The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 293 Several main lines of destiny and the protection machine of the simulator

After Chen Mu finished speaking, Laner's expression changed slightly.

After a while, his expression returned to calmness, and he seemed to accept everything at this time.

He took a deep look at Chen Mu who was standing in front of him now, as if he was meeting Chen Mu for the first time.

The next moment, he waved his hand gently, and an illusory river of fate that was exactly the same as the river of destiny that Chen Mu had summoned appeared out of thin air in Laner's regular space.

Lan Er closed his eyes tightly, as if he was sensing something from this long river of fate.

After a moment, he opened his eyes and looked at Chen Mu with a slight frown.

"The trajectory of your destiny exists in the long river of destiny."


Having said this, Laner paused for a moment, and his frown did not ease, as if he had observed something strange.

After hearing these words, Chen Mu's expression did not change at all, and was still very calm.

"You can just say it."

Chen Mu said.

Although Laner didn't fully explain it at this time, Chen Mu could tell something with just these two sentences.

First of all, the fate trajectory that Lan Er saw in the river of destiny is definitely significantly different from his. Otherwise, Lan Er would not be able to see the existence of Chen Mu's fate trajectory.

You must know that even Chen Mu himself did not see his own destiny trajectory in the long river of destiny just now.

He couldn't see it himself, but Laner could see it. There must be something unusual in it.

"The trajectory of your destiny is very blurry in my observation, as if it was completely obscured."

"And it seems that your destiny trajectory does not have only one main line."

Laner said.

There was obvious doubt in his voice, and Chen Mu could hear these doubts.

Therefore, Chen Mu could judge from this that Lan Er had observed this situation for the first time.

"More than one main line of fate?"

Chen Mu spoke, with a tone that sounded a little like he was asking Lan Er, but also a little like he was asking himself.

At this time, he is no longer the ignorant person he once was.

Whether it is the river of fate or the trajectory of fate, Chen Mu has a lot of understanding.

"That's right, this is the first time I've encountered you in this situation. How can you have multiple main lines of fate as a single person?"

Laner said.

At this time, he couldn't care less about why Chen Mu could become a fifth-level wizard and find him to let him observe the trajectory of his destiny.

The trajectory of Chen Mu's fate that he has observed now is indeed something he has never encountered before.

Hearing Lan Er's words, Chen Mu nodded slightly.

He did not continue to speak actively, but looked thoughtful, as if he was thinking about some issues.

The main line of destiny is actually another concept of destiny trajectory.

Or another name for destiny trajectory.

As long as those who survive in the wizarding world are bound to be entangled with the fate of the wizarding world.

It's just that these entanglements are shallow or deep.

Different people naturally have different fate trajectories.

However, in the eyes of a fifth-level wizard, these fate trajectories can be observed in the river of fate.

It's just a shallow or deep observation.

Different people in the wizarding world have different destiny trajectories, but there is actually a main line of destiny.

Chen Muhe knew this very well.

In other words, he had already been exposed to this knowledge when he was a fourth-level wizard.

So Chen Mu knew very well that Lan Er was definitely abnormal in his observation.

Although Laner could see the trajectory of his fate, it seemed that what he saw was not a normal trajectory.

After all, normally, Laner could only observe a trace of Chen Mu's fate in the long river of fate.

Chen Mu hadn't thought about whether Lan Er had lied, but with his judgment and vision, he could see that Lan Er's words were not lies.

In other words, Laner indeed observed that Chen Mu had several main lines of destiny in the long river of destiny.

"Why does this happen?"

Chen Mu looked thoughtful, thinking to himself.

He himself cannot observe the trajectory of his own destiny, but Laner can observe the trajectory of his destiny in the long river of destiny.

There is even more than one main line of destiny trajectory observed.

You must know that no matter who you are in the wizarding world, whether it is an ordinary person or a wizard.

The main line of their destiny must be only one. This is the inevitable law of the long river of destiny.

However, although there is only one main line of human destiny, there are countless branch lines.

But according to Laner's observation, Chen Mu's fate has several main lines.

It can be said that through Laner's observation, Chen Mu broke the underlying rules of fate in the wizarding world.

One can imagine how Lan Er felt at this time.

It's definitely not just doubts.

This is why Laner is confused that Chen Mu is just one person but has several main lines of destiny.

Even if Chen Mu's soul is divided into two people, normally they will only have one main line of destiny.

After all, even if the soul is divided, the essence of the soul is the same and does not change.

This is not normal.

This shows that one of him and Laner must have observed something false.

Chen Mu didn't think that his own observations were false, so the problem must lie with Laner.

But Laner didn't lie.

In other words, what Lan Er saw was also real.

But this is impossible, because if it were true, it would be a paradox.

It can only be that he and Laner are different.

Thinking of this, if Chen Mu still can't figure it out, then he is not Chen Mu.


Chen Mu whispered to himself in his heart.

If there is any difference between him and Laner, it can only be that he has a simulator and Laner does not have a simulator.

Is it because of the simulator that caused Laner’s observations to change?

And Chen Mu is the owner of the simulator, so what he observes is the essence that has not changed?

Maybe it's the emulator's protection mechanism?

Is that so?

One or two thoughts flashed through Chen Mu's mind from time to time.

According to his current speculation, it is very likely that this is the case.

If there is anything that can change other people's perception of the river of destiny without changing Chen Mu's perception, it can only be a simulator.

And the simulator is centered on him, so this situation is not impossible.

In just a moment, countless thoughts flashed through Chen Mu's mind.

He was almost certain that the facts were just like his guess.

Although he didn't know why he couldn't observe the trajectory of his destiny in the long river of destiny, he already knew something about it at this time.

That is, although others can observe his destiny trajectory, it is most likely because of the protection mechanism of the simulator, not because he has a destiny trajectory in the long river of destiny.

In other words, everything that others observed about him in the long journey of destiny may be false.

It can be said that what the simulator wants them to observe is what they observe.

But to those who observed him, they felt that everything they saw was real.

It's just that these are all uncontrollable to Chen Mu. In game terms, they are passive skills.

It is the simulator's passive protection for Chen Mu.

After figuring it out, all the thoughts on Chen Mu's face disappeared.

The thoughtful look on Chen Mu's face disappeared, but Laner's brows were furrowed at this time, as if he was thinking about something but couldn't figure it out.

It’s the same as Chen Mu guessed.

At this time, Laner's heart was not at peace.

However, he already had a guess as to why Chen Mu came to him.

Laner believed that perhaps Chen Mu had observed this abnormal situation in the river of destiny and came to him for verification.

Of course, what Laner didn't know was that Chen Mu didn't observe several main lines of fate, but nothing.

But Chen Mu would not take the initiative to say this.

Seeing the thoughts on Lan Er's face, Chen Mu did not take the initiative to interrupt Lan Er's thoughts.

Chen Mu stood silently in Laner's regular space and waited quietly.

Laner didn't let Chen Mu wait too long. After a while, Laner's frown eased slightly.

The thoughtful look on his face was also suppressed.

Even Chen Mu couldn't tell whether Lan Er was thinking of something at this time or if he couldn't think of anything at all.

Anyone who can become a fifth-level wizard is not a simple character.

What's more, Laner didn't just become a fifth-level wizard.

It has been at least 100,000 years since Laner became a wizard.

The reason why he lost his composure was that the shock Chen Mu gave him was too great.

Otherwise, he would probably face everything indifferently.

Even if Chen Mu wanted to tell something about such an existence just by looking at his face, it would be unrealistic.

After all, he is not a god and can read other people's thoughts.

What's more, Chen Mu is only a fifth-level wizard, a being at the same level as Laner.

"The concept of destiny is too grand. Even I have only been exposed to a very rare part of it."

"This is my first time encountering a situation like yours."

"So I don't know how to solve it."

Laner said helplessly.

He believed that the reason why Chen Mu came to find his master was simply because he had been a level five wizard for a long time.

Perhaps it was because Chen Mu had just become a fifth-level wizard and the only one he could find was a high-level wizard.

So I wanted to ask him to help me figure out how to deal with this situation.

After Laner thought about it, he knew very well that he couldn't handle this situation. Not to mention how to solve it, he was also confused as to why this situation happened.

I have to say that there is no short answer for anyone who can become a level five wizard.

Although Laner's guess was not entirely correct, it was half correct.

"You can't do it either."

Chen Mu sighed and said, with just the right amount of helplessness in his tone.

Before Lan Er spoke, Chen Mu might not be able to guess what Lan Er was thinking.

But now, Chen Mu already knows what Lan'er is thinking.

But he didn't mean to explain.

He just followed Laner's words.

"I can't do it, but that doesn't mean others can't do it either."

There was a smile on Lan Er's face and he spoke.

After all, Chen Mu is his disciple, and he will help if he can.

Although he didn't know what method Chen Mu used to become a fifth-level wizard, it didn't matter anymore.

Chen Mu didn't speak when he heard this, but his eyes lit up.

He seemed to be waiting for Laner to continue speaking.

"Although my understanding of destiny is very shallow, you must know that I am not the only high-level wizard in the Watching Sea."

"A seventh-level wizard can capture the incarnation of destiny directly from the river of destiny. Perhaps the Lord of Watch can solve your doubts."

Without keeping Chen Mu waiting, Laner continued to speak.

After saying this, his face became more serious.

After hearing this, Chen Mu's expression did not change, but his heart moved slightly.

It was not difficult for Chen Mu to understand the meaning of Lan Er's words, which was to ask him to find the Lord of Watch in the Sea of ​​Watch.

After all, the Lord of Watch is the only seventh-level wizard in the Sea of ​​Watch.

As for the incarnation of destiny, Chen Mu also knows what it is.

The incarnation of destiny is actually another concept of the trajectory of destiny.

Just like a fifth-level wizard can observe the trajectory of fate.

Level 6 wizards can also observe the trajectory of fate, but in the observation of level 6 wizards, everyone's destiny trajectory is actually an incarnation.

Wizards of this level can see the trajectory of destiny more clearly when observing the incarnation of destiny.

this is normal.

After all, as the level of a wizard increases, the entanglement with the fate of the wizarding world becomes deeper.

What is also accompanied by this is that the authority in the long river of fate turns out to be deeper and deeper.

Level 5 wizards can observe the trajectory of fate in the river of destiny, and level 6 wizards can observe the incarnation of destiny in the river of destiny.

Chen Mu already knew this before.

But the seventh-level wizard can actually catch the incarnation of destiny directly in the river of destiny. This is something Chen Mu had never known before.

Do seventh-level wizards still have such great power in the long river of destiny?

Although Chen Mu was a little surprised, his expression did not change at all.

This also seems normal.

After all, becoming a seventh-level wizard in the wizarding world means that the entanglement with the fate of the wizarding world has reached an incomprehensible level.

It can even be said that if the wizarding world is destroyed, even if the seventh-level wizards will not die directly, they will suffer heavy losses.

Under this premise, it is not difficult to understand that a seventh-level wizard has this ability.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu's heart moved slightly.

Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to meet Mansour.

After all, this is just a simulation of the real body, and it is also shielded by the simulator, so Chen Mu has nothing to worry about.

As for whether Mansour would attack him directly, Chen Mu was even less worried.

Because the probability of this happening is really very small.

Mansour has a big plan, so whether Chen Mu's abnormal state or fate has nothing to do with him.

As long as Chen Mu cannot affect his plan to become a transcendent person in his eyes, then he will not take Chen Mu seriously.

ps: Thanks for reading, thanks for the monthly votes, I love you so much ~ (End of this chapter)

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