The world begins with Hong Kong TV series!

Chapter 40 [Villain Tattoo] [Master]

Chapter 40 [Villain Tattoo] [Rap Master]

Outside the school gate.

Gao Miao took two certificates of honor for first place and strode away with his younger brothers.

The principal was watching them off, and standing next to him was a student who looked somewhat similar to him.

This is his son.

He had just been taken away by that problem student George Zhou, and was threatening him with this, asking him to cooperate with the young club boss who obviously had a problem with his head.

Looking at the 10,000 yuan that Gao Chao had just stuffed into his hand, the principal had a complicated expression.

He thought that Gao Ming wanted to kidnap his son and give him a blow, so he was prepared to suffer a lot of bleeding.

In the end, Gao Chao just wanted two broken certificates?


Go back first...

Holding his son's shoulders, the principal felt deeply unhappy, but after thinking about it, he was still not ready to call the police.

The current social environment is such that after calling the police, he is not sure whether Gao Ming will go to jail, but his family will definitely get into trouble.

He didn't want to mess with this kind of dangerous person who was mentally ill.

As for George Zhou.

He had long wanted to expel that problematic student who liked to bully his classmates and frequently provoked teachers.

It's just that the other party's parents were always willing to pay school fees in the past and paid more than others, which made him hesitant.

Fortunately, I just took the initiative to drop out of school.

inside the car.

Brother Chao, why do you still need to give us money? That street principal doesn't even dare to fart, so I think we should let him give us money!

George Zhou, who shamelessly got into the car, sounded a little unhappy.

The next second.

There was pain on his face and his head hit the car window.

It turned out that at Gao Chao's signal, Hei Zai slapped him hard.

Brother Chao, do you need to teach me how to do things? Hei Zai said coldly, ignoring George Zhou's embarrassed expression and his eyes with a hint of resentment.


Who do you think you are? I want Brother Chao to think so, not you!

...Brother Hei is right, I remember it. Zhou George's expression was stiff and he clenched his fists.

Gao Chao didn't take this episode seriously.

The reason why I gave money to the principal was not only to keep him quiet - after all, he still has some social influence, but also to facilitate the next 'cooperation'.

Maybe he will encounter talents that meet this type of unlocking conditions in the future.

Today he unlocked three talents: [Green Letter], [Long Distance Running Champion], and [Hurdle Master] in one go, and finally got ten talents!

Gao Chao closed his eyes.

in mind.

With his thought, the system panel has changed——

Activatable talent slot: 3

Activated talents (3/3): [Double Bone Dragon], [Immortal God of War], [Hurdle Master]

System panel details (with pictures)——


With Gao Chao officially unlocking the third talent slot.

The system also opened new functions!


For every ten unlocked talents sacrificed, the superb 'permanently solidified talents' will be increased by one!

Choose from ten sacrificial talents... To be honest, it's quite a trap!

Even if Gao Chao has a useless talent like [Opening eyes when seeing money], he feels that there is no need to deliberately enable this function.

Until he saw the introduction at the back of the system——

While sacrificing those ten talents, in addition to adding new solidified talents, there will also be a systematic ‘ten draws’ lottery!

The content and rewards of the lottery come from all over the world.

In addition to talent cards, there are also character cards, item cards, prop cards...

Moreover, there will be a guaranteed reward for the ‘Ten Draws’ – at least one new talent from all over the world will be released.

Once drawn, it will be permanently unlocked!

This is quite interesting.

Anyway, for Gao Chao, the talent [opening eyes when seeing money] is useless except for unlocking talent slots.

And even if he sacrifices his old talents, it will not affect his unlocked talent slots.

It will not affect the unlocking of the upper limit of his talent slot later.

In other words, even if Gao Ming sacrifices all ten talents he currently possesses at once, his activateable talent slot will still be 3.

And after acquiring ten new talents again, the upper limit of the talent slots that can be activated will increase again, from 3 to 4.

——After a talent is sacrificed, it cannot be obtained again.

Gao Chao continued to read.

It was found that in addition to the unlocked talents, sacrifices can be made.

Talent experience cards are also available!

Every time you sacrifice five experience cards, you can perform a five consecutive draws, and the rewards also come from all the worlds.

It’s just different from the ‘Ten Draws’ of the Sacrifice Talent, which will produce ten rewards.

The experience card ‘Five consecutive draws’ may only produce one reward, with a maximum of five rewards.

Gao Gao thought.

He called up the five experience cards of ‘[Long Distance Running Champion], [Seeing Money], [Zhao Shanhe], [Hurdle Master], [Green Zhongxin]’ which he has not used yet, but has permanently unlocked the talent!


Anyway, they have become useless cards.


The system panel blurred for a while.

Gao Gao's five waste cards disappeared and he received three new rewards.

Two new talent experience cards.

A new item experience card.

[Tattos of villains (tattoos, hello society?)]

——When the host has a gang background and has tattoos, it can cause physical damage to ghosts.

——The deterrent effect of tattoos on ghosts is super enhanced.

(Get a tattoo and have ten young and Dangerous guys sincerely praise your tattoo)


[Rap expert (If you practice rap well, you are indispensable for girls!)]

——Teach yourself without a teacher and acquire professional-level rap skills.

——On the basis of ordinary people, tongue skills are super enhanced.

——Highly strengthens the attraction to girls and the opposite sex who like to go out at night.

(Become a Taoyouchao and find an online female anchor as your girlfriend/conquer a member of the opposite sex with your tongue...)


[Item card: Brother Chen’s ax (only our ax gang has ever bullied others, no one dared to bully us...)]


Gao Chao had a hint of joy on his face.

[Villain Tattoo] This talent is exactly what he needs now.

And it’s very powerful!

What surprised him even more.

After he drew these two new talent experience cards, he actually obtained the conditions to unlock the talent!

This was an unexpected surprise.

It's equivalent to him getting two new unlocked talents for free.

The conditions for unlocking [Villain Tattoo] are not very difficult.

The unlocking conditions for [Rap Master] are a bit abstract, and there are no female online anchors in this era, and smartphones haven’t even appeared yet...

As for the item card, it is obviously from the movie Kung Fu. Brother Chen's ax is just an ordinary weapon with no special attributes.

The only special thing is that Gao Chao can conjure a blood-stained ax out of thin air when using this experience card.

The experience time of item cards is the same as that of talent cards, and you can choose to last ten minutes or one hundred minutes.

Two days later.

Chongguang Mental Hospital.

Several black cars parked at the door.

A superb suit, white suit, and black sunglasses.

Behind him were a dozen boys in black suits and black sunglasses, all looking very stylish.

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