The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1577: Raging fish

Although there are sharp-angled organs on the head, these guys are obviously not sailfish.

At the same time, from the morphological features in which the overall difference is still quite large, it is also possible to basically rule out the possibility that they are distant cousins ​​of the sailfish.

Of course, these are not the key points, the emphasis is on the number of them! At first glance, a large group of large fish units, almost composed of a violent fish group, rushed towards them!

In the face of such a squad, even if there is no threat of the sharp corner, this wave will come over and I am afraid they will be able to crush them on the spot.

Feeling the huge threat, I couldn't think too much. Some of the hunters quickly opened the bag at the waist and took out a column-like thing like a grenade.

"Everyone pays attention! Flash bomb!!"

In the reminder, several of the stalkers resolutely threw out the special flash bomb in their hands.

In the next second, the glare that should not exist under the sea completely broke out!

At that moment, the large fishermen who rushed to the madness seemed to have been hit by a head-on attack, and they uttered a scream of screams!

The scene was so chaotic to the extreme!

This special underwater flash bomb is an inspiration for Luo Ji when he first experimented with the harpoon gun and realized the lack of light in the deep sea.

Yes, deep-sea creatures have long lived in the darkness of the deep sea environment. It is reasonable to say that the vision is degraded quite seriously, and at the same time it must be afraid of the sudden burst of light.

In this way, can the flash bomb become a targeted tactical weapon?

With such an idea, Luo Ji at that time immediately found Ye Hao and Bart Wildhammer.

The tricky part of this idea is how to make the flash bomb work under the sea.

In this regard, Bart Wildhammer as an expert in grenade and bombs, quite simply said that the principle of detonation of a part of deep water bombs can be borrowed.

After that, with Ye Hao, after a series of improved research and development, they added a large amount of oxidant to the new type of flash bomb, so that it can still be fully burned even under water.

Of course, this whole process is simple, but the Ye Hao and Bart Wildhammer, who are responsible for the development of this new type of weapon, have spent a lot of energy and time before they finally put the underwater flash of this black technology into research and development. come out.

Compared with ordinary flash bombs, this underwater flash bomb, the biggest advantage, is naturally able to work underwater.

However, at the cost of this special underwater flash bomb, the production cost has increased by nearly 30% compared with the ordinary flash bomb. At the same time, the brightness of the flash bomb is relatively weaker than that of the ordinary flash bomb. However, It is enough to come down to the surface of the sea to deal with some deep-sea fish people with visual degradation.

As it turns out, from the current situation, the effect is simply out!

Not only did the large fishermen who launched the attack from the deep sea be attacked explicitly, but even the other fishermen around them were attacked.

A few of the reactions were not timely, and the lizard soldiers, other lizard soldiers and the hunters who were accidentally injured were able to see the opportunity and launched a counterattack!

Especially for the submarine troops, the target can be said to be directed at the large fishermen below, and the harpoon guns are continuously shot, constantly attacking the large fishermen.

This wave of attacks, the other side will not escape, and can only be embarrassed.

At the same time as the harpoon hit, one after the other, the blood flowers bloomed from the large fishermen's units.

However, the huge body and strong body of more than fifteen meters are placed there, and the attack of the harpoon gun can hurt them, but it is obviously not so easy to hit them.

In this regard, the submarine force is not ambiguous at all. After a wave of shooting, it quickly starts to fill the second harpoon. Since the power is not enough, it can only be used together!

As a result, just as the second round of attacks by the stalker forces, unexpected things happened.

In the face of the harpoon attack that was swept away again, the former moment was also deprived of vision. The large fishermen who rushed underneath like a group of headless flies, as if they were noticeable in the last moment. Have taken evasive action,

Although this move did not completely disintegrate the offensives of the hunters, it also avoided a considerable part.

At the same time, the same is true of other fishermen’s soldiers, who have stabilized their positions, as if the impact of the flash bombs on them has retreated.

However, is this really the case? of course not!

The effect of the flash bomb is still there, the state of the fishermen’s soldiers is almost awkward, but it doesn’t matter!

Originally, the deep sea was basically dark, and their fishermen’s dependence on vision was very low.

After approaching the sea, as the light is gradually sufficient and the vision can be used, they will certainly use it.

In this state, the opposite side suddenly came up with a flash bomb to give them a flash of life, it will certainly be uncomfortable, and into a short-term incompatibility.

However, this unsuitable state, for the fisherman who is accustomed to the darkness, can take a very short time and get used to it!

At this moment, their eyes continue to spur a burst of tingling, but in a whole state, they are completely accustomed.

During this period, the large-scale fishermen who frequently roared, did not know how it was passed, once again locked the position of the hunter's troops, and rushed to the madness.

"What a hell!"

The long, sharp spiral of the roots exudes the breath of death, whether it is penetrated by the long angle of the spiral or by the big guys. For the lizard soldiers, I am afraid It is quite terrible.

After fully realizing this, the Savage Forces quickly launched an evacuation formation.

As an elite selected from the lizard's underwater combat forces, they are not only playing in a formation, but also playing a guerrilla warfare underwater. It is also a good hand.

The hunters who are evacuated from the formation are directly composed of a dozen or twenty people, forming a guerrilla squad. At the same time, in each area, there must be three guerrilla squads to cover each other. In the case of tacit cooperation, absolutely Can give enough enemies to give the enemy a full blow.

Even if it is a large-scale fisherman with a thick skin, after several rounds of such attacks, there is no way to cause fatal injuries, but it is bleeding, I am afraid they can kill them!

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