The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 384 Chapter 382: Two Hundred and Twenty Thousand Years and the Realm of Six Spirits

Chapter 384 Chapter 382 ‘Twenty-two Thousand Years’ and ‘Six Spirit Realm’ (Please subscribe)

Time is not remembered in the spirit recognition ceremony space.

From that moment on, I don’t know how much time has passed.

Chen Mu also had no intention of sensing the passage of time in space.

After all, no matter how much time passes within the space, the time outside will still not change at all.

His longevity will not be consumed.

This is actually the second reason why countless monks on the spiritual world’s spiritual path flock to the spirit recognition ceremony.

There is no need to consume life span, but it can be greatly improved.

This is definitely a shortcut, which can save monks who participate in the spirit recognition ceremony many years of time.

For a normal six-spirit realm monk to break through to the seven-spirit realm, it would take tens of millions of years.

Going up to tens of millions of years in one go, you can imagine how precious this opportunity is.

Of course, it is not such an exaggeration for the Five Spirits monks.

After all, the upper limit is there.

Even Chen Mu cannot be promoted from the Five Spirits Realm to the Seven Spirits Realm all at once.

However, this kind of opportunity is already rare, and Chen Mu is not dissatisfied at all.

What could be dissatisfying about the opportunity you got for free?

Time flies within the space.

at some point.

Chen Mu suddenly came back to his senses from his ethereal state of consciousness.

There was still a familiar space around him.

But the difference is that there are no other spirits existing in this space.

At this time, Chen Mu could sense that his spiritual body had undergone great changes, but the specific improvement could not be clearly perceived.

If you want to feel the specific improvement, you still have to complete the spirit recognition ceremony before you can feel it.

"I didn't expect that this time I would be recognized by all the spirits appearing in the space."

Within the space, Chen Mu muttered to himself.

At this time, he was indeed a little surprised.

After all, relying on the realm of the five spirits in the spiritual world, it is extremely difficult to be recognized by all the spirits appearing in the space during the spirit recognition ceremony.

In Chen Mu's previous prediction, he would not reach this point.

But obviously, he still underestimated himself.

At this time, Chen Mu was already certain that his hidden cultivation strength in his previous life might be able to hide it from some people, but it definitely could not be hidden from the spirits that operated by instinct during the spirit recognition ceremony.

Fortunately, these spirits have no consciousness at all, they are just empty shells.

Otherwise, the spirit recognition ceremony would be a bad thing rather than a good thing for Chen Mulao.

After all, the realm he had in his previous life was born with him, and he is definitely the first in the spiritual world.

If the clues were discovered, it would be absolutely unexplainable.

At that time, Chen Mu would even be forced to end this reincarnation simulation.

That's what Chen Mu doesn't want to see. Fortunately, the memory inheritance in his mind lets him know that none of this will happen.

"The monks in other dimensions have not finished the spirit recognition ceremony yet. I didn't expect that I would be the first person to complete the spirit recognition ceremony."

After a moment, Chen Mu, who sensed the fluctuations in space, felt surprised again.

Because he discovered that at this time, he could not voluntarily leave the spirit recognition ceremony space.

Chen Mu knew what this meant, and it meant that it had not been long since the spirit recognition ceremony began.

And he completed the recognition of him by all the spiritual bodies in the space in a very short period of time.

This time he will definitely gain a lot, and it is almost certain that he will break through to the realm of six spirits in one fell swoop.

There is even a small possibility that he can go one step further after the six-spirit realm.

Of course, this step doesn't go very far.

He entered the spirit recognition ceremony from the Five Spirit Realm, so his upper limit determines that he cannot improve to a particularly high level all at once.

The realm of six spirits has reached its limit.

If you want to enter the realm of seven spirits at once, even the six spirit monks are only a very small number of elites who can do it.

Shortcuts are also roads, and as long as they are roads, they need to be taken.

Unable to leave the space of the spirit recognition ceremony at this time, Chen Mu began to digest the gains after the spirit body integrated into his body in the space.

The gain he could perceive at this time was very shallow.

But this is not because he has gained very little gain, but because his perception within the space is not obvious.

However, although the perception was not obvious, he could spend time digesting it slowly.

Digesting these gains within the space can save a lot of time for Chen Mu.

After all, what is consumed in the space is not his own longevity.

But the benefits gained in space can be directly fed back into reality.

Time passed slowly, and after Chen Mu recovered his consciousness, he has been digesting the profits in the space.

Finally at a certain moment, Chen Mu clearly felt that the restraint of space on him disappeared.

At this time, it seemed that he could leave this space with just a thought.

However, Chen Mu did not do this. After all, this space was of great help to him.

Chen Mu naturally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to harvest wool for nothing.

In this reincarnation simulation, he has one and only one chance to enter the spirit recognition ceremony space.

If you don't make good use of it, wouldn't this opportunity be wasted?

So even though he can leave the spirit recognition ceremony space now, he still chooses to stay here.

"The time to stay here is running out. The digestion of the spirit body may still take a lot of my time."

Within the space, Chen Mu whispered to himself.

Time passes slowly, and time will still pass within the spirit recognition ceremony space.

It's just that Chen Mu can't feel the passing time.

This is not the outside world, and the concept of time is not as clear as the outside world.

At a certain moment, Chen Mu suddenly felt that this spirit recognition ceremony space was rejecting him.

This means that he has stayed in the space for too long.

Among the other small spaces separated by the spirit recognition ceremony, most of the other spiritual world monks have already left this space.

After all, most of them are monks in the Six Spirit Realm, and the benefits they gain cannot be digested in an instant.

What's more, not everyone can be recognized by so many spiritual bodies at once like Chen Mu.

The greater the number recognized by the spirit body, the greater the benefit.

The more time it takes to digest these gains.

But what Chen Mu lacked was time.

In reality, he still has a lot of time to waste, but in the simulation, he does not have this time.

However, the spirit recognition ceremony space's rejection of him became more and more intense.

Chen Mu was very familiar with this feeling.

The next moment, the environment in front of Chen Mu changed.

At this time, he was no longer in the spirit recognition ceremony space.

Not long after the space rejected him, he was kicked out of the spirit recognition ceremony space.

Wan Zhen Ting, in the practice space.

Chen Mu, who returned to reality, instantly sensed the changes in his spiritual body.

In an instant, a powerful force overflowed from the spirit body.

The spiritual power accumulated during this formal spirit recognition ceremony.

After returning to reality, the accumulated spiritual power exploded instantly.

The improvement that cannot be perceived within the spirit recognition ceremony space can be perceived in reality.

"The spiritual power of the Six Spirit Realm."

After feeling the specific improvement, Chen Mu said to himself with some emotion.

If you want to practice to this level in reality, the time consumed is definitely a terrifying amount.

It must be said that this spirit recognition ceremony greatly accelerated his progress in this reincarnation simulation.

Time passed, and after a while, Chen Mu clearly judged how much time it would take to digest these spiritual powers in reality.

Because he had already digested a lot of spiritual power within the spirit recognition ceremony space.

So it saves him a lot of time in reality.

"It seems that after digesting these spiritual powers, they can not only be promoted to the realm of six spirits."

Chen Mu said to himself.

However, at this time, he was unable to judge how much improvement could be achieved.

The time that can really be judged is when he has completely digested these spiritual powers.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Mu gradually began to immerse himself in the improved spiritual power.

Time flies, and it is already two hundred and twenty thousand years later.

Wan Zhen Ting, in the practice space.

Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes.

The soaring spiritual power in the spirit body has been completely digested by him.

His realm also broke through from the five-spirit realm to the six-spirit realm.

And it’s not the early stage of the Six Spirits Realm.

"Two hundred thousand years is a lot faster than I predicted."

Chen Mu said to himself.

Now he is truly in the middle stage of the Six Spirit Realm.

Even the Seven Spirits realm is not too far away from him at this time.

This spirit recognition ceremony saved Chen Mu at least millions of years, if not more.

The time saved can speed up his practice after reaching the realm of six spirits.

The improvement of realm represents the improvement of strength.

At this time, Chen Mu was thinking about some issues in his mind.

After the spirit recognition ceremony, no other members of Wan Zhen Ting came to find him.

This is not normal.

After all, after the spirit recognition ceremony, those who participated in the spirit recognition ceremony must be tested.

He seemed to have been ignored by the people in Wan Zhen Ting, otherwise no members of Wan Zhen Ting would have found him until now.

Just as Chen Mu was thinking, a faint wave suddenly appeared in his practice space.

Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive.

The next moment, a figure wearing a black robe suddenly appeared in Chen Mu's practice space.

The figure in black robe revealed his true identity, he was a middle-aged man with a calm expression.

After the middle-aged man appeared, his eyes moved to where Chen Mu was.

"You have digested all the gains gained from the spirit recognition ceremony. At this time, your state needs to be recorded in the court."

"Reveal your true realm and record it in the Wanming Mirror."

The man in black robe said calmly.

Hearing this, Chen Mu just nodded and said nothing more.

His face was very calm, but his heart was not as calm as on the surface.

There seems to be no memory of this in my memory.

It turns out that the members of Wan Zhen Ting did not find him before not because they ignored him, but because at that time he had not fully digested what he had gained from the spirit recognition ceremony space.

This is not a good thing for Chen Mu.

After all, this meant that Wan Zhenting could check the progress of his spiritual energy digestion.

However, Chen Mu believed that Wan Zhenting should not know his hidden true realm.

This real realm does not refer to the realm of six spirits, but the realm of the seventh-level wizard and immortal that has been preserved in reality until this reincarnation simulation.

After all, if he really knew, there would be no need for the man in black robe to come here.

"I understand."

Chen Mu said.

Naturally, the emotions in his heart will not be exposed to reality.

The next moment, Chen Mu took the initiative to reveal the strength of the Six Spirit Realm, and he had no intention of hiding it.

Although he can choose to hide his realm, there is no need to do so.

It is enough for him as long as he does not reveal the realm of the seventh-level witch immortal.

Although he is not weak in the realm of Six Spirits, he is a member of Wan Zhen Ting after all.

In the Wan Zhen Court, Chen Mu had no need to hide his strength among his colleagues.

Although there is competition among all the members of Wan Zhenting, Chen Mu is a white-robed member and does not belong to the same sphere of influence as the black-robed members.

What's more, the original intention of this black-robed disciple is to enter his realm.

"In the realm of six spirits, your improvement has been so great."

"It seems that you gained a lot from the spirit recognition ceremony."

The middle-aged man in black robe naturally sensed the true state revealed by Chen Mu.

Although the Six Spirit Realm is not very strong, it can definitely be regarded as a huge improvement.

After all, before this, Chen Mu had just entered the Five Spirit Realm for the first time.

There is a long gap between the Five Spirit Realm and the Six Spirit Realm.

It is not an easy task to cross a huge realm with just one spiritual recognition ceremony.

What's more, it only took Chen Mu more than 200,000 years to digest spiritual power.

This is a little too quick.

You must know that no matter how many spiritual bodies are recognized during the spirit recognition ceremony, it will take a long time for the spiritual power to be digested.

Although he felt something was abnormal, he didn't ask any more questions.

He just expressed his surprise normally.

No matter how fast Chen Mu practices and how high his level is, it has nothing to do with him.

He has already left the realm of six spirits.

After reaching the Seven Spirit Realm, if he wanted to improve the spirit recognition ritual again, it would be of little help to him.

What's more, even at this time, Chen Mu's realm was still quite far away from him.

Chen Mu also heard the surprise in the tone of the middle-aged man in black robe.

However, Chen Mu didn't explain much, so he just smiled and nodded.

The middle-aged man in black robe also knew that this was Chen Mu's secret, so it was normal not to tell him proactively.

The next moment, the middle-aged man in black robe took over the Wanming Realm again, checked it casually and nodded.

Then his figure disappeared into this space with a movement.

In the space, there was a slight wave and then calmness returned.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for your monthly votes, I love you so much~

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