The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 274 Reincarnation Crystal and One Million Years (Please subscribe)

Chapter 274 ‘Reincarnation Crystal’ and ‘One Million Years’ (Please subscribe)

Thoughts passed through Chen Mu's mind.

After a while, these thoughts were gradually cleared from Chen Mu's mind.

Chen Mu shook his head in his heart.

In short, this war of order has ended at this moment, since he has not received any more messages from the Lord of Order at this time.

This means that the order will be calm for at least a period of time.

Although there are order wars launched between different orders in the Crimson World not long ago, such cases are only a handful after all.

This time Order Seventeen failed in this large-scale order war, and the most likely possibility is that they will still be able to recuperate for a while.

This is the greatest possibility.

Half of the demons died, which was a big loss even for Order Seventeen.

If Chen Mu were the Lord of Order, he would not start the next Order War immediately.

This period of time may be very long, or it may not be long.

However, Chen Mu didn't particularly care about this at this time. After all, it had nothing to do with him, a low-level demon.

If this period of time is long, then Chen Mu will naturally be happy.

This is related to whether he can grow into a higher level demon by entering a state of completely emptying his mind during this period of time.

But if this period of time is not enough to support Chen Mu to become a level four demon, Chen Mu has no choice.

The main factor that determines whether the war of order starts is not on him.

No matter how much he thought about it, it didn't make much sense.

It was precisely because of this that Chen Mu temporarily suppressed all the thoughts in his heart.

Feeling the water in the demonic flame pool, Chen Mu's demonic body did not move at all.

At this moment, Chen Mu once again sensed the surrounding environment and his own demonic body.

After a while, Chen Mu put away his perception of everything.

That's right, Chen Mu blocked his own perception ability at this moment.

This also means that Chen Mu will once again enter a state of completely emptying his mind.

This is actually something Chen Mu has already considered before.

At this time, the Order War has ended, and Chen Mu no longer has to worry so much.

In the next period of time, no other demons will bother him.

Therefore, this period of time can be said to be the best time for Chen Mu to enter a state of completely emptying his mind again to evolve the demon body.

After all, for Chen Mu at this time, although time is not the most important thing, time has extraordinary significance to him.

Although Chen Mu had time to waste, Chen Mu did not do so.

For him at this time, Chen Mu's most important goal is to transform again in this world and become a level four demon.

Because compared to other goals, this goal is the most practical.

As long as there is enough time and no accidents occur, Chen Mu will definitely be able to become a true fourth-level demon in this world.

Of course, the premise is that Chen Mu must have plenty of time, and no unexpected situations can occur during this time.

It is because of this that Chen Mu will not choose to waste any time.

The most meaningful thing Chen Mu can do now is to enter a state of completely emptying his mind.

Because in this situation where he couldn't feel the passage of time, time passed the fastest.

Time passed slowly, and at this time, Chen Mu had entered a state of completely letting go of his thoughts.

At this time, he was unaware of everything around him. Of course, it was impossible for him to know what was happening in the outside world at this time.

It is not much different from what Chen Mu guessed.

Although Order Seventeen was the losing side in this Order War, it had nothing to do with low-level demons like Chen Mu.

Even if the war fails, the impact will not be felt on the heads of low-level demons like them.

Chen Mu's territory fell into infinite silence after Chen Mu entered a state of completely emptying his mind.

The territory of Chen Mu, a low-level demon, was extremely peaceful, but there was no such peace in the Seventeenth Palace in the center of the Seventeenth City of Order.

"My lord, the news has come back. The Nineteen Demons asked us to cede a quarter of the entire territory."

A medium-sized voice came from within the Seventeenth Palace.

If Chen Mu were here, he would find that the owner of this voice was no stranger to him.

It was the high-level demon who once asked him to join Order Seventeen.

"He didn't dare to tell me in person. He only sent the message after I left."

The controller of Order Seventeen sat in the main seat and spoke softly.

There was a hint of disdain in his tone.

However, no other meaning was revealed after this sentence.

The senior demons present were not sure what their master meant.

Of course, at this critical juncture, no other demon continued to speak.

The huge Seventeenth Palace fell into silence after the Lord of Order Seventeen spoke.

"He's not after the territory. Give him the stuff."

"If he wants to take a path of detachment, let him take it. After all, that thing doesn't mean much to me."

The Lord of Order spoke calmly, without any emotion in his tone.

After he finished speaking, the senior demon who just spoke also nodded calmly.

It seems that these are no secrets to him.

In fact, this is really not a secret.

For him, a seventh-level demon, there are no secrets in this world.

After he nodded, the demonic bodies of all the high-level demons in the Seventeenth Palace gradually disappeared here.

Only the real master of Order Seventeen still made no move in his position.

His expression didn't change at all.

"Want to live another life in another world and transcend? It's not that easy."

"Forget it, let you explore the path first. If you can really become a transcendent and then return to the abyss, then it doesn't hurt for me to give it a try."

Two thoughts flashed through Lord Seventeen's mind.

The Samsara Crystal has been in his hands for hundreds of millions of years, but he still hasn't used it without authorization after all this time.

Of course, in fact, he had no intention of using the Samsara Crystal from beginning to end.

After all, once he uses the Samsara Crystal, it means that he has to give up all his cultivation in this life in exchange for the slightest hope of transcendence.

He asked himself if he didn't have the courage yet.

The Lord of Order Nineteen is a madman, but he is not.

It is impossible for him to give up everything in this world to pursue the slightest possibility of transcendence.

Rather than that, it is better not to be detached.

Throughout the abyss, transcendent existences are extremely rare.

There is even only one Transcendent in the Crimson World.

The abyss is not the world sea, and it is not that simple to transcend.

Among the three major realms in the ninth level of the universe, the probability of a transcendent person being born in the world sea is the highest.

But similarly, the detached ones in the World Sea are also the weakest among the three realms.

What's more, what if you become a transcendent person?

There is still little hope of getting out of the nine barriers set by Huanyu.

Of course, if the Lord of Order Nineteen can really come back from transcendence, then he might also give it a try.

After all, he doesn't have just one Samsara Crystal in his hand.

"Detachment, detachment, trapped in the abyss, detachment is not easy."

The Lord of Order Seventeen sighed slightly in his heart.

He has lived for too long, and naturally he also wants to see what the scene is like outside the abyss.

However, if this requires him to give up everything he has for tens of billions of years, he is unwilling.

But if he could be allowed to see the scene beyond the ninth level of the universe, it would be fine even if he gave up everything in the abyss.

It's just that the hope is too slim, so he has no plans to take risks at this time.

Sometimes he thinks that it would be nice if he was born in a world in the sea of ​​worlds.

After all, in the sea of ​​​​the world, detachment is not so difficult.

Of course, these can only be thought about.

After all, he has obtained the Samsara Crystal for so many years, but he still hasn't taken any action.

The Samsara Crystal allows him to carry the memories of this life and reincarnate into other realms to live another life.

But the premise is that after using the Samsara Crystal, there will be no chance of looking back.

If you die after reincarnation, everything will be over.

The failure of this war of order was actually intentional on his part.

He wanted to see if the Nineteenth Lord of Order could succeed even at the cost of losing half of the demons in the Order.

The passage of time in the world sea is completely different from the passage of time in the abyss.

If within tens of millions of years, the Nineteenth Lord of Order does not return as a transcendent person.

Then the Samsara Crystal will rot in his hands forever.

But if the Nineteenth Lord of Order really returns within tens of millions of years, then he might really give it a try, but of course he might still not.

If Chen Mu knew this at this time, he would definitely be shocked.

Because this so-called reincarnation crystal is very similar to the reincarnation simulation function of his simulator.

But unfortunately, these things are not things that Chen Mu can know at this time.

Thinking of this, the demonic body of the Lord of Order Seventeen gradually disappeared from the main seat of the Seventeenth Palace.

In Chen Mu's territory, within the Demonic Flame Pond.

Chen Mu's consciousness gradually returned to consciousness. At this time, his perception of the surrounding environment and his demonic body gradually returned.

But at this moment, instead of feeling any joy, Chen Mu felt a little confused.

Because in his clear perception at this time, the improvement of his demonic body is indeed not small.

It can even be said to be a great improvement.

But these improvements are far from reaching the critical point of the fourth transformation.

You must know that Chen Mu at this time has not taken the initiative to recover from completely emptying his mind.

In other words, he was passively out of this state at this time.

Although he is passive, he has not reached the critical point of transformation again.

This is a bit strange. You must know that Chen Mu is not affected by any external influences at this time, and there are no new transmissions in his mind.

In other words, at this time, he was separated from the state of emptying his mind without any reason.

Again, this situation had never happened before, either in the Demon Mother River or after he became a third-level demon.

In other words, this is the first time that this situation has happened to Chen Mu.

This is why Chen Mu had a little doubt in his heart at this time.

"This time, I passively escaped from the state of emptying my mind without any influence. Could it be that the limit of time has been reached?"

In the demonic flame pool, Chen Mu muttered to himself.

He had also passively escaped from the state of completely letting go of his thoughts before, but that was only under the premise that he had reached the limit of the evolution of the demon body.

But this time is obviously different.

This time he could clearly sense that his demonic body could continue to evolve and was far from reaching the point of transformation.

But he still broke away from the state of emptying his mind.

Since he has not reached the limit of evolution, it seems that he has stayed in a state of complete emptiness for too long and reached the limit of time.

Other than that, there seems to be no other explanation.

Even if there were other possibilities, they were out of reach of Chen Mu at this time.

However, despite this unexpected situation, Chen Mu did not feel any panic.

At this time, he was just out of a state of completely letting go of his thoughts, and it was not like there was an accident that ended this reincarnation simulation.

As long as the simulation does not end, Chen Mu still has the possibility of continuing to evolve in this world.

This is why Chen Mu is not particularly worried at this time.

Because he is still alive and well. Since he is still alive, everything can still go on.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu no longer sensed the surrounding environment and his own demonic body.

Instead, he put away his thoughts and tried to enter a state of completely emptying his mind again.

But after a moment, Chen Mu felt a hint of surprise in his heart.

Because at this time, he was actually unable to enter a state of completely letting go of his thoughts again.

This is a very strange feeling. When Chen Mu tried it, he suddenly discovered that even if he let go of his mind, he could still sense the surrounding environment and the passage of time.

This is a completely different experience from before.

It was precisely because of this that Chen Mu thought that maybe what he just thought was really like that.

After all, this situation is really like the feeling of reaching the limit if it lasts too long at one time.

If people keep staring at something for a long time, they will blink.

Therefore, this state of completely emptying one's mind does not seem to be sustainable all the time.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu didn't try again.

His demonic body moved and disappeared into the demonic flame pool.

When Chen Mu's demon body appeared in his territory again, the doubts in Chen Mu's heart were gone.

This time when he went out, he decided to ask other demons something.

"One hundred abyssal chakras, that is, one million years."

"How long does it take to completely let go of your thoughts for a million years?"

Chen Mu whispered to himself in his heart.

That's right, a million years have passed since the last War of Order ended.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for your monthly votes, I love you so much~

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