The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 412 The Ancestral God of the Abyss and the True Demon of the Lower Realm (Please subscribe)

Time passes slowly.

Although there is no concept of time in the abyss world, Chen Mu can still feel how long time has passed.

Tens of millions of years passed almost in the blink of an eye.

At a certain moment, Chen Mu's motionless demon body in the mother river moved slightly.

He once again felt the transformation of the demon body.

The transformation started very suddenly, but the process went on imperceptibly.

After a while, the transformation was successfully completed.

This is also the third transformation Chen Mu has experienced since reincarnating into this world.

After this transformation was completed, his demonic body also successfully broke through to the realm of a fifth-level demon.

This is already a big improvement.

After all, a big leap across a realm, no matter what kind of cultivation path it is on, cannot be regarded as a small improvement.

The next moment, after the transformation was completed, an inexplicable feeling arose in Chen Mu's mind.

He could clearly feel that his demonic body had become a little different.

Not only the body has changed, but the perception ability in the mind has also changed a lot.

The long river of memory seems to be incorporating new memories at this moment.

Chen Mu was actually not unfamiliar with this feeling.

Because this is not the first time he has felt this way.

When Chen Muzhuan was reincarnated into this world, and when he was reincarnated into this world this time, he had the same feeling as now.

Yes, this feeling is exactly what Chen Mu felt when he received the inherited memory.

"After the third transformation is completed, there will be new inheritance memories."

"This may mean that my demonic body has reached the limit that Mother River can bear."

Chen Mu whispered to himself in his heart.

He was not surprised to have new inherited memories.

After all, it is not the first time for Chen Mu to inherit new memories in the abyss.

After undergoing the third transformation at this time, the changes in his demonic body were not small.

Compared to the time when he was first reincarnated into this world, he had already crossed three major realms at this time.

The next moment, a memory that was not particularly huge flooded into his mind.

It has not been a year or two since Chen Mu reincarnated into the Abyss World, and his demonic body has already adapted to it.

In addition, this is not the first time that Chen Mu has digested inherited memories.

Therefore, these memories were quickly digested completely by Chen Mu.

Perceiving the inherited memory that was preserved this time, Chen Mu felt very calm.

The memory this time is still not of much use to him.

There are still many overlaps with the memories he retained last time.

Although there are some truly unfamiliar memories, these memories cannot provide much help to Chen Mu who has five reincarnation simulations superimposed at this time.

After all, his true realm is enough to allow him to avoid many dangers in the abyss.

This time, Chen Mu still had detailed instructions on how to leave the mother river in the memory he retained.

The way the memory is remembered is almost the same as the last memory retained.

This may also be a confirmation.

"At this time, it seems that I still have not reached the limit of the mother river, but I can leave the mother river normally."

"Do you want to continue practicing in the mother river? Although the mother river is stable, the speed of practice is a bit too slow."

After completely digesting the memory, Chen Mu's heart moved slightly.

At this time, he had completely perceived the changes after the transformation of the demon body, and all his memories had been sorted out.

So a lot of thoughts came to his mind, and a look of thinking appeared on his face.

Chen Mu understood why the inherited memory appeared after the third transformation.

Because this is a critical node.

Now Chen Mu can choose to leave Muhe, or he can choose not to leave.

Mother River will not forcibly reject him.

In other words, it is up to Chen Mu to make his own choice.

This was not an opportunity he had before when he was reincarnated into this world.

The reason for this situation is also very simple, that is, Chen Mu's demon body's 'natural' consciousness is too strong, which leads to special care from Mu He.

"Forget it, let's continue to practice in the mother river for another period of time."

"If we go directly to the abyss layer, there is a high possibility that the demon king will notice it. I still want to try to avoid this possibility."

Chen Mu said to himself.

There were no other emotions in his heart.

This is just a judgment he made after considering all the current circumstances.

Although he was not weak at the eighth level of the hidden level of the Witch Immortal at this time, the thirteenth level of the Demon King was stronger.

In this case, even Chen Mu chose to be more stable.

After all, only in this way will he be able to gain greater gains.

Of course, this does not mean that Chen Mu is afraid of the thirteenth-level demon king.

It's just that there is no need to expose his true realm prematurely.

Afraid, it was impossible for him to be afraid.

Not to mention the thirteenth level, even if it was the fourteenth or fifteenth level, Chen Mu would not feel any fear.

After all, in the fate simulations he had experienced, he had even inherited the body of a sixteenth-level monk.

After inheriting new memories this time, Chen Mu knows a lot more about the world.

Although these memories didn't help him much, they were real and gave him a little more understanding of the world.

Of course, even so, he still doesn't know much about the world.

After all, the Abyss Realm is too vast. It is almost impossible to fully understand the Abyss Realm with just a few inherited memories.

But what Chen Mu can be sure of is that his realm at this time is far from reaching its limit.

As long as time continues to pass and as his demonic body reaches a higher level, his understanding of the world will always increase.

Even understanding the world completely is not impossible.

In the reincarnation simulation, what Chen Mu lacked was never time.

What's more, this time it is a reincarnation simulation superimposed on five reincarnation simulations.

Patience is the most important thing.

It just so happens that patience is also what Chen Mu lacks most.

Chen Mu, who has gone through countless simulations, has a tempered mentality, and his patience is unimaginably strong.

Not to mention just waiting for millions of years, even waiting silently for hundreds of millions of years, or even billions of years, will not have the slightest impact on Chen Mu.

The total number of simulations he had experienced at this time was almost as long as an era.

"The next thing to do is still to wait silently."

"Fortunately, the improvement speed of this demon body is not slow. If the sixth-level demon is still not the limit, maybe I can't stay in the mother river anymore."

Chen Mu said to himself.

Fifth-level demons are already very conspicuous in the mother river, let alone sixth-level demons.

If he still cannot leave the mother river naturally after breaking through to the sixth level demon, and still does not reach the limit, then Chen Mu will choose to leave the mother river directly.

After all, the risks are the same for both.

Because if he breaks through to the sixth level demon and does not reach the limit, then whether he chooses to leave or not, there is a high possibility that he will attract the attention of the demon king.

Of course, this might just be Chen Mu's imagination.

After all, such powerful beings may not pay attention to this small place.

So it's a risk, not a certainty.

After a while, Chen Mu put away the messy thoughts in his heart and stopped thinking about it.

At this time, he had completely digested the new inherited memory.

What he has to do is very simple, that is, do nothing.

Now that he has the most stable path, it is placed in front of him.

Then Chen Mu naturally has no need to take risks.

The next moment, Chen Mu's body stood still in the mother river again. The distracting thoughts in his mind were completely cleared, and his consciousness entered a state of deep emptiness.

At this time, Chen Mu no longer felt his demonic body.

Because it doesn't make any sense.

Although his demonic body is already very powerful, the gap is still far behind.

Just when Chen Mu completely put away all the thoughts in his heart, the abyss world also fell into silence.

Of course, this is the silence from Chen Mu's perspective.

After all, Chen Mu's consciousness was completely empty at this time.

The abyss does not keep time, but the gears representing time are still rolling.

At a certain moment, Chen Mu woke up from a state of empty consciousness.

Because at this moment he could clearly feel that his demonic body had started to transform again.

This is already the fourth transformation into a demonic body that he has experienced since his reincarnation in the abyss.

Chen Mu is very experienced.

"Sure enough, as I expected, 130 million years actually passed away this time."

Feeling the subtle transformation of his body, Chen Mu whispered to himself.

Just like Chen Mu thought.

It took too long to improve the realm this time.

From a fifth-level demon to a sixth-level demon, the time is measured in billions of years.

Although it took a long time, Chen Mu had already expected all this.

After all, there is a reason for this. Although it is safe to practice in the mother river, it takes more time, which is inevitable.

Whether it's in the inherited memory or Chen Mu's instinctive understanding of the world.

All of them can make him sure of this.

The next moment, Chen Mu waited quietly for a while.

The transformation of the demon body has been successfully completed, but the new inherited memory has not appeared.

It seems that not every time the realm changes, there will be inherited memories.

Fortunately, Chen Mu was not disappointed.

Because although the inherited memory did not appear, the innate ability of his demonic body did.

It's just that compared to the last simulation, the talents and abilities of this simulation came a little later.

Of course, this also means that Chen Mu can leave the mother river naturally. His demon body finally reached the limit of the mother river when he broke through to the sixth level demon realm.

"The innate ability this time is somewhat interesting."

Sensing the changes in the demon's body, Chen Mu had an idea in his mind.

"Abyssal Spirit Summons."

Chen Mu said to himself.

This ability he perceived, called the 'Summoning of Yuan Spirit', was the innate ability he gained when he broke through to the sixth level demon.

This ability is somewhat interesting.

If compared purely with the demonic power talent he obtained in the last simulation, this time's talent is more than a little stronger.

But the next moment Chen Mu put away his thoughts.

Because he knew without trying that his innate abilities would definitely not be able to be used in the Mother River.

Fortunately, at this time, Chen Mu had already sensed Muhe's rejection of him.

This is definitely good news.

Because this means that he can leave the mother river and go to the abyss without using any extra means.

The next moment, Chen Mu's consciousness stirred slightly, and he began to break away from the mother river according to the method in his memory.

Time passed slowly, I don’t know how long it had passed.

When Chen Mu's consciousness completely returned to consciousness, he was no longer in the mother river.

After recovering his consciousness, Chen Mu subconsciously sensed the surrounding environment.

The surrounding environment was extremely strange. In his perception, the surrounding environment was new.

"There is no doubt that this is the abyssal layer."

"It's a little different from the last reincarnation simulation."

Chen Mu thought.

He began to carefully perceive everything around him.

The reason for the difference is simple, that is, at this time, Chen Mu can clearly sense the existence of many other demons around him.

These demons did not react much after Chen Mu suddenly appeared.

It seems that Chen Mu's sudden appearance is not a special thing.

The next moment, Chen Mu began to sense whether there were any changes in his demonic body.

There has been no change, his demonic body is still real, and the surrounding environment also confirms this.

"The other demons around me didn't seem surprised by my appearance."

"This abyssal layer seems different from what I imagined."

Chen Mu whispered to himself in his heart.

Since the other demons around him don't come to trouble him, there is no need for Chen Mu to go to these demons to trouble him.

What he has to do at this time is very simple, that is, travel around this world.

No matter how much you know, it is better to see the world with your own eyes.

So Chen Mu didn't hesitate. As soon as his consciousness moved, the demon body disappeared from the place.

After his figure disappeared, one of the demons here slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely deep.

Although his superficial realm is only a fifth-level demon, there is a real open space around him.

It seemed that the other demons in the area were deliberately avoiding him.

"Interesting, a real demon was born in the lower world."

"I don't know if this true demon can hope to transcend."

The devil said to himself, seeming to have a hint of expectation.

As the guardian of this layer of abyss, although he is only the intellectual clone of the Abyss Ancestral God, his status is very high.

After all, the Abyss Ancestor God is the only sixteenth-level monk in the abyss world, and he is still a sixteenth-level monk who has entered the path of transcendence. It may not be impossible to reach the other side in the future.

It is definitely very interesting to attract his attention.

However, Chen Mu didn't know that he was mistaken for a real demon at this time, and of course he wouldn't care even if he knew.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for your monthly votes, I love you so much ~ (End of this chapter)

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