The world begins with Hong Kong TV series!

Chapter 81 Amin, I must penetrate you

Who are you and what do you want to do?

The young woman led a group of apprentices in the boxing gym and blocked Gao Miao and others.

Her voice was slightly soft, and although her appearance was heroic, she didn't seem to have much intimidation.

Gao Chao did not underestimate her.

Because this woman's physical fitness rating is [Martial Arts Practitioner]!

Look at this girl again, her steps are light. When she just walked over, her waist and legs were flexible. She walked down the bluestone steps like walking on the ground. She is really a good gun stand... No, good pile skills!

Hello, I came here because of your reputation and want to learn boxing!

Gao Chao has a gentle smile and a polite look.

It’s good to know how to do pile work!

Brother Chao loves piling the most!

...Learning boxing? The young woman's eyes were slightly suspicious.

I run a property company, and these are my employees. Gao Chao introduced the younger brother behind him with a smile.

Immediately his eyes signaled.

The plane and others were farther away.

Do people in the property management company also need to learn boxing? The young woman relaxed her vigilance and asked curiously.

Of course. Gao Chao smiled harmlessly.

Otherwise, how can we beat the owners?


Our property company also includes security guards. We would like to provide them with professional training... Gao Chao continued to explain with a gentle look on his face:

After all, Hong Kong Island is in chaos's full of club members.

“Only when our property security guards are strong can we provide our owners with a safe living environment!” come in first. The young woman was dubious.

Seeing that Gao Chao had already dismissed his younger brother, he did not turn him away.

Looking at her graceful back.

Dark mist rolled in the depths of Gao Chao's eyes.

As the heroine of [New Fist of Fury], this girl really has a special talent!


[Look back and kill (Sooner or later, I will be the one you belong to, and I don’t bother to resist. Anyway, I screamed until my throat was broken, and no one paid attention to me... I just let you do whatever you want!)]

——When looking back, the degree of surprise caused by the opposite sex and a small number of the same sex is highly enhanced.

(Let your look back become a film and television classic)


This talent...

It's not a good thing, but it's not useless. At least it can be a superb help when picking up girls.

Women are also visual creatures.

Readers all know how easy it is for those handsome guys who can make the opposite sex look crazy and make their legs weak to pick up girls...

What girl doesn't like to be pretty?

As for the conditions for unlocking talents.

Gao Chao ignored it directly.

Although he has the powerful talent of [The Departed Walker], he can do his undercover work like a fish in water.

But it’s better to be low-key when it’s time to be low-key.

In the short term, he has no intention of getting involved in the entertainment industry himself.

I am somewhat interested in surpassing those girls in the entertainment industry.

After all, the talent [Fellow Dragon] is still waiting for him to unlock.

Gao Chao is prepared to take the route of ‘favorability’.

After reaching the required favorability level, talents can still be unlocked.

Just like the [Moon Landing Master] who bombed the moon, he used his head to lead the bomber to the moon?

Even if he puts the skewer in an urn, Gao Miao can't just click on the 'Sky Monkey' and shoot him to the moon...

Gao Ming told Big D, A Le and the others that wanting to help Yu Toubiao take care of Chuan Bao was not without purpose.

The Huo Family Boxing Gym occupies a large area.

When passing by a small courtyard with beautiful scenery.

My name is Huo Min, and the owner of this boxing gym is my father. The young woman leading the way suddenly said.

Miss Huo is really young and promising. Gao Chao praised with a smile:

My name is Gao Chao. I like Superman's Chao... that's the comic character from abroad. Just call me Ah Chao.

...Brother Chao, you don't look much older than me. Are you already the boss of a property company?

Huo Min tried.

Judging from her title of Gao Gao, this girl also has emotional intelligence and does not understand the world at all.

It's just my ancestor Zeyou.

A superb and elegant response.

He really had nothing to say about Chuiji. After giving Chuiji the end, he spared no effort to promote Chuiji's good reputation everywhere.

In the conscience of heaven and earth, in fact, Gao Chao didn’t even get a dime from this bragging game!

All the money was transferred to his wife and daughter abroad.

...You sit here and have a sip of tea first. My father and senior brother just went out and will be back soon.

After Huo Min brought Gao Miao to the main hall, he asked him to wait for a while.

It's okay, Miss Huo, you go ahead and do your work first. I'm not in a hurry today. Gao Chao nodded slightly, with a gentle tone, and he only had a gentleman's crutch in his hand.

It’s really fun to pretend to be polite sometimes!

Gao Chao touched his chin.

He was going to take Huo Min's shortcut!

Eileen Chang said it in Lust, Caution.

mmm…Yes! That’s it!

Like many people, Gao Miao only knew her words, and he felt quite ashamed.

And with the talent configuration of [Electric Shock Boy] + [The King of Ducks] + [Fellow Dragon].

Which girl can stand it?

Although the latter two talents have not been unlocked yet and only have experience cards, it will only happen sooner or later.

With superb confidence, he will definitely be able to defeat Huo Min!

Because he is the XA Superman of Hong Kong Island!

It takes about half a stick of incense.

That's about fifteen minutes.

The owner of the hall, Huo Huan, came back from outside with his great disciple Zheng Wei.

Huo Huan——[Senior Martial Arts Practitioner]!

Zheng Wei——[Martial Arts Practitioner]!

They don’t have special talents, but they all have real skills.

In [New Fist of Fury], Huo Huan can use an umbrella to survive the siege of more than a dozen enemies.

Although he was plotted against in the melee and almost died... he should not be underestimated.

As for Zheng Wei and Huo Min, as [martial arts practitioners], they also have records of attacks in the play and have good results.

Huo Min takes a little less action, but judging from the skills she showed when she first met the protagonist Liu Jing in the restaurant, and the fact that she was as light as a feather and jumped onto the ring easily at the end of the movie, her kung fu is not weak.

Mr. Gao, you said you run a property company? Huo Huan's hair is slightly white, but he is very energetic and he is trying to find out Gao Gao's details.

When he and his eldest disciple came back, they had already seen several Mercedes-Benz cars parked outside their martial arts gym, as well as Gao Gao's younger disciples who were full of 'social' temperament.

Knowing Gao Chao's identity is anything but simple.

Yes, my real estate company will be opening soon. The location is in Victory Garden. I am also planning to run a high-quality and low-priced furniture store!

Gao Chao responded.

Victory Garden? Huo Huan frowned and said with some uncertainty:

I seem to have seen it said on the news... there seems to have been a murder there recently?

Yes. Gao Chao said with a frank look on his face:

So I am planning to buy it at a low price. I have contacted the Housing Department and are currently negotiating the price.

Oh... Huo Huan nodded slowly, about to say something.

But suddenly his face turned red and he coughed several times.

Seeing this, Huo Min outside the door ran over with a worried look on her face and poured a glass of water for Huo Huan.

Mr. Gao laughed... I have asthma, I'm afraid... Huo Huan smiled ashamedly.

It's okay! Gao Chao saw that he wanted to reject him politely and interrupted:

The master of your boxing gym is Chen Zhen, a great hero! I admire you very much from the bottom of my heart. As for the employees of my property company... I don't expect them to learn any advanced techniques. They can learn three moves and two moves to deal with the little thief!

I see that Master Huo, your eldest disciple, is worthy of being a disciple of a famous family. If Master Huo is physically inconvenient, we can just let him teach us!

Gao Chao smiled at Zheng Wei.

In fact, after watching the movie, he also knew that most of the ordinary students in the martial arts gym were taught boxing techniques by Zheng Wei.

...The fees at our boxing gym are not cheap. I advise Mr. Gao to find another expert! Zheng Wei narrowed his eyes.

The appearance of being superb is very unwelcome.

It must be expensive for a reason.

Gao Chao’s calm eyes:

How much? I'll give it!

Anyway, when your brother Chao comes in, he will let you know what despair is...

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