The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 360 Who is the hunter? Prey with whom? (Please subscribe)

A huge roar followed Chen Mu into the void.

A long red river extends from the world to the void outside the world.

The final target of this long river is Chen Mu standing in the void.

At this moment, Chen Mu did not run away.

It's not that he is reluctant to plot in this world, but because he knows very well that even if he escapes rashly at this time, there is a high probability that it will do more harm than good.

It's not as good as hard steel on the front, in that case the chance may be greater.

"Very strong."

Chen Mu whispered in his heart.

He would never underestimate anyone, and he would use all his strength to fight a lion against a rabbit, not to mention that these three were all real world masters in the Canglan Realm.

It should be noted that the weakest realm master can easily compare with the seventh-level wizard in the wizarding world.

What's more, these three realm masters from Canglan Realm are not the weakest realm masters.

At least when Chen Mu was reincarnated in the Canglan Realm, the positions of these three realm masters were all in front of him.

Of course, these three realm masters are indeed very strong.

But Chen Mu is not weak either.

The Immortal Way of Shouyuan ranks third among the six avenues in the immortal world, not just because of the huge longevity before becoming an immortal.

Among the six major paths of cultivating immortals, only in terms of killing methods, Shouyuan Immortal Path can also be ranked in the top three.

It's just that when he was in the immortal world, Chen Mu couldn't use the killing methods of Shouyuan Immortal Road.

After all, after he was reincarnated into the fairy world, he spent most of his time in the Black Moon Sect's independent small world space, and there were no enemies, so naturally he had no chance to use those killing and fighting methods.

But just because he doesn't have a chance to use it, doesn't mean he doesn't know how to use it.

Knowing that the cultivation realm in the simulation will be inherited into reality after the simulation is over, how could Chen Mu fish in the reincarnation simulation.

It can be said that in the simulation of reincarnation in the fairy world, he learned almost everything he could.

Including those longevity magic.

The Shouyuan Immortal Technique, just like its name, requires the consumption of Shouyuan to use it.

That's right, it doesn't consume mana, nor does it consume fairy power. What it consumes is the genuine power of longevity.

In other words, if you use longevity magic in reality, your life span will be shortened.

The shortened life span is Chen Mu's real life span.

However, in the real body simulation, Chen Mu no longer had such worries.

If you lose your life span, you will lose your life span. It is impossible to lose all your life span at once.

Even if the folding is really completed, it is just the end of a real body simulation, and it can also verify the limits of the body.

[Immortal Art·Zhan Xingyue]!

A soft moan rose up in the void.

A silvery white light suddenly came from the depths of the void.

At this moment, the crimson river that was about to approach Chen Mu seemed to be imprisoned in the void by time and remained motionless. The next moment, the silver-white light shone brightly.

The long red river standing in the void was cut down by this silver light.

Above the long river, the proud expression of the red-robed leader who originally stood with his hands behind his back disappeared.

At this moment, his face turned extremely pale.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but it disappeared in an instant.

This long crimson river is not some magic technique he uses, but the basis for him to truly walk in the sea of ​​​​the world.

It is the phantom of his destiny generated by the world he controls.

But at this moment, the phantom of the world was cut down with a sword by this kid who escaped from the wizarding world.

If this needs to be re-established, it cannot be done in a year or two.

At this time, Chen Mu's face was indifferent, as if the move he just made was just random and was nothing at all.

His move did achieve its effect. Not only did he hurt the red-robed realm master, but the other two realm masters also looked solemn at this time and did not dare to act rashly.

To put it bluntly, I am cowardly.

From their perspective, Chen Mu obviously still had some strength to spare.

It's not just that he has spare power, he has no power at all.

Seeing this scene, Chen Mu naturally understood what the three realm masters were thinking.

The move he just performed was so shocking that it really suffocated these three realm masters.

But no matter how shocking it is, it is only temporary.

As for how long it can last, Chen Mu doesn't know.

It can be delayed for a while.

In the world of ancestral witchcraft, there are still all the experimental studies of his real body simulation this time, which are ideas that Chen Mu has been studying for thousands of years. If he can not leave here, Chen Mu is not willing to run away in despair.

After all, building such a world is really troublesome.

"How about we discuss it."

"You come with us, and we will ensure your safety in Canglan Realm."

"The Canglan Realm is the four central worlds in the World Sea Realm. We are the realm masters in the Canglan Realm and we will not deceive you."

"Don't you want to know why we are targeting you thirty million years after the wizarding world was destroyed?"

"If you come with us, these secrets will no longer be secrets."

"And not only do you not have to worry about safety, there is even a high possibility that you can go one step further in the end."

Seeing that the scene was somewhat silent, the leader of the white-robed realm spoke.

His tone was solemn and serious.

Since you are not prepared to fight, let's use inducement.

Of course, what he said is all false.

There is no way, now that they have nothing to do with Chen Mu in terms of force, they will make a fuss in other aspects.

He wanted to wear down Chen Mu's vigilance step by step.

In the end, whether Chen Mu himself was willing to go with them to Canglan Realm, or they took advantage of Chen Mu's loss of alert and knocked Chen Mu unconscious and took him with him, in the end it was a year of credit.

There is even a high possibility that he can get on the line with the Lord of Tus. In that case, it would be very worthwhile.

However, it is okay to deceive children with these words, but it is naturally impossible to deceive Chen Mu.

Chen Mu has been reincarnated in too many worlds and experienced too many things.

Even in Canglan Realm, he has been reincarnated more than once.

These world owners may not know that Chen Mu has actually been in contact with them.

So Chen Mu knew very well that he couldn't believe what these people said, no matter how true they were.

It's just telling lies with your eyes open.

So at this time, Chen Mu didn't even mean to answer. He just shook his head lightly, left the void and returned to the ancestral witch world.

At this time, Chen Mu's attitude was very simple.

If you want to fight, come.

If you don’t fight, get out!

Chen Mu's behavior of ignoring the three of them made the three of them feel angry.

Ever since they became Realm Lords, no one has ever treated them like this. In other words, they are somewhat psychologically unbalanced at this time.

But they really couldn't attack Chen Mu so rashly.

Even if you want to take action, next time you will wait until they are fully prepared before taking action.

In the void.

At this time, the red-robed world leader who was injured first was the first to calm down.

Because he felt the deepest about Chen Mu's attack on him.

If the other two realm owners are bystanders, then he is the one in authority.

So after he calmed down, he frowned and said, "There is something wrong with this person. He has only been practicing for 30 million years, but he can reach such a state."

"And I have never seen the path of cultivation he practiced, and I have never heard of the method just now."

After his voice fell, the other two realm masters also nodded thoughtfully.

People who can become realm masters will naturally not be stupid.

But the reason why they could guess this was because Chen Mu was willing to let them guess it.

Chen Mu knew very well that he had exposed many 'flaws'.

But isn't this a way to get these three realm masters to think about it?

The more things you think about, the less you dare to take action against him.

Eventually it would leave him with more time.

This time the real body simulation, Chen Mu did not intend to end in despair.

Not even intending to give up voluntarily, Chen Mu had never even thought about the realm lord who had taken refuge in the Canglan Realm and would follow them back to the Canglan Realm.

Because he knew very well that once he dared to enter the Canglan Realm, he would definitely be in danger.

After all, he is not afraid of any seventh-level realm master outside the Canglan Realm, but it is different with those in the Canglan Realm.

It should be noted that there are many realm masters in the Canglan Realm, and each realm master corresponds to a small world.

The Lord of World Control is the complete title of World Lord.

In the small world within Canglan Realm, the Realm Master's strength is invincible.

It can completely mobilize the power of an entire world. This kind of power is absolutely exaggerated.

Because this is not about mobilizing the power of everyone in the world, but about mobilizing the power of the entire world.

Including every plant, tree, stone and tree in this world.

All the forces in the entire world are integrated and then mobilized in a unified way. This kind of power is absolutely beyond imagination.

It can be said that in his own world, the world master at the seventh level can also have the eighth level strength.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs. This is naturally inappropriate for Chen Mu.

Because he is not a tiger at all.

Therefore, he had no intention of going to Canglan Realm from the beginning.

It can be said that even if he works hard to finish this real body simulation, he will not choose to go to the Canglan Realm.

Because there are too many variables.

If something unexpected happened and he was imprisoned or something happened to him, it would be very bad.

"The path of cultivation he just showed is similar to the path of the spiritual master I met in my early years."

"But I don't know what that inexplicable power is. It actually has the meaning of yin and yang, spring and autumn, but if you feel it carefully, there is even a power of the rules of the passage of life lingering, which is extremely terrifying."

The old man in white robe on the side also spoke.

At this time, they had all calmed down, and after calming down, they were no longer angry.

After all, this time it can only be said that their skills are inferior to others, and then they were even more irritated in just a few words.

This guy is not simple.

This is the thought that emerged in the minds of the three world masters.

"What should I do next? This kid is incapable of doing anything, and coercion and inducement don't seem to work."

"As long as he doesn't leave this world, there is a way."

"What if he leaves? With his ability, if he deliberately hides it, it will not be easy for us to find his traces again."

"Then what should we do? We can't just do nothing. He is the main person in the Tus world."

The red-robed realm master also felt helpless.

If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have been the one who stood out.

It's fine now, the shadow of the world has been cut off, and his right to speak has suddenly dropped to the lowest point.

Even if he can really bring Chen Mu back to Canglan Realm in the future, his contribution will probably be the least.

"Let's wait and see what he wants to do."

"Since this world is his territory, he will not leave easily until the last moment."

"As long as we don't offend him, there's still a lot of time, and it's far from the time to be anxious."

The three realm masters spoke to each other one by one.

In the end, it was decided to wait a little longer until they could discuss a plan that all three of them could agree on.

By then, it's not too late to take action.

On the other side, Chen Mu, who returned to the ancestral witch world, naturally could not fully know what the three world masters were thinking.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

After all, to be honest, it is almost impossible to overcome the bottleneck he is stuck in with just one real body simulation.

So he didn't care about a certain real body simulation.

The reason why he wanted to delay for a while was because he wanted to see the next actions of these three world masters.

This time he used the power of longevity to run the magic, which completely consumed Chen Mu's life span of 100,000 years.

Don't think that one hundred thousand years is short.

You know, this is just an immortal technique, and it was only performed once.

One time, one hundred thousand years of life are lost, and the consumption involved is absolutely exaggerated.

What's more, the most important point is that we are in the real body simulation at this time, not in the fairyland of reincarnation simulation.

The realm will be retained after the reincarnation simulation is over, but the preserved realm is just the realm and does not include the lifespan of this realm.

It is true that the Sanshou Sanxian can live for hundreds of millions of years.

But this has nothing to do with Chen Mu.

Because the longevity-killing Sanxian realm he retained could not extend his lifespan.

His lifespan limit is still the lifespan limit of his sixth-level wizard-immortal realm in reality.

That's why Chen Mu thought that the consumption of immortality was huge.

After all, he is really a magician, and he consumes a lot of his own life span.

If he has a life span of hundreds of millions of years, then naturally he no longer cares about this mere life span of 100,000 years.

But he didn't, he only had a life span of 20 million years.

But fortunately, the real body simulation is also a simulation, not reality.

In reality, Chen Mu would never use the magic trick easily.

After all, one hundred thousand years in reality is equivalent to many simulations.

Regarding the fact that the state of reincarnation simulation and preservation cannot extend lifespan, Chen Mu has actually known it for a long time.

After the simulation of reincarnation in the immortal world, he also expected whether the Shouyuan Immortal Road would be special, but it was obviously not the case.

"If the reason cannot be discovered in the end, then we can only kill them and leave this world."

Chen Mu said to himself.

The three realm masters were beaten to death and could not imagine that when they regarded Chen Mu as prey, Chen Mu also regarded them as prey.

Who is the hunter? Who is the prey?

It's still unknown at this moment.

ps: Thanks for reading, thanks for the monthly votes, I love you so much ~ (End of this chapter)

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