The world begins with Hong Kong TV series!

Chapter 61 Superman brand electric baton, who knows who uses it

Hello, Brother Chao, I am the owner of this store, my name is He Jufeng.

He Jufeng has a beard, a white suit, and a quite mature temperament, but he is not a middle-aged man, he just looks like he has gone through many vicissitudes and is slightly melancholy.

Just call me A Feng.

He Jufeng stretched out his hand:

I hope Brother Chao can take more care of my business in the future. I, Feng, have just arrived here. If there is anything I don't know about, Brother Chao, you must mention it and I will change it until Brother Chao is satisfied!

...Easy to say.

Gao Chao shook hands with him briefly:

As long as you, Feng, abide by the rules in my territory, I will protect you, and He Liansheng will also protect you.

While speaking, Gao Miao also felt a little emotional.

The timeline of this different world is indeed confusing. He Jufeng appeared at least several years earlier than in the movie.

After all, Hong Kong Island now only has push-button mobile phones, and smartphones have begun to appear in movies.

A faint black mist disappeared from the depths of Gao Chao's eyes.

A brand new talent experience card is available.

The talent is unique.


[The best among ducks (Ai, a small problem with warts, it’s a serious problem, the probability of infection is gonorrhea.)]

——For those diseases that cannot be mentioned, the probability of host infection is zero.

——On the basis of ordinary people, the resistance to all known human diseases is slightly enhanced.

——The energy recovery speed is moderately enhanced.

——When you are in a nightclub, your charm is slightly enhanced, and your attraction to the same sex and the opposite sex is moderately enhanced.

(Be a duck for a month/Complete the killing of hundreds of people in the red light district)


He Jufeng's talent made Gao Gao a little amazed in his heart.

Especially in the optional mission of killing hundreds of people in the red light district, there are actually some conditions for completion:

(Number of people: 0/100)

(Ethnicity: 0/10)

(Race: 0/5)


This unlocking task is indeed somewhat abstract.

He Jufeng, kid, have you really experienced this...

Gao Chao doesn’t believe it.

No foreign friends were invited to participate in the movie.

Black girls, white girls, blonde girls... not one!

Gao Chao was speechless.

Besides, if you really want to unlock it according to the optional task of killing a hundred people, wouldn't it be an advantage for those foreign girls?

Brother Chao’s Superman brand electric baton, who knows who uses it.

How many Hong Kong girls does he know?

So far, Ruby is the only one who has had this kind of blessing.

I haven’t had enough of the superb dinner yet.

Although he doesn't mind changing the taste in the future...

It's just that Gao Ming has a better choice now, so he decided to try to be opportunistic.

A Feng, don't say Brother Chao doesn't take care of you.

Gao Chao patted He Jufeng on the shoulder and said to the young man behind him:

...I'll pay for tonight's consumption. Let the brothers relax!

A group of boys cheered instantly.

Thank you, Brother Chao!

Brother Chao is great!

Inside the nightclub.

It's magnificent and the lights are brilliant.

In the exciting music.

Men and women seeking excitement are swinging on the dance floor. Under the psychedelic light and shadow, they are all looming young bodies.

Especially in the center of the stage, several muscular men wearing dark-style trousers were twirling their hands and feet, showing off their dance moves, with provocative expressions on their faces.

A large group of female guests gathered around the audience. From time to time, they raised wine bottles high, their faces became excited because of a certain movement of the muscular man, and they screamed like crazy.

Except for muscle men.

In He Jufeng's nightclub, there was also a group of chattering young women, all dressed up and with exquisite makeup.

The topics they discussed were explicit.

These women used to earn a living in various chicken stalls on Hong Kong Island.

Now they have defected to He Jufeng's sect together.

There is a reason why this nightclub is doing well. After all, it is large in scale, and it is a gathering place for both men and women.

The reason why He Jufeng has this energy is that soon after the new store officially opens, he can gather a group of elite soldiers under his command.

It's because he used to be the famous Duck King in Hong Kong Island.

Even by chance, he was noticed by a young female director, and he even got involved in the entertainment industry in Hong Kong Island.

His reputation and character in the industry are excellent.

Customers are satisfied and colleagues trust him.

In the box.

Brother Chao, I respect you!

He Jufeng drank a glass of foreign wine in one breath until veins appeared on his neck and forehead, showing his sincerity.

This made the skilled boys applaud.

As a retired Duck King, He Jufeng is the protagonist in the movie Duck King.

A third-level film that didn't have a high box office, but made a lot of money because of its low cost.

Of course, although the subject matter of this movie is somewhat interesting, in Gao Gao's heart, the score is not very high.

Because the photography is really not good enough.

To use the words of Black Stone Wheel King in the movie Sword Rain - if you make third-level films seriously, and concentrate on making literary films, if you insist on confusing the two, it is not a big deal that you can survive to this day. What a strange thing...

Talk about it.

Gao Miao still remembers that before Chuiji died, Wuying once mentioned He Jufeng to him.

It is said that there is a duck king who has opened a new nightclub in Lockhart Road.

It's just that Gao Chao didn't pay attention at the time.

He didn't expect that He Jufeng would give him a big surprise.

Disease resistance is still very useful, after all, [Immortal God of War] cannot cure diseases.

As for the enhancement of energy and charm in [The King of Ducks], there are no restrictions on the 'basic basis of ordinary people', which is quite precious.

Boss He, my name is Wuying. I heard that you have a girlfriend who is a director and helped you become an actor. Is it true?

The flies also came.

Tonight Gao Chao showed his prowess in Causeway Bay. As his younger brother, Wu Ying and You Rongyan drank a lot of wine and were obviously a little drunk at this time.

...It's true. He Jufeng smiled bitterly, intending to build a good relationship with 'local snakes' like Wu Ying.

After pondering for a moment, he continued:

Actually, she and I jointly opened this nightclub.

But two months ago, after she handed over the start-up capital to me, she immediately went to the United States to film...

He Jufeng paused:

Unexpectedly, she was picked up by a local producer and had a flash marriage...

Shaking his head slightly, He Jufeng took another sip of wine:

We have broken up.

Ah! Wuying said with an expression that said, I understand.

You think our Hong Kong sausages are not delicious? Do you like to eat foreign ones?

Your girlfriend has a big appetite!

... He Jufeng didn't know how to reply.

In fact, there was something he just said before he had time to say it.

Because his ex-girlfriend felt sorry for him, she had given him the other half of the store's shares.

In terms of wealth, he has already made a fortune.

After all, this nightclub is very large and ranks among the best in the entire Hong Kong Island.

Wuying, take everyone out. Afeng and I will talk alone. Gao Chao patted Wuying on the shoulder.

This guy is a 'talker'.

The reason why Gao Ming keeps young brothers like Wu Ying and Zhou George, who seem to outsiders to have a lot of problems, is to make the best use of his resources.

Just like Brother Chen said in [Kung Fu], ‘Sooner or later, this kind of egg powder will come in handy’.

After everyone goes out.

Facing He Jufeng's slightly puzzled eyes.

Gao Chao gets straight to the point:

A Feng, I want to be a male technician under you. I don't work and I don't get paid. The time is one month.

Just do Brother Chao a favor.

...Brother Chao, you're welcome. It's my honor to be able to help you! He Jufeng didn't remain silent for long and agreed readily.

He didn't ask any questions.

People who can be the Duck King naturally have good ability to observe words and emotions.


When the altitude exceeds.

He has become the No. 13 technician of this club.

The kind who are registered but not working.

After twelve o'clock tonight.

One bedroom.

The whole place was clean and tidy, but the women's clothes scattered on the floor were very messy.

After finishing his night run, he extinguished two fires through the 'physical fire extinguishing method'. Looking at the system panel in his mind, he slowly smiled.

‘Being a duck for a month (1/30)’

‘Running at night for a month (15/30)’

‘Physical fire extinguishing (2/5)’

Continue this trend.


The fourth talent slot can be unlocked by being superb.

Don't... don't continue, Brother Chao... Ruby, who was sleeping next to her, suddenly began to murmur in her sleep:

...I feel really uncomfortable all over my body...

Feeling uncomfortable?

You don't even look for a mirror to look at yourself. You are radiant now and look great...

Gao Chao shook his head.

What a duplicitous woman.

While you still have the opportunity to enjoy your Super Brother's Superman electric baton, enjoy it secretly!

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