The world begins with Hong Kong TV series!

Chapter 30 It’s not about making meritorious deeds, it’s about not making mistakes!

Superintendent Xu frowned.

This area is under the management of his police station. What he hates to see the most is a large-scale conflagration in the society, which will have a great social impact.

Just catch them all. Every one of these bad guys should be targeted!

A middle-aged inspector next to him said angrily.

If arresting them all would solve the problem, Hong Kong Island wouldn't be in such a mess now!

Superintendent Xu shook his head:

You don't know how many people are in gangs on Hong Kong Island. If all the prison cells were expanded ten times, they wouldn't be able to accommodate them.

When you knock down one society, another new society will rise quickly. If you catch one young and Dangerous boy, the next Young and Dangerous boy will appear immediately... What we want is peace and quiet!

... The middle-aged inspector looked a little dissatisfied, but he did not refute his boss face to face, but his tone was inevitably complaining:

I don't know when it will end...

Superintendent Xu glanced at him a few times and saw that the police officers around him were standing far away. He thought about it and whispered:

A Tao, have you ever thought that although the Chinese are now the new No. 1 brother in the police force, the foreigners haven't left yet, and there are still several years to go...

Do you know what many people in the police force, including me, are thinking right now?

It's not about meritorious service, it's about not making mistakes!

A Tao was silent.

Superintendent Xu wanted to stop at that point.

But seeing that he was thoughtful, thinking that this was the confidant of the police force whom he had single-handedly promoted, he said one more thing:

A crumbling building is full of holes and is about to collapse. Do you have to be the last person to knock it down?

You can't bear it. After the building collapses, you will be the first person crushed to death!

Superintendent Xu patted A Tao on the shoulder.

Changed the topic:

Has your informant found out clearly whose hands fell into the hands of Hongtai's Chen Hemei and his son?

...He is a man named Gao Chao. A Tao sighed slowly, with some loss of interest, and whispered:

This man is a new recruit who plays chicken. He is ruthless and good at beating. Luo Kedao's fan ghost also fell into his hands.

Superior...Which one is super?

Inside the restaurant.

Gao Chao also saw police officers outside.

Naturally, it is impossible for Chen Jiaju to appear here. He is from the Kowloon Police Station, and this area is not under the control of their police station.

The leader outside is Xu Sir from O Ji. Ah Chao, you don't need to worry about them. These policemen are just afraid of us fighting!

Chuiji said to Gao Chao with a smile.

His face was now flushed, and he looked quite high-spirited.

The situation in the restaurant was organized by him in the name of Newspeaker. They discussed how to deal with Hong Tai and join forces to attack Hong Tai's territory.

He swears that he has been in clubs since he was a teenager and has never been as prosperous as he is today!

Brother Chuji, we can actually keep a low profile when dealing with Hong Tai... Now that even the police know about it, Hong Tai will be on guard.

Gao Chao whispered to Chui Ji.

Originally, he planned to meet Big D, A Le and the others in a low-key manner first, and then once Hong Tai was completely in chaos, he would take action with thunderous force to completely defeat the society and purify the security environment of Hong Kong Island.

By the way, I took the opportunity to get a large informant fee from Chen Jiaju.

For this reason, he let Siyan Minghe Chuiji pass his breath in advance.

As a result, Chui Ji acted on a whim in front of Dumbledore and acted without permission... Well, in terms of status, Chui Ji was the boss, and there was really no need to report to Gao Gao for what he was doing.

Even if you are superb, you will inevitably feel uncomfortable.

This old guy...has another way of killing himself!

Gao Chao's eyes were lowered. It's not that he doesn't have the quality of 'loyalty', it's that those who are bosses and bosses are always unqualified.

It’s hard for him to be convinced!

Ah Chao, you dared to face hundreds of people from Hongtai at that time, and you even overturned what they said. Who doesn't know that in Lian Sheng, you are the bravest and the best at fighting, so why bother to be as ambitious as others? …”

Chuiji patted Gao Gao on the shoulder and saw everyone looking this way. In order to avoid being embarrassed, he did not let Gao Gao continue talking and changed the topic:

Many people in the club want to get to know you.

... Gao Chao also discovered that there were many familiar faces among the people present today.

With dark mist rolling in the depths of his eyes, he unexpectedly detected several new special talents.


[Tsuen Wan is all the same (don’t help, don’t help! I’ll do it myself! New! And Lian Sheng!)]

——When you rule the association in the Tsuen Wan area, you will gain reputation and blessings, and your subordinates will be more loyal to you.

——When you are in Tsuen Wan, your physical defense is highly strengthened on the basis of ordinary people.

(Get a new alliance and win it out)


[Moon landing master (make it to Tsim Sha Tsui? Let’s talk about it later! I still want to go to the moon!)]

——On the moon, you can breathe without oxygen.

(Bombing the last moon with a string)


[Master hurdler (handsome guy! No matter how beautifully he hurdles the hurdles, is there any use? He hasn’t been hit by AK47!)]

——Self-taught without a teacher and acquire proficient level hurdles skills.

——On the basis of ordinary people, the jumping ability is slightly enhanced, and the core strength is slightly enhanced.

(Participated in a primary and secondary school sports meeting on Hong Kong Island and won the ranking in the 50-meter hurdles competition)


These three talents come from Big D, Chuanbao, and Dongguan Zai respectively.

In fact, the person who committed the crime had the highest status. He was an uncle in the club. He sat at the very back, so the police couldn't see him from outside.

The conditions for unlocking his talent were too outrageous, so Gao Gao simply chose to ignore them.

There are only three uncles present today. The other two are Shuang Fandong and Leng Lao. They are the two youngest among the uncles and Liansheng. They are actually younger than Chui Ji and don’t even have a single gray hair. The two most active uncles.

In the original drama, these two people and Chuan Bao were uncles who supported Big D, and this is obviously the case now.

Big D's power is the strongest.

Now the Tsuen Wan leader is staring at Gao Ming with great interest.

Seeing Gao Chao looking over, he chuckled and raised his glass to him, looking very appreciative of Gao Chao.

As for Dongguan Zai, as another fighting force in the Underworld series of movies besides Airplane and Jia Qian, it makes sense that he has special talents.

That is, the physical fitness evaluation is only slightly stronger than ordinary people, not as good as strong people on airplanes.

However, one's own talent has an attribute bonus in terms of physical fitness, which should not be underestimated.

The so-called core strength also refers to the area below the chest and above the hip joint. It is an overall strength formed by the waist, pelvis, and hip joints and plays a great role.

... The plane was also present today, and he was also watching the crowd's attention and talking about his mastery.

Compared to the last time, although he still followed the fish head sign, he was standing much further away from his boss.

It seems that in a short period of time, he was excluded from the inner circle.

Gao Chao noticed this detail and instantly had the idea of ​​poaching.

He didn't care whether the fish-headed sign was deliberately knocking on the plane to test its temper.

Anyway, it was when he was short of people, no matter how loudly he expressed his loyalty, it would be difficult to use him because of his own abilities.

‘Let’s look for opportunities to tap into the industry chain of Yutoubiao...’

Gao Chao thought silently.

Yu Tou, who is labeled as the 'Lei Yue Mun Noodle Seller', is one of the largest noodle sellers in Heliansheng. He has at least several million, or even tens of millions, of goods in stock.

If Gao Miao could mark the fish head, Chen Jiaju's informant fee would be in the dozens or millions.

'However, if it's just for the plane, it seems a bit impatient, and the benefits are still not big enough...'

Gao Chao touched his chin.

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