The world begins with Hong Kong TV series!

Chapter 57 Just natural divine power

In the arena.

Shark En's eyes have changed, and he looks at Gao Gao in disbelief.

Iron shirt?

It's not like that...

This 'Super Brother' showed no signs of having practiced hard kung fu, and he was relaxed and in no condition to perform kung fu at all... Shasha En was confused in his heart.

at the same time.

The smiling tiger boy, whose fist was grabbed by Gao Chao with one hand, was completely panicked at this moment.

Under the gaze of everyone in the venue, either nervously or expectantly.

Gao Chao with a right leg kick.

One leg seemed to pull out a black shadow, and kicked the opponent's left calf hard. The smiling tiger boy screamed, his body was instantly unbalanced, and he was overturned by Gao Chao with one hand.


Wait! I vote...

The Smiling Tiger boy felt a sharp pain in his left calf and knew that he was no match. After getting up halfway, he was ready to surrender.

The gap was too big. He was already the leader of the Smiling Tiger, and he didn't want to become disabled because of a boxing match, which would completely lose his value in the club.

However, Gao Ming did not give him a chance to continue speaking.

A left kick.

Kick the other person in the face.

All of a sudden.

The sound of cracking bones was heard.

The younger brother of the Smiling Tiger felt like he was hit by a heavy hammer, his head was smashed hard, and he hit the ground of the ring with a muffled sound.

The bridge of his nose was broken by Gao Chao's kick, and a few teeth were obviously lost, and he went into shock.

If you surrender, you won't be beaten?

They're all in a club.

So naive!

Brother Luotuo, that street belongs to us and Liansheng!

Gao Chao stood on the ring and said to Dong Xing's camel.

At this time, his condition did not appear to have declined at all.

It was as if the Smiling Tiger boy's attack just now was really tickling him.

In fact, Gao Chao still hurts a little.

——Brother Chao is so awesome!!!

Under the stage, the loud voice shook the whole audience.

The other young and Dangerous boys quickly cheered.

Especially those who pushed higher and won the championship, and those who won the victory, all followed and shouted wildly.

Although the fight Gao Chao just had was not entertaining to watch.

But it does not affect the recognition of his strength by these young and Dangerous boys.

Moreover, Gao Chao crushed the opponent throughout the whole process, his body was as if he were indestructible, and he simply returned the attack, and the Dong Xing people were eliminated in an instant.

This kind of hard and straightforward fighting style is very suitable for young and Dangerous boys.

In the second and third games below, I'll bet on the two streets between us and Big Brother D in the league victory!

Gao Chao stood on the ring and said slowly.

As he spoke.

The young and Dangerous boys around him also fell silent for an instant, and looked towards Dongxing together.

Lei Yaoyang glanced at Situ Haonan, who had a solemn expression.

He immediately said to a tall, strong, dark-faced young man behind him who looked like a Southeast Asian:

...Cha guess, you go up.

This is a new Muay Thai fighter he specially recruited for tonight's boxing match, from Thailand.

As we all know, there are many people named Chachai in Thailand, especially Muay Thai boxers.

Because ‘chachai’, that is, ‘’ in Thai, is somewhat similar to the meaning of man, victory...

It can be simply understood as a real man.

The two streets that Big D was interested in were occupied by Crow, and after some exchange of interests, they now fell into the hands of Lei Yaoyang and Situ Haonan respectively.

Guess - [Strong Man]!

After Chachai came to power.

and didn't speak.

Instead, he first performed a Namaste salute to the referees Shao En and Gao Chao in turn - clasping his palms together to represent the etiquette of Muay Thai.

As a former boxing champion, Shark En looked a little emotional, but he didn't communicate too much with the opponent.

In the arena.

Chachai soon chose to fight Gao Ming.

... Shark En looked attentively.

He was also very curious about Chachai's Muay Thai accomplishments.

However, the battle ended quickly.

He no longer chose to be beaten while standing, and took the opportunity to show off his superb physical strength.

Directly launch a fierce attack on Chachai.

The opponent's Muay Thai Knees are as strong as iron elbows, and the elbows are like knives. The attack and destructive power are indeed much stronger than that of the Smiling Tiger guy.

However, Gao Miao simply used his left hand to protect the bridge of his nose and eyes. He ignored his right arm and aimed at Chachai's body, opening and closing his fists wildly and deliberately.

He allowed the opponent's violent attacks to rain down on his body, but they couldn't stir up any waves.

His physical defense is not something that can be threatened by Cha Guai with his bare hands!


In just one or two seconds, Chachai couldn't hold it anymore.

He was rushed like a tank. With an unstoppable momentum, Gao Chao quickly got close to his body and pressed his head with one hand, slamming it against the pillar of the ring.

With superb aim, he delivered several heavy blows.

The battle ends quickly.


The third game!

Gao Miao threw Chachai, who had fainted, from the ring, and raised three fingers to the people over at Dongxing.

Tonight, he was not going to give Dongguan Tsai and others a chance to play.

To be honest, without being superb, among everyone present, in terms of physical fitness, Dongxing's overall strength is still better than He Lian Sheng's.

Of course, times have changed, and in today's corporate battles, not only strong people can bully ordinary people, but when someone takes out a gun, a bullet can teach you how to be a good person.

The third game!

The third game!

Brother Chao is great!

In the audience, Big D, who had already won a whole street, as well as the young and Dangerous boys from other clubs who were excited to see it, as well as Da DaSheng and other superb confidants, were already in a state of carnival.

Many of the young and Dangerous boys who overpowered and won were so excited that they cried like ghosts and howled like wolves, wishing they could sing a song for Brother Chao.

Over there at Eastern Star.

let me try!

Situ Haonan took a deep breath, stood up, and took off his shirt, revealing his muscular body.

In the arena.

... Gao Chao, you have already played two games. You can rest for two hours. I'll wait for you!

Situ Haonan didn't want others to think he was taking advantage.

I appreciate the kindness. Gao Chao looked indifferent and began to flatter others and suppress others:

Among the Eastern Stars, you are the only opponent worthy of my expectations. I hope you won't disappoint me too much...the two Eastern Star boys in front of you really don't have the strength to hit anyone.

To be honest, I don't feel anything at all. I suggest the two of them go home and plant sweet potatoes. It's very dangerous to join a club.

Gao Chao shrugged.

Situ Haonan's face was expressionless. Those two people were not his younger brothers.

He asked about another thing:

I have a question...are you doing hard qigong? Situ Haonan's tone was serious.

He is a martial arts fanatic. He has visited many boxing gyms in the past, and he also used the power of the community to open a boxing gym.

He was afraid of the 'real Kung Fu' that Gao Ming had just shown in the ring, but he was also very curious and enthused.

It's just natural divine power!

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Miao was no longer interested in talking nonsense with him.

With one foot slamming down on the floor of the ring, his body was like a wild beast, rushing forward quickly in the direction of Situ Haonan.

No moves! No skills! Gao Chao can't!

Just like on the battlefield, tanks don't require you to have strong driving skills, because the driver can crush everything with the help of the tank!

You just need to dominate the battlefield and crush your opponents in the shortest possible time!

(PS, there is a second chapter tonight. I am writing it. It may be a little late. I suggest you read it tomorrow morning.)

(The new book does have a lot of talent. It’s hard for book friends to memorize it, and it’s hard for Xiaoyu to write frequently in the text, so the word count may seem too high.

Therefore, a separate chapter will be opened later to record in detail the protagonist's system panel and the details of the talents currently possessed - recorded in the order in which the talents appear, and the same will be true after it is released. )

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