In any case, the order here is counted down, and the third direct squad that received the order, almost at the fastest speed, with two thousand fishermen and troops, supported the past in the fifteenth sea area.

During this period, the battle on the 15th sea area is clearly continuing.

Looking at the previous wave of opportunities, the South China Sea Fleet and the foreign joint fleet slammed, significantly expanding the advantage.

However, the next battle did not develop in the direction they expected.

The supply of supplies was cut off by a wave. This situation has had a huge impact on the Europa joint fleet, forcing them to withdraw their defenses and wait for the supply line to recover.

But in contrast, on the side of the foreign joint fleet, is it right?

In the past two years, the days of the four foreign players, from all sides, have been abnormal ‘tensions’. The wave of offensives has played fiercely, but it has a little strong meaning.

After several strong attacks, he quickly fell into a state of 'successor'.

Due to the limitations of their own situation and situation, the support and supply lines of the latter players can not keep up, how can we continue to pursue?

Therefore, this wave of offensives of the foreign joint fleet can only push the front line back to the center of the sea, and in this area, fight with each other.

During this period, it was probably in the process of guarding against the possibility that the South China Sea Fleet could rob another grain.

This wave, on the opposite side, chose to transport a large amount of supplies in the port area through land transportation, and then let the small fleet take turns to return to the material replenishment strategy.

Although troublesome, it was unexpectedly stable.

At the same time, it must be mentioned here that this strategy can only be used in this kind of withdrawal.

Because in this state, they have a relatively short journey of replenishment.

Before the change, the Europa fleet is already pressing to the door of the foreign players, and then let them return to their own port to replenish supplies? How can this be? The road is too long, how long does it take?

Now that I have returned to the topic, through this wave of opportunities, the foreign joint fleet that has been crushed to death has barely equalized the situation.

However, the damage and consumption of the recent wars have already made those foreign players start to breathe.

Their current financial situation is already tight to some extent.

In theory, at this time, the war should be stopped, and it is the safest practice to cultivate and raise people.

But the problem is that it can't stop!

At the same time, this wave of stop, missed this opportunity, and then want to turn over, I am afraid it is difficult.

In this way, even if they sell iron in the pot, they have to grit their teeth and die. They only want to turn around.

At this moment, above the central area of ​​the 15th sea area, the fleets are in a state of madness, and under the sea, the battles are simultaneously in progress.

The recent wave of offensives, coupled with the supply of the Europa fleet, although restored the original strength, but the overall strength is ultimately weakened, the fishermen who know this point in their hearts, the recent offensive is quite fierce.

Among the surging currents, a group of sailfish troops gathered together to directly launch a horrible continuous charge, making this battlefield under the sea instantly dangerous.

In the screams, one after another lizard soldiers, because of the evasion, have been recruited.

The obvious **** smell began to spread in the sea.

The sore pain caused by the soaked wounds constantly stimulates the nerves of every lizard soldier.

The line of sight swiftly swept away, and the rest of the fishermen's troops were completely dispersed in the outer waters, forming a circle of encirclement.

In the surrounding network, a group of Sailfish troops gathered to show their terrorist fighting power.

The lizard soldiers were bent on dragging the surrounding fishmen into the battle to limit the large-scale charge of the Sailfish.

However, the other side is undoubtedly seeing through their ideas and simply does not give them this opportunity.

Not waiting for the lizard soldiers to get close, the strong charge of the sailfish soldiers will stop them in the most rude way!

During this period, the submarine on the sea could not support them.

Because this piece of water above the sea, the fleet is fighting, and it is still a multi-party coalition, unlike their own people, they have a tacit understanding.

In this case, if you drop a deep-water bomb at will, there is a great possibility that you will accidentally injure your allies.

Therefore, in the case that the timing cannot be grasped at all, naturally there is no way to do it.

The lizard soldiers who have no other way can only bite their teeth.

Fortunately, the sailfish attacked the army's assault offensive and could not continue.

It has been said earlier that the speed of this outbreak is quite large.

After several rounds of assault, the squadron, who felt that his physical strength was gradually declining, directly took a stroke. With one order, the assault offensive stopped, and the fishermen who formed the encirclement around the outside were officially rushed.

However, at this moment, the lizard soldiers, after suffering the threat of several rounds of assault, have already been hung up, and the state is obviously declining. The fishermen’s joint siege, all of a sudden They are caught in a disadvantage.

Stretching the bones and bones, and before the slightest easing of the burden of the explosives to the body, the Sailfish Lieutenant Colonel just wanted to signal the Sailfish soldiers to join the battle group. The result was suddenly occur!

Everything happened too fast, accompanied by a violent surging sound of the current, the squid lieutenant colonel floating in the sea, only heard the muffled sound of the sharp blade piercing the flesh and blood, the next second, dramatic Pain, instantly encroached on his entire consciousness!


The idea of ​​flashing fast in my mind made him make a flip-back action in the first place.

At the same time, the Sailfish Lieutenant Colonel also quickly confirmed his wounds. At this moment, a suspected metal arrow weapon fell into his left shoulder from behind!

Then, after a little getting used to this severe pain, the screams that came from around, quickly filled his entire ear.

I saw that at this moment, a small metal arrow with a small size is constantly breaking through the current and flying towards them.

The attack came very suddenly, and at the same time, the power was good and it was able to cause damage to them.

The most terrible thing is that the bleeding rate of this wound is obviously more than a little bit faster than the general attack.

This is only a few blinks of effort, the blood that overflows constantly, and the seawater around the school of the swordfisher is already red!

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