The world begins with Hong Kong TV series!

Chapter 53 When your feet are off the ground, the virus is shut down

Inside the bar.

Ruby looked like a monster, and the expression on her face was extremely complicated.

But when Gao Gao's eyes met her, she didn't have the courage to look directly at him... She was so embarrassed just now.

'Brother Xiang...'

Ruby clenched her fists with her numb arms. Her eyes, which were already full of mist and seemed to be dripping with water, were closed tightly. Two crystal tears appeared on her cheeks.

On the bar.

Gao Chao moved his butt.

Say it.

Gao Chao lit a cigarette for himself, his eyes as calm as lake water:

What did Wei Jixiang say to you?

Some people say that the most sober stage for a man is when he lights up his after-smoking.

The feet are off the ground.

The virus shuts down.

At this moment, Gao Chao was sitting on the bar with his feet dangling in the air, his mind was extremely clear, his thinking was very quick, and he realized something was wrong.

Ruby today is obviously asking for something.

...I visited Xiangdi yesterday. He has been escorted to Stanley Prison together with the prince, where he will serve his sentence in the future.

Ruby didn't hide anything. She had already made a sacrifice. After looking at Gao Gao with complicated eyes, she continued:

And yesterday, it happened to be the day that Sangbo was released from prison.

I heard from Brother Xiang that Sangbo was about to step out of the prison gate, but he happened to see the police car escorting him and the prince pass by him and slowly drive into the prison...

Then what? Gao Chao showed an interested expression.

This is interesting.

Confirmed eyes.

They are sworn people!

The main plot of Dragon in the Rivers and Lakes is actually the grudges between the three young and Dangerous boys, Sang Bo, Wei Jixiang, and Prince Edward.

In Sangbo's eyes, Wei Jixiang and the prince are both big enemies that he must kill personally.

that's the truth.

Looking at it only from the perspective of Young and Dangerous, Sangbo is actually the most innocent one among the three.

Sangbo wanted to run away and needed money urgently.

The prince refused to pay back the money he owed, and he was extremely arrogant and took the initiative to provoke.

Wei Jixiang, who was just a spectator at the time, wanted first to be a savior, secondly to find a job as the boss, and thirdly to protect his reputation and status - the restaurant where Sangbo asked the prince to pay back the money happened to be the venue where Wei Jixiang helped the club to watch. .

The final result was that Sangbo was disfigured by Wei Jixiang's knife and one of his eyes was blinded. As a result, he failed to escape and spent several years in prison.

But Wei Jixiang and the prince have been enjoying themselves outside - looking at it from Sangbo's perspective.

How could Zangbo not hate this? Every night when I sleep in prison, my teeth are almost broken.


In the eyes of ordinary people, all three of them are not innocent.

In the movie, no one got a good death in the end.

Then... Ruby showed a worried expression:

Brother Xiang said that the moment Sangbo saw him and the prince, his expression instantly lost control and became very distorted. He turned around and severely beat the two prison guards who sent him out of prison, and was imprisoned again...

While being imprisoned, Sangbo was still laughing like a madman.

...Brother Chao, you must save him, Zangbo is inhumane! Ruby shook her head slightly, sobbing with worry on her face.

Just a small role.

Gao Chao flicked the cigarette ashes and said in a disdainful tone:

Brother Chao, I have at least nine ways to overtake him, so what if I hide in prison? Don't worry, Zangbo won't be able to stay alive for long!

Wei Jixiang's side is protected by He Liansheng's people. You don't have to worry about your safety. Sangbo doesn't have many younger brothers in prison. Do you think he can cover up the sky with one hand?

Gao Chao said calmly.

But inside, he had other thoughts.

Although the prince is a waste, the hatred between him and Gao Miao is too deep. If he does not die, it will affect Gao Miao's sleep quality at night.

Sangbo, the one-eyed dragon, can actually be used...

As for Wei Jixiang, his courage was obviously getting lower and lower at the moment. He was almost frightened by Sangbo when he met him face to face.

It seems that this 'Brother Xiang' really just wants to serve a year in prison and then say goodbye to his past club career.

In fact, Wei Jixiang's physical fitness [slightly stronger than ordinary people] coupled with his powerful talent [Hong Kong Island Zhao Zilong].

If you are willing to rise up, and return to the state where he slashed at Sangbo angrily and slashed until Sangbo's face blossomed, few people in Stanley Prison could offend him.

In most cases, how can those young and Dangerous guys who can really fight, and those who are powerful and energetic, stay in jail?

There are big guys outside who are willing to protect him and are trying to get him out.

Take a look at the Prison series of movies. Among the so-called bosses in the prison, none of them can beat the protagonist Zhong Tianzheng in a one-on-one challenge.

One on one, Zhong Tianzheng can beat him.

Before Zhong Tianzheng was imprisoned, he was just an ordinary taxi driver, just a little taller.

Wei Jixiang now has Gao Chao and a few people who, for his sake, are talking to the most powerful lobby person in charge of Liansheng.

It is impossible to fall into a state of being beaten when there are young men from Heliansheng almost everywhere in the prison.

Otherwise, the whole society will lose face.

Ten minutes later.

Gao Chao left the bar.

Ruby stayed in the bar, preparing to take it easy before going to pick up Wei Jixiang's son from the cram school.

The bar didn't have much business to begin with, and it didn't choose to open today because of the rise of Gao Chao.

...Brother Chao, people tell me to speak louder because of my loud voice, but I think Ruby's voice is really loud today!

In the car, he shouted in an angry tone.


Gao Chao frowned and glanced at him.

I think you are like a little resentful woman, which is what really disgusts you, Brother Chao.

If you keep doing this, believe it or not, Brother Chao will kick you to Thailand...

After thinking about it, Gao Chao still didn't say anything.

forget it.

His younger brother had gone through a rough life and had lived a rootless life since he was a child. Gao Gao had sympathy for him and had no intention of getting to know him.

With him, loyalty is enough.

Hmm... Maybe whatever Gao Chao lacks, he pays more attention to.

After blowing chicken's death.

Half of Chen Haonan's talent [Wind God Legs] has been unlocked.

Two bosses can be defeated and now there is only one left.

The next day.

Hong Kong Island is still the same Hong Kong Island.

Citizens are busy with their own lives.

However, the community world is in turmoil.

A large number of young and Dangerous boys representing different associations began to gather in Causeway Bay.

Because tonight there will be a much-anticipated underground boxing match in Causeway Bay!

East Star VS and Lian Sheng!

The outcome of each boxing match will determine the ownership of each street after Hong Tai's downfall!

This kind of club duel that relies on hard power, punches to the flesh in the ring, and can fight is the truth, is enough to make any young and Dangerous boy's blood boil.

Who doesn't have the dream of double bonus and red stick when you come out to hang out?

After tonight's boxing match.

Hong Kong Island's most powerful double-buck red stick, who will win it?

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