The world begins with Hong Kong TV series!

Chapter 25: Loudly: I have no interest in women!

Yau Tsim Mong District.

Portland Street.

Gao Chao did not choose to go to Lockhart Road because he knew that Hong Tai must have sent someone to stay there.

There is no territory for Hong Tai in the entire Yau Tsim Mong District.

Portland Street is a famous red light district here. Many scenes of adult movies have been shot here. After nightfall, there is a mixture of sensual dogs, horses, dragons and snakes, and there are gold selling caves everywhere.

Yau Tsim Mong District is also one of the areas with the most concentrated and dense social groups on Hong Kong Island.

This area consisting of Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok is the hot spot in the eyes of all associations.

In the original drama of Dragon City Years, in order to canvass votes for himself to be elected as speaker, Ah Le also promoted everywhere - When I become a speaker, I will lead the club to enter Tsim Sha Tsui.

Because although He Liansheng is a large society, there is no unity within the society, and there are many factions, each working in their own camp.

The position of talking heads changes every two years, causing big bosses in each district to fight each other, and there are many grievances and disputes.

The uncles headed by Deng Bo sat firmly on Diaoyutai and had no intention of changing the status quo.

For a group of elderly people, they no longer have the ambition and fighting spirit to expand the community. They only want to protect their own status and interests and hold on to one-third of an acre of land.

As a result, Wo Lian Sheng, which is still in decline, has not established any other territory in Yau Tsim Mong District except Ah Lok's Jordan District.

Like other large-scale societies, such as Hongxing, Dongxing, Number Gang, Xinji... they have all planted their flags in this gold-selling cave, and there are more than one place.

Gao Chao is not here to plant a flag tonight.

It’s here to unlock talents and enhance your own strength.

So far, he has successfully unlocked the four major talents of [Double Bone Dragon], [Zhao Shanhe], [Combat Side Lucky Halo], and [Immortal God of War].

Unfortunately, there are currently only two active talent slots.

Although talents can be exchanged at any time, each talent slot has a twelve-hour cooldown time.

Choosing two out of four is not a choice Gao Gao feels comfortable with. Adults naturally want them all.

The conditions for the system to increase the 'maximum limit of the talent slots that can be activated' are also very simple - for every ten talents unlocked, the upper limit of the talent slot can be increased by one, and it will never be capped.

In other words, as long as Gao Chao activates six more new talents, his activateable talent slots can be increased from two to three.

So far, he also has [Long Distance Running Champion], [Fishing Expert], [Fangshilong], [Infernal Walker], [Ghost Control Expert], [Seeing Money], [Iron-Stomach Boy], [Yepaoda] Ten talents including [Human], [Wind God Legs], and [Hong Kong Island Zhao Zilong] can be unlocked.

I've been running superbly for an hour tonight, and I'm going to unlock at least two more talents!

The night of first love for a school girl?

Gao Miao, Dafa and Xi Lao, stood in front of a nightclub.

After entering.

As expected, there were many 'student girls', all wearing the same sailor uniform that Fang Xiaoling wore the night before.

Although at first glance, most of them are vulgar and pink, and their appearance is much worse than Fang Xiaoling.

And Fang Xiaoling only charges three hundred.

The cheapest one here costs one thousand, which is really unreasonable!

Gao Chao touched the Black Star pistol on his lower back, thinking that if he needed to be more low-key now, he would like to imitate the leopard head in [Nine-Rank Sesame Official].

This is three thousand!

With superb instructions, the younger brother slapped the money in front of Mamasang and was very enthusiastic.

Brother Chao is Brother Chao. When we go out to play, we will never forget that they are our little brothers. We are going to call three of them.

...I don't want it anymore! Daodaofa suddenly said, rejecting Gao Gao's kindness:

Brother Chao, I'm not interested in women.

Dafa turned around and yelled at Mamasang who had not left yet:

Give our Brother Chao two thousand. If Brother Chao is not satisfied, I will bring people to destroy your store!

... Don't worry! I promise to pick someone of high quality for this big boss! Mamasang smiled, accepted the money, and went out to make arrangements.

...Are you really not interested in women? The young man couldn't help but ask.

I want you to take care of it!

Dafa glared at him angrily, and then his expression became a little silent, as if he had something unspeakable to hide.

... Gao Chao glanced at his little brother, thinking that this guy is gay, right?

No wonder I wear earrings at such a young age...


Gao Chao is considering whether to move out of Da Dafa's home.

He came here tonight to open the girl's eyes, so that he would not suffer retribution in the future, such as capsizing in the ditch and being surpassed... Gao Ming shuddered just thinking about it. This was scarier than meeting a ghost while walking at night.

Afa, I am the boss. If you have anything to hide, just say it...I will help you!

Gao Chao looked concerned.

...Brother Chao, thank you! Dafa's lips moved. After hesitating for a moment, he asked the younger brother to go out first. His attitude was very fierce and his expression was ferocious.

Then he whispered to Gao Chao:

Brother Chao, don't laugh at me when you say this. When I was a kid, I crossed the road and got into a car accident. I was rolled under the car and dragged for several meters. The area was cut off...

In Gao Gao's memory, it was the first time that his loud voice was so small.


When I was in middle school, this secret of mine was accidentally discovered by a classmate in the class. He laughed at me, threatened me, and blackmailed me... As a result, this secret was eventually spread throughout the school by him.

Until I took the initiative to resist, retaliated with tooth, and punished him crazily, which made him miserable... I was fired, but no one dared to touch me in person again.

Since then, I have thought clearly. Whether you have flaws or not is not the most important thing. If you want to avoid being bullied, you must not swallow your anger!

Those cowards who are bullied and don't even dare to fight back are the ones with real psychological defects!

Da Dafa took a deep gulp of wine.

Gao Chao listened silently, patted Dafa on the shoulder to express comfort, and had a drink with him.

This is indeed a sad story.

Now, he felt more at ease with this little brother.

After my big hair was removed, my voice was still so loud and not shrill at all. It should be that the 1 Kun Kun was gone, but the 2 0 eggs were still there...

Not long after.

Boss, this is Piaopiao, the youngest and most beautiful student girl here!

Mamasang brought two ‘student girls’ in and ceremoniously introduced the more expensive one.

Hello boss, my name is Liu Piaopiao.

Liu Piaopiao has a pure face, but wears heavy makeup.

Even though she was wearing a sailor suit, she was indeed very young, but she couldn't hide her girlish aura.

How long have you been doing this?

Gao Ming looked at her and saw that she was indeed the heroine of [The King of Comedy].

Unfortunately, there is no special talent.

...I just came out to do it. Liu Piaopiao showed a professional fake smile.

Gao Chao stared at her expressionlessly.

Brother Chao asked you to tell the truth! Do you know what the truth is?

Dafa immediately understood what the boss meant, slammed the table and roared at Liu Piaopiao.

The ferocious expression on his face scared Liu Piaopiao.

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