The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1525: I dare to think

This year, those who are qualified to sit in the car, except the driver, are mostly officers.

With this in mind, how can Zhou Wei let the other party run?

The blow he had just made can be said to have accurately deprived the command vehicle of its ability to move under the premise of avoiding the fuel tank.

Although the command car that rushed out of the main road was completely turned over, this degree is generally not enough for someone's life.

This is not the case, the thought of flying around, the Fusang general, has been struggling to climb out of the car.

The next second, before he was glad that his own life was preserved in such a car accident, a blade with a hot and cold temperature was already placed on his neck.

At the same time, watching Zhou Wei, who turned his head away from his head, as a long-time old partner, Luo Cheng felt a bit tired while he was inexplicably a little bit accustomed to it.

The gas can't get angry, or, after so many years, because of this thing, it will make him feel stupid.

In this way, after a sigh of sigh, Luo Cheng is also quite simply led the underworld of the Hyunjia heavy ride, intercepting the Fusang army trying to escape.

Fuso, who has a car, will lead without saying that these ordinary Fusang soldiers want to run through them on two legs? That is obviously impossible.

Unconscionable, a direct wave of assaults, after a simple interception, the army forces that have been chasing the back soon arrived, and the situation here can be said to be officially stabilized.

There are only two choices left for the Fusang soldiers today.

One is to smash the hand, and the other is to be killed after a meaningless rebellion.

In this regard, the Fusang soldiers who had already been smashed by the Xuanjia army had no choice but to choose the former. They held their heads directly and fell to the ground and made a gesture of surrender.

During this period, Zhou Wei, who caught a Fusang general, returned with a general victory.

After handing the general in his hand to a group of soldiers for custody, he was decisive in his heart when he was in sight of Shang Luo.

"Amount, this..."

In this regard, Luo Cheng faintly glanced at the big knife in the hands of Zhou Wei...

"You just used it?"

"Under the moment, people are caught back and will not be exposed."

Between the talks, I took away the Zhou Yan of the Red Flame Knife and quickly transferred the topic...

"Compared to this, this new breed of red flame horse is a real cow! It is not said."

While talking, Zhou Hao couldn't help but touch the mane of the red flame horse.

This red flame horse, after he made a great battle on the side of the big food, gave him a reward. At that time, he and the red flame horse just saw it and immediately looked at it. Now I look at it. This horse is more than just watching his wife, riding this horse, his strength, where is the word "like a tiger" can be described?

"It is totally unimaginable. At that time, if our Hyunjia heavy-duty ride is equipped with this red flame horse, what is the strength of the attack?"

I have to say that this time, I really let him successfully transfer the topic.

Luo Cheng heard the words and spoke directly...

"Don't think about it. At present, the number of Red Flame Horses is not much. It is still in the process of cultivation. It is still equipped with large-scale equipment. It is still early."

Under the participation of the Xuanjia army, the battle here ended in a short time.

With the destruction of a fortress, the two Fuso cities in the rear also fell.

On this island, there are only seven cities in total, counting the port cities that Wang Hao had previously captured. Among the seven cities, the army of Luo Ji has suddenly occupied three of them, one whole island, in short Half of the time has already fallen, this momentum can be said to be quite fierce.

In the meantime, since Zhou Wei grabbed a Fusang general, the trial was definitely inevitable.

Do not understand Fusang? It's ok! This does not prevent them from communicating.

According to the situation in today's world battlefield, if an officer does not understand Europa and Tianchao, he will not be able to sit in this position.

This is indeed the case, just as Luo will let his generals and officials master the Europa language.

Other foreign players will also let their generals and officials master Europa and Tianchao.

But unfortunately, the guy was surprised by a hard bone, the professionals in the dark part were not there, and the ones were more amateur, and the result was not too strong.

In the end, Luo Ji simply forgets.

Guan is too lazy to shut down, directly let people put the Fusang will be executed.

After all, the guy had seen Zhou Wei’s Red Flame Knife. Although the other party was scared at the time, the shock was undecided and he did not know how much memory he still had.

However, in order to prevent it, it is easier to solve it directly.

As for the next battle, the battle on this island is really too easy for the expedition army of Luo Ji.

In the previous battle, it was almost for them to clean up the garrison troops on this island. Ji is inseparable from the ten. The remaining pitiful forces may stop them? It’s impossible to think about it.

After a short break, Luo Ji's expeditionary army directly launched a high-speed march, all the way to drive straight in, no need to spend a lot of time, the seven cities on the entire island, have all fallen into His control.

Subsequently, the Luo Ji, which had been prepared in advance, directly dispatched manpower, and while occupying the seven cities, it carried out further governance.

Obviously, he did not intend to take a wave to leave. This wave, he has a kind of mind that completely captured the territory of Yamamoto and then acted as the barrier to the east of his 10,000-cenic civilization. Governance, that is naturally necessary.

During this period, there was a small accident on the other side of the port...

"Fish people? What do they want?"

At this moment, the radio is communicating through the radio, and the brow can't help but wrinkle slightly.

"Back, they want us to help them prepare food."

"Food? Don't you give them?"

For the time being, he did not want to fall out with this fisherman's unit because of a small matter.

Besides, he basically does not lack that food.

However, this situation is obviously not so simple, just listen to the other side of the communications soldiers to open again...

"Your Majesty, we gave it, but they directly sprinkled the food we sent to the ground, saying that we want to eat meat, let us prepare barbecue, and wine."

In the end, in the voice of the correspondent, there was already a bit more anger that could not be suppressed.

The Luo series that heard this was also happy on the spot.

Also want to drink and eat meat?

The expedition is outside, he still wants to eat barbecue! I dare to think about it? These grandchildren!

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