The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 398 Devouring the First Ancestor and the One Who Was Appointed on the Other Side (Please sub

Chapter 398 ‘Swallowing the First Ancestor’ and ‘The Designated One on the Other Side’ (Please subscribe)

If the upgrade of the simulator is as Chen Mu expected.

Then after the last three fate simulations he accumulated are used up, the simulator should be in the process of upgrading.

The next moment, before Chen Mu could think any more, the fate simulation was already started.

Chen Mu's eyes suddenly changed, and his consciousness completely fell into darkness at this moment.

The five senses seemed to be blocked at this moment.

He can clearly know that the fate simulation has been started, but he is unable to perceive everything happening in the outside world.

Fortunately, this is not the first time Chen Mu has experienced this feeling.

So he was in a very calm mood at this time.

Although he only experienced two fate simulations, these two fate simulations were enough for Chen Mu to have a certain understanding of fate simulations.

[The fate simulation begins to weave, and 78620 fate lines of the host have been detected. 】

[The 39th fate line is successfully attached and fate simulation is enabled. I wish the host a happy experience. 】

The next moment, Chen Mu, whose consciousness fell into darkness, suddenly felt two voices rising in his soul.

After the two voices fell, his consciousness also fell silent.

I don’t know how long has passed, maybe a year, or maybe countless years.

At this time, Chen Mu's consciousness was in a state of confusion.

He can perceive the outside world, but this perception is not clear.

It was as if it was being gestated.

This feeling appeared for the first time after the fate simulation was turned on.

This situation never occurred in the previous two fate simulations.

In this state, Chen Mu could even sense the normal passage of time.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Mu's consciousness was gradually growing.

Although Chen Mu was puzzled, he didn't have many thoughts.

This fate simulation seems to be a little different, but what exactly is different can only be known after he has experienced it himself.

Years pass.

Chen Mu's consciousness gradually changed from a hazy state to a sober state.

This state is extremely slow.

Fortunately, Chen Mu, who has experienced countless simulations, is almost immune to the passage of time.

As long as it is not a particularly long time, then he will hardly be affected by the passage of time.

No matter it is the influence on the state of mind or the influence on consciousness, it will not happen.

Suddenly, as if without warning, a huge torrent of memories appeared in his mind.

Although there were no signs, Chen Mu was already prepared.

After experiencing two fate simulations, Chen Mu knew very well that the fate simulation would most likely allow him to possess the body of another being.

So he was ready to pass on the memory.

Sure enough, just as he expected, although the start of this fate simulation was somewhat different from the previous two, the general direction seemed to have not changed.

He still inherited the memory of the original owner in the fate simulation at a certain moment.

Yes, Chen Mu had already sensed it at this time. He felt that his body was not his own, but a strange body.

You don't need to think about it to know that this body is the body he inherited in the simulation of fate.

Because he was prepared, even if the memory suddenly appeared in his mind, Chen Mu was not at all flustered.

Chen Mu digested the memories inherited from the fate simulation not once or twice.

He is quite experienced.

What's more, this time Chen Mu received these memories much faster than he did last time.

After all, he didn't digest these memories immediately.

Instead, store these memories in your mind first.

The reason for this is also very simple, that is, this memory is too huge.

Although Chen Mu did not perceive the memory he inherited this time carefully, his general perception was enough for Chen Mu to make a judgment.

The memory of the body that Chen Mu inherited this time was not only larger than the memory inherited from the last fate simulation, it was even inferior to the memory he inherited from the first fate simulation he experienced.

Of course, although these memories are huge, Chen Mu also has a lot of experience after all.

So as time passed slowly, these strange memories became increasingly clear in Chen Mu's mind.

However, it is still extremely difficult for Chen Mu to completely digest these memories.

After all, it is not difficult to digest memories, but the difficulty is that these memories are too huge.

This means that if he wants to completely digest these memories, it will definitely take a lot of time.

Storing the memories in his mind, Chen Mu simply sorted them out.

Then he closed his eyes and began to digest the more important memories in his mind.

At least he had to know the identity of the body he possessed.

He also needs to know whether he is still on the path to transcendence at this time.

After all, in the first two fate simulations, the bodies Chen Mu possessed were monks on the path to transcendence.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Mu was also silently digesting some of the more important memories for him.

Fortunately, he didn't feel any discomfort when digesting these memories.

Just like the previous two destiny simulations, this time Chen Mu could still clearly feel that he was occupying another person's body and had control over this body.

At least at this moment he has control over this body.

As for what will happen afterwards, Chen Mu doesn't know.

After all, he had only experienced two fate simulations in total, and even counting this one, it was only the third time.

Chen Mu didn't know much about whether there were any rules for fate simulation, and if so, what the rules were.

As time passed by, some important memories inherited by Chen Mu were gradually digested by him.

After a moment, Chen Mu opened his eyes, and then carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

A flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

"Sure enough, the three fate simulations have something in common. The body inherited this time is still that of a monk on the road to transcendence."

"Is it possible that all the monk identities inherited by me in the simulation of fate are those on the road to transcendence?"

Chen Mu said to himself.

Chen Mu, who had digested part of his memory, already knew the identity of his body at this time.

The original owner of this body was stronger than the owners of the body he inherited in the previous two fate simulations, but his status was very low.

Just an inconspicuous casual cultivator on the road to transcendence.

On the path to transcendence, the number of casual practitioners is extremely large.

In reality, Chen Mu is actually a casual cultivator on the road to transcendence.

The meaning of casual cultivators is also very simple to understand, that is, they are wild detached people without any forces or factions.

In fact, most people on the path to transcendence are casual practitioners.

The number of monks from aristocratic families is far less than the number of casual cultivators.

After all, the number of ordinary monks in this universe is too huge, and there will always be some lucky ones among these ordinary monks.

"Is it possible that this simulation of fate will allow me to walk the other side of the road again?"

"But this body practices the path of devouring. The path of devouring seems to be inescapable. Moreover, this body does not seem to have the possibility of switching to the path of cosmic cultivation."

Chen Mu was thinking in his heart.

Yes, the body he inherited is indeed very strong, but it is a path of devouring that is not common in the universe.

You must know that even the beings who opened up this path of cultivation have never reached the other shore.

The Path of Devouring can be improved quickly through practice, but it has great limitations.

This body is that of a genuine sixteenth-level devouring monk. It can be said that he has reached the end of this path of cultivation.

Not only that, before he inherited this body, the original owner of this body had been wandering on the path of transcendence for seven hundred and twenty epochs.

This also means that the lifespan of this body has reached its end.

Even sixteenth-level monks have a lifespan limit.

Only by reaching the other shore can we achieve eternal immortality, and even live as long as the universe.

Know that the universe will never be destroyed.

However, Chen Mu, who knew this, was not too anxious and began to digest the memory of the body he inherited.

After all, he just digested part of the memory, and many of the memories he inherited have not yet been digested.

Although this body's lifespan is running out, that is only relative.

For other sixteenth-level monks, the lifespan of his body is indeed running out, but for Chen Mu, the lifespan of his body is still extremely long.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Mu digested more and more memories.

"This body is actually the ancestor of the Devouring Road, the pioneer of the Devouring Cultivation Road?"

As more and more memories were digested, Chen Mu's emotions began to fluctuate more and more.

Previously, due to his incomplete digestion memory, he had misjudged the identity of this body.

"There are only sixteen aristocratic families. This is actually the early stage of the birth of the universe."

"There are only three universes in the entire universe."

"The road to transcendence can be entered and exited freely. I am the one designated by the other side?"

Chen Mu had more and more thoughts in his heart, and his face became more serious.

No, if it was true that he was the designated person on the other side as in the memory, why did he not reach the other side in history?

The reason why Chen Mu knew the Devouring Cultivation Path was actually very simple.

That's because of the memory from the last fate simulation.

Because in the last fate simulation, the body he inherited initially practiced the sequential path of practice, so he was exposed to many different paths of practice.

The Path of Devouring is also one of them.

Chen Mu, who inherited the relevant memories, naturally knows something about this.

But in his memory, the ancestor who opened up the Devouring Cultivation Path did not reach the other side, and the Devouring Cultivation Path was not a sequential Cultivation Path.

If this is the case, then the memory he inherited in this fate simulation conflicts with the memory he inherited in the last fate simulation.

"Will the information transmitted by the cosmic consciousness be false? Or will something unexpected happen later?"

Chen Mu's face gradually turned calm, but his heart was not calm.

At this time, nearly 100 million years have passed since he digested his memory.

He has already digested a lot of memories.

This body is the other side designated by the cosmic consciousness, and the path of swallowing cultivation is the designated seventeen-sequence path.

But Chen Mu, who knew the future, knew very well that this did not happen.

In the future, the seventeenth sequence will be the source light sequence, not the swallowing sequence.

The next moment, before Chen Mu could think about it carefully.

The space around him suddenly changed, and a dark hole of nothingness appeared in front of him.

"How come it's so fast?"

Chen Mu was shocked.

This dark portal is no stranger to him. It represents the opening of the road to the other side. The other end of the portal is the space on the other side of the void world.

Although Chen Mu is already prepared.

But he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Compared with the previous two destiny simulations, the opening of the other side of the destiny simulation this time can be said to be the fastest.

And the most important thing is that he didn't lose control of his body.

It seems that since he inherited this body, and until now that the other side space has opened, he has never lost control of this body.

This did not exist in the first two destiny simulations.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Mu still chose to step into the portal representing the space on the other side.

In the space on the other side, Chen Mu's figure appeared here.

The next moment, Chen Mu was suddenly startled.

Because he discovered that the space on the other side was actually different from the space on the other side as he understood it.

This place can no longer be regarded as a world of nothingness. The entire space is filled with white light.

A broad road runs across the space.

"Am I being hired?"

Chen Mu was a little surprised.

Because he could clearly feel at this moment that this space had an obvious pulling force on him.

The road in space seemed to be calling him.

The next moment, Chen Mu thought, and his body appeared on the road in vain.

A strange memory appeared in his mind.

"Is this the road to the other side?"

"Is this the road to the other side? There are only three levels to reach the other side, and I actually started directly from the third level?"

After digesting this strange memory, Chen Mu thought to himself.

But the next moment, he suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart.

If the situation faced by this person in history is the same, then there seems to be no reason for failure.

After all, the cosmic consciousness has opened the back door. Is there anything greater than the cosmic consciousness?

Chen Mu took steps on the road to the other side with some doubts in his heart.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Mu didn't know how far he had traveled on the road to the other side.

After all, this road is too long and there is no end in sight.

But even so, Chen Mu's state of mind was not affected at all.

At a certain moment, Chen Mu was suddenly startled.

Because he discovered that he suddenly lost control of his body.

This is the first time in this fate simulation.

His perspective suddenly switched from the first perspective to the third perspective, and even Chen Mu was not prepared at all.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for your monthly votes, I love you so much~

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