The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 269 Integrating the natural ability into the demon body and the third time

During the process of transformation, Chen Mu's thoughts were in a state of complete emptiness.

During this period, Chen Mu could not sense the surrounding environment, but he could actively sense the changes in his own body.

In fact, from the moment this transformation began, Chen Mu had been sensing the changes in his body.

It's just that the demon's transformation is just that the demon has grown to a critical point, and there will not be any particularly big changes suddenly in an instant.

The change from a second-level demon to a third-level demon has actually already occurred in this process.

This is somewhat similar to the growth process of human beings from childhood to adulthood.

During the period from childhood to adulthood, a person can clearly know that he or she has become an adult, but it seems that there is not much difference in whether there is any different feeling at the moment of adulthood.

The transformation of a demon is somewhat similar to this.

Of course, they are just similar, and there are quite a few differences between the two.

After all, the moment the demon's transformation is completed, there will really be some changes in the demon's body.

But that is at the moment when the transformation is completely completed, not during the process of completing the transformation.

"This transformation seems to be a little different from the previous two transformations. The innate abilities of my demonic body seem to have changed a lot during the transformation."

Although Chen Mu could not sense the surrounding environment during the transformation process, his mind could function normally.

While feeling the changes in his body, Chen Mu thought to himself.

This transformation is already the third complete transformation of the demonic body that Chen Mu has experienced since reincarnating into this world.

Because this was not his first experience, Chen Mu was already very experienced.

Because of this, Chen Mu could clearly perceive the difference between this transformation and the previous two transformations.

If there is any difference between him at this time and him before, it is the difference in talent and ability.

After all, before he completed his second transformation, his demon body had no innate abilities.

But it's different now. After he completed his second transformation, he was born with the devil's innate ability.

Although Chen Mu has not used this ability much in these years, it is also an innate ability that he truly possesses.

This kind of talent will not disappear just because Chen Mu doesn't use it.

On the contrary, no matter when Chen Mu uses this innate ability, his proficiency is exactly the same.

During this transformation process, while Chen Mu was sensing the changes in his demonic body, he could clearly feel that his innate abilities seemed to be gradually leaving him.

This feeling is extremely clear and intuitive.

It's like you originally owned an item, but it gradually disappeared under your nose.

I have to say that this feeling is definitely not a comfortable feeling.

Although Chen Mu doesn't use his innate abilities very much, it doesn't mean that he doesn't value his innate abilities.

If it was really due to transformation that the innate ability disappeared, then Chen Mu would definitely have some different emotions in his heart.

After all, before this, he didn't know that this would happen during the third transformation.

Of course, although this feeling was uncomfortable, Chen Mu still did not take the initiative to resist this transformation.

Chen Mu still knew the priority of the situation.

This transformation of the demon body is a transformation that he must go through, and there must be no accidents.

Even if his innate abilities were really taken away due to this transformation, Chen Mu might just be a little surprised.

Apart from this, Chen Mu would not have any other emotions.

Compared with being deprived of your natural abilities, it is more important to successfully complete the third transformation.

But it was obvious that Chen Mu's worries were unnecessary.

Demons' transformations are all for the better, and naturally they will not be deprived of their original talents just because of one transformation.

However, Chen Mu didn't know yet at this time. At this time, Chen Mu was completely immersed in the process of transformation.

Time is no longer so important to Chen Mu in the process of transformation.

As time passed slowly, the transformation of Chen Mu's demonic body was also proceeding slowly.

During the process of transformation, Chen Mu's perception was always perceiving the changes in his own demonic body.

At a certain moment, Chen Mu's perception of his demonic body finally changed.

At this moment, Chen Mu suddenly felt that the innate ability that had disappeared with the passage of time seemed to have reappeared.

This feeling is extremely clear, which is why Chen Mu can clearly and intuitively perceive this state in the first place.

"The innate ability seems to have appeared again. No, it seems that there are some changes in the innate ability?"

At this moment, Chen Mu thought to himself.

Chen Mu began to perceive in all directions the innate abilities that appeared in his perception again.

This time, he really discovered the changes.

The innate ability that had disappeared from his perception had indeed reappeared.

But this time when the innate ability appeared again, it seemed that it could no longer be regarded as an innate ability.

Because Chen Mu's perception of innate abilities was different from before.

Before, when Chen Mu completed his second transformation, his natural ability turned into Chen Mu's talent.

As for why this ability is called a talent, it is actually because of the inheritance of memory.

In other words, if there is no inherited memory, Chen Mu's understanding of his own innate abilities is not particularly special.

It is said to be a talent, but in fact it is more like a means.

If the devil is compared to a wizard, then the innate ability is equivalent to a wizard's unlimited witchcraft.

Sorcery similar to the spiritual eye.

But no matter how powerful this witchcraft is, it is just a witchcraft.

The core of a wizard is spiritual power.

If a wizard has a steady stream of spiritual power, he will still be strong even without releasing witchcraft.

It's like a fifth-level wizard facing a fourth-level wizard. No matter how powerful the fourth-level wizard's witchcraft is, it may not be able to withstand a mental impact from a fifth-level wizard.

That's the difference.

And before, although Chen Mu could sense the existence of his innate ability, this perception was not abnormally clear, but rather vague.

But at this moment, everything is different.

When his lost talent reappeared in Chen Mu's perception, everything changed.

Chen Mu's perception of his natural abilities became extremely clear.

And his natural abilities have also become different.

In Chen Mu's perception at this time, his innate ability was slowly merging with his demonic body.

Chen Mu had a very clear and intuitive feeling about this integration process.

Even in Chen Mu's guess, his transformation will end when his natural ability and his demon body are completely integrated.

To put it simply, the innate ability that Chen Mu possesses at this time has changed from witchcraft to spiritual power after undergoing this transformation.

Yes, the changes are so huge.

If Chen Mu's innate ability before could be compared to a wizard's witchcraft, then the innate ability now combined with his demonic body has turned into the unique 'mental power' of Chen Mu's demonic body.

The difference between the two is extremely huge.

The innate ability that was born after Chen Mu completed his second transformation and the innate ability that was born after he completed his third transformation are completely two different things.

Although the third transformation has not been completely completed at this time, Chen Mu can already clearly perceive this difference.

The previous innate ability was just a means, but now Chen Mu's innate ability has turned into an organ and an instinct of his demonic body.

This is like a spiritual wizard who may not have witchcraft, but must have spiritual power.

Just like a bloodline wizard must have bloodline.

At this time, Chen Mu's demonic body possesses instinct-like natural abilities.

If the innate ability that Chen Mu had before was like a wizard's witchcraft, he needed to activate the witchcraft model in the spiritual sea to release it.

So now Chen Mu's innate ability is as natural as breathing.

Perhaps it is easier than breathing, because as long as his innate ability and his demon body are integrated, then the innate ability will truly transform into an existence similar to his organs.

Everything Chen Mu could sense at this time, and the changes he sensed during this transformation, were actually things Chen Mu had not expected before.

He had previously expected that his demonic body might undergo some major changes during this transformation.

But he didn't expect that his talent would evolve so much.

It was precisely because Chen Mu had not expected it before that he felt surprised when he clearly perceived all this.

Time passed slowly, and this third transformation was also proceeding unhurriedly.

Finally, at a certain moment, Chen Mu thought, and his perception stopped for a moment.

"Is this, the transformation is complete?"

Chen Mu said to himself.

At this moment, he clearly felt that his body was no longer changing.

It was also at this moment that the fusion of his natural ability and demonic body was completely completed.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Mu has the idea in his heart that this transformation has been completed.

The truth was just as he imagined. With the passage of time, his third transformation was finally completed perfectly.

His guess was correct.

The moment his natural ability and his demon body are completely integrated is when his transformation is completed.

This time Chen Mu experienced the third transformation of the demon body. The biggest change was the change in talent.

This is no longer a simple transformation, it is a complete evolution.

At this moment, Chen Mu could clearly feel that his innate ability had completely become a part of his body, and he could use his fingers like arms.

Now Chen Mu uses his innate ability just like his arms control his fingers, without any feeling of being restricted at all.

"This transformation seems to be more than just a change in natural ability."

"The strength of my demonic body has also undergone tremendous changes."

Chen Mu said to himself.

It took countless hours to go from a second-level demon to a third-level demon.

But to say whether these times had a big impact on Chen Mu, the answer is no.

After the transformation was completed, Chen Mu understood that the adventure he had chosen was absolutely worth it.

Maybe even if he doesn't take risks, he will eventually become a level three demon, but it will definitely not be as fast as it is now.

After all, risk-taking actually represents huge benefits.

Completing the third transformation of the demon body this time has brought huge benefits to Chen Mu.

The most intuitive benefit is that Chen Mu's demonic body has become stronger.

There are benefits that are not intuitive, that is, in Order Seventeen, level three demons will have a territory that belongs only to them.

In other words, if Chen Mu wants to enter a state of completely letting go of his thoughts in the future, he does not need to continue taking risks.

After all, according to the rules of order, if Chen Mu stays in his own territory, then no one else has the right to disturb him during this period.

Territorial awareness is an extremely high priority among the demon race.

Of course, not just anyone.

Naturally, this does not include the eighth-level demon who is the master of Order Seventeen.

But it is almost impossible for an eighth-level demon to attack Chen Mu without any reason.

Even if the eighth-level demon really wanted to take action against him, it would be meaningless whether Chen Mu was in a state of completely emptying his mind.

After all, facing an eighth-level wizard, even giving Chen Mu enough time to react would be meaningless.

This is actually a different kind of snowball.

Among the demon race, as long as you are strong, you can steadily continue to become stronger.

This principle is not limited to the demon race.

In the abyss, or even in any world, the law of the jungle always exists.

Just more or less.

At this moment, Chen Mu had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

But before Chen Mu could carefully sort out the thoughts in his mind, changes came again.

At this moment, Chen Mu had a thought in his mind.

Chen Mu is not unfamiliar with this change of mental instinct, and can even be said to be very familiar with it.

That's right, just a few moments after completing the third transformation, the memory inheritance also arrived as promised.

Counting the previous two memory inheritances, this memory inheritance is already the third memory inheritance that Chen Mu will experience after reincarnating into this world.

It is naturally impossible to say that Chen Mu is not at all curious about this memory inheritance.

After all, every inherited memory is actually the most perfect channel for Chen Mu to understand the world.

At this moment, Chen Mu let his mind go.

Strange memories began to emerge in his mind, and then merged into Chen Mu's long river of memories.

Chen Mu digested the memory this time quickly.

ps: Thanks for reading, thanks for the monthly votes, I love you so much ~ (End of this chapter)

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