The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4145: Rapids retreat

During this period, a month ago, something not too big, but definitely not too small, happened in Surrington, and that was that the old chief of the Surrington Police Headquarters resigned.

   Ye Qingxuan, who confirmed the news at the time, was not too surprised.

   can even be said to be a little unexpected.

In Surrington, things have developed to this point. As the old chief of the police, the leaders of Karen Belle are constantly pressing him to maintain law and order and restore order. At the same time, the following are emotional. It can even be said that the people who were a little out of control directly surrounded the police station and asked him to surrender the murderer. Many of them clamored for him to step down.

   And now, he's gone.

Think about it carefully, he is sixty-three years old this year, and it was not a few years since retirement. At the same time, as he is now, in the few years before retirement, it seems that he wants to go further. It seems that it is basically useless. For the tenure of those few years, just sit in this position and act as the airbags on both sides?

   Not to mention that during this process, most of the police officers in his police station were from the civilian class. Once the incident came out, the inside would not stop, which made him very big head.

   The current wave of the old director can be called the rapid retreat.

   As soon as the news came out, those who were clamoring for him to step down suddenly turned off, because they really stepped down.

   And those high-level Karen Bells who kept pressing him before have secretly called him ‘old fox! ’

   But it doesn’t matter to the other party.

   The old director's family is itself an upper class in Karen Bell, not the top class, but it is also a big family.

   When the old director was in that position, their other upper-class leaders had the same goal, and naturally they could work together to pressure him.

   But they don’t do it now, can you continue to chase him?

   This situation is already troublesome enough, and smart people should learn not to make their troubles worse.

   When the old director took the blame and resigned, Ye Qingxuan had already had so much speculation in his heart.

   And now, her guess is basically verified.

   Regarding the turmoil on Surrington's side, Ye Qingxuan initially predicted that it would last no more than three months at most.

   In these three months, the level of turmoil will naturally show a change.

   But since she stayed in the hotel, she has developed to this point in just over half a month, and it really made Ye Qingxuan a little bit surprised.

   If this happens, it can only explain one problem, that is, among those thugs, the existence of a ‘rhythm master’ makes the whole situation drastically worsened.

   These ‘rhythm masters’ may have existed at the beginning, or they may have been added later.

   may be those in power from the upper class, some forces from the civilian class, or both.

   This is probably the biggest reason why the old director resigned so simply.

Because the complexity of the forces involved in this struggle is completely beyond the control of the old director, he is standing there, he can't actually do anything, so he can quickly get out of this complicated struggle. Wise approach.

   Speaking of returning to the subject, when these ‘rhythm masters’ got mixed in, and which faction they belonged to, it doesn’t really matter.

   The fundamental purpose of these ‘rhythm masters’ is very simple. It is to completely transform the image of those ‘zero-yuan purchase’ groups among the masses of people into ‘thugs’.

   These guys before, under the banner of ‘revolution’, take advantage of the general trend and do whatever they want.

  At this stage, the police act at will. It is tantamount to being an enemy of the'general trend.' If you are not careful, you will be pushed to the opposite side of the people and be labeled as an enemy of the people.

   This made it difficult for the Surrington police to start operations.

   For this, they must separate these ‘zero-yuan purchase’ groups from the ‘people’, and even let them stand on the opposite side of the people.

   It seems that they have achieved more than half of this goal.

  Leave aside the other parties. Now for those in power in the upper class of Karen Bell, the most important thing is to quickly nominate a new director.

   After all, for the next thing, they will inevitably need to mobilize the power of the Surrington police. Under this premise, the position of the Director of the General Bureau obviously cannot be vacant.

   But in fact, in the month since the old director resigned, the leaders of Karen Bell’s upper class had already pushed a new director to the position as soon as possible.

   However, the new director was admitted to a mental hospital after less than four weeks.

   If the old director is purely an old fox, he retreats bravely, and he chooses to quit, then the one who was pushed back to the upper position is pure tragedy.

   Within just four weeks after taking office and being transferred to a mental hospital, the new chief found that not only the outside of the police station, but also his home, were crowded with demonstrators.

  Even in the middle of the night, there were crowds In just a few days, his wife and children were already on the verge of a nervous breakdown, let alone him as the master?

   He not only has to face pressure from countless people, but also has to face pressure from the upper class.

The old director had been in power for so many years at any rate, and he had seen a lot of strong winds and waves. Naturally, his psychological endurance was much higher than those of these young people. At the same time, family power and his own strength were also placed there, and they were not vegetarians. Yes, even if the upper-class people in power want to put pressure on it, they dare not go too far.

   But this newly appointed young man is different.

   When the old director was in office, they had no choice, but now, they have chosen some, so why don't they choose a better one to choose?

   And the result is that this one is better controlled, and the ability is also worse.

   Under the double pressure of the people and the upper class, problems soon went wrong.

   On the night he was rushed to the hospital for rescue, a large amount of ‘powder’ was found in the other’s house. I don’t know if it’s too much pressure. This guy just knocked too much.

   After waking up in the hospital, the whole person's mental state was a little bit wrong, he became a little crazy, and was eventually transferred to a mental hospital.

As for whether the new director, who has been in office for less than four weeks, is really crazy or fake, no one knows. At the same time, those in power of the upper class are probably not in the mood to care about this issue, because they are now A new director is needed again.

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