The world begins with Hong Kong TV series!

Chapter 12 Ah Chao, you are too impulsive

Shouting and beating.

There was chaos in the box.

Gao Chao, who deliberately finished the rhythm, overturned the table with both hands and blocked the two Hongtai young and Dangerous boys in the front.

I decisively used a new experience card in my mind——

Activated talents (2/2): [Double Bone Dragon], [Zhao Shanhe]

Give full play to the 100% effect of the talent card! Lasts 10 minutes!

The superb system is very fair. If only 10% of the effect of the talent card is activated, the experience time can be extended to 100 minutes!

Vice versa, 10 minutes is the shortest duration, but it can unleash 100% of the talent effect.

At this moment, his firepower is fully activated, his strength is slightly enhanced by [Double Bone Dragon], and weakly enhanced by [Zhao Shanhe]. The combined power is much stronger than ordinary people!

In the roar.

After Gao Miao blocked Hong Tai's young and Dangerous boy with a table for a moment, he picked up a wooden armchair with one hand and smashed it down!

There was a crackling sound, sawdust flew everywhere, and someone was knocked down.

Brothers from Liansheng, stand up! Gao Miao continued to lead the rhythm, violently waving the wooden chair that was mostly broken in his hand, looking for the right person to smash and slap, looking extremely crazy.

In a short period of time, one person suppressed everyone in Hongtai, forcing them to retreat continuously.

...Come on! Si Yanming glanced at Chuiji, who looked ugly, and called a few younger brothers to support Gao Gao.

Move faster than him.

It's the plane behind the fish head logo.

The short-haired young man quickly sprang out like a dark shadow. He kept his head silent but struck extremely ruthlessly. He took out a spring knife from his waist and directly stabbed two of Hong Tai's younger brothers.

The plane possesses two special talents: [Night Running Master] and [Iron Stomach Boy], which itself is an evaluation of the physical fitness of the [Strong Man].

In the movie Dragon City Years, more than two years later, when he was running for the New Talker with Lian Sheng, Qian was able to take the sword with his bare hands and knock down five or six armed young and Dangerous guys, although he suffered serious injuries. The price is high, but it is as fierce as an animal.


Hong Tai's group of people were all knocked down.

The unconscious prince's face turned pale, and he collapsed on the ground like a dead man, with blood flowing from his head and abdomen.

The other group of people who came with the prince looked at Gao Miao warily, and the leader was staring at Gao Miao with a 'crazy' look.

His name is Feihong, and he is the talker of Changle Club.

Changle Society is a small society and is developing well, but it is far less powerful than large societies such as Hongxing and Heliansheng, and it is not as powerful as the prince's father, Hong Tai.

Nowadays, all the clubs in Hong Kong combined. There are dozens of big and small clubs with names. Not counting the delinquent youths and low-class gangsters, there are at least a dozen young and Dangerous boys with clear club backgrounds. Thousands of people.

This has resulted in Hong Kong Island's community forces being intertwined and distributed very densely.

Take Lockhart Road, which was captured by Gao Chao, as an example. There are seven or eight social groups adjacent to this street!

The four waves of people present today can be regarded as representing the most famous societies among them - Heliansheng, Hongxing, Hongtai and Changle Club.

Feihong has naturally been coveting Luo Kedao from Fangui for a long time.

The headquarters of Changle Society is in Tsz Wan Mountain. It took great difficulty for him to gain a foothold in the more affluent Wan Chai District. It was at a time when it was urgent to expand its territory.

He knew Fan Gui was not easy to mess with, so Feihong did not act rashly before Gao Miao defeated Fan Gui in the Furniture City.

But Chui Ji is known as a soft persimmon. He has been fooling around and being cowardly for most of his life. Now that he wants to plant a flag on Lockhart Road, it is difficult for Feihong not to stop thinking about it.

Before coming, he went to get angry with the prince, and the two families had reached a tacit understanding in private. Even if they couldn't take the opportunity to swallow Fan Gui's street, they would never let Chuiji take over smoothly, and at least let Chuiji do it hard once. Blood! For example, obtaining the sales rights and bulk cargo rights of the Lockhart Road noodle stall business...

As a result, they had just arrived, and before they had time to find a reason to get angry and even put forward a condition, the prince was beaten half to death.

Most of Hong Tai's younger brothers were also disabled, and those with minor injuries were lying on the ground pretending to be dead. How dare they stand up in this situation.

Looking at Gao Ming, who was wiping his hands with a napkin and whose suit was stained with blood, Feihong's eyes twitched.

Didn't I just mock your boss? It's like a sneak attack, just like a lunatic! Your boss is bragging and he hasn’t even said a word yet. How come you, the younger brother, take action without permission?

Mad dog!

Feihong tags Gao Chao.

Of course, on the surface, he still looks like a gangster, calm and unfazed by everything in front of him.

He just used his eyes to signal the younger brother of Feihong Society not to act rashly. After he glanced at Gao Gao, he silently stood further away.

Gao Miao's fierce force just now made him a little frightened. It seemed that there was no water in the matter of beating the disabled ghost.

Brother B? Chen Haonan looked at Big Brother B.

... Just watch the show. Boss B raised his hand to indicate that the two of them would help each other.

Everyone in the box focused on Blowing Chicken and Gao Chao.

Chuiji's face was stiff.

The superb outburst caught him by surprise, and after a moment of ups and downs, he became a little uneasy.

The reason why he invited the other three clubs to come over today was because he wanted to take over Lockhart Road safely and without any conflicts.

He can accept some benefits if appropriate.

He was not a very ambitious person when he was young, not to mention that he is older now.

In order to intimidate other clubs, he also specially invited Big D, the leader of the club, to take charge - Big D didn't come, so he sent his leader Ma Changmao.

Chuji always knew that among all the big guys present, he was the oldest and most senior, but the weakest.

The subordinates are full of plans, but only a dozen of the younger brothers can shout.

There is only one confidant with four eyes.

There is no way, no matter how much the younger brother has, he can't afford it.

It costs money to raise a younger brother.

Otherwise, just listen to you talk about loyalty and listen to you draw cakes? Can it be eaten as a meal?

There are only two bars under his control, and the business has been sluggish, and the monthly protection fee cannot be collected much.

It was because of his self-awareness and lack of confidence that he set the table for wine.

In the past, Fan Gui didn't give him face, the prince didn't give him face... there were many people who didn't give him face!

Come out to hang out, value harmony, and live a long life...

Chuiji sighed deeply. The prince's father was a talker in Hongtai. He was known as Uncle Mei in the world. He was known for being cruel and ruthless when he was young. The prince, his son...

I can't afford it!

Ah Chao, you are too impulsive!

It's just that in this case, it's not easy to reprimand Gao Gao in public. Seeing everyone waiting for him to speak, he pretended to be calm and shook his head:

Why bother? It's so ugly, right?

Blowing Chicken signals Hong Tai’s people to leave:

...Send the prince to the hospital as soon as possible! Don't spread the word that I am bullying the young!

When Hongtai's people heard this, they lowered their heads and struggled to get up. They supported each other, carried the prince on their backs and left in despair.

Feihong, please sit down too. Today we are going to talk about the issue of Lockhart Road... This street was conquered by Ah Chao. We and Lian Sheng want to plant the flag. Do you have any objections?

Blowing Chicken asked Big Boss B and Feihong.

Gao Chao stood behind him with a smile, tugging on the lapel-collared suit on his body, and found that the movement was too large, and the suit that he had just bought had already become untied.

...I have no problem.

Feihong looked at Gao Chao and pretended not to care.

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