting Cerberus’s. Body.

The continuous impact of powerful force, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com made Cerberos's huge body like a hill almost lose its balance, but in the end it was forced to stabilize by its reaction power.

At this moment, as a super giant unit, Cerberus, its disadvantages were completely exposed.

That is, in the face of a unit like Baymon that is close to a conventional individual, if it can't easily crush the opponent, the opponent will have an advantage in flexibility that cannot be ignored!

This is like it is difficult for an elephant to accurately trample an ant to death.

This made Cerberus quickly fall into a passive beating situation.

This situation made Cerberus annoyed. The three heads roared frequently, the roar containing the power of the beast god, directly forming a circle of sound waves visible to the naked eye, causing the air to vibrate violently.

Faced with this kind of sonic attack, even Belmond was uncomfortable. If it fell on an ordinary unit, it would inevitably be shaken to death.

But this is obviously not enough to change the situation.

Belmont directly regarded Cerberus as a venting ‘sandbag’, and while avoiding Cerberus’s attacks, he continued to beat him to vent his manic emotions.

From the perspective of the situation, Cerberus may be said to have fallen into an overwhelming disadvantage, but it is not...

A beast **** like it has a terrifying control over its own body. It is no exaggeration to say that it can control every muscle in its own body.

After realizing that Belmond had avoided the head-on confrontation with him, Cerberus directly covered his body with the power of the beast god.

While Belmont’s fist fell somewhere on its body, the muscles in the area of ​​Cerberus were also exerting strength, supplemented by the strengthening blessing of the power of the beast god, under the collision, the force of the shock to return, absolutely It won't make Bei Meng too comfortable...

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