The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 258 The emergence of variables and misunderstandings in thinking (please subscribe)

The abyss has no time, nor does it know how long it has passed.

Chen Mu's body slowly wandered in the devil's mother river.

Although the abyss does not time, Chen Mu can still roughly feel that a long time has passed since he was reincarnated into this world.

Although such a long time passed, it had little effect on him.

But wandering around in the devil's mother river like this meaninglessly is not Chen Mu's purpose.

He chose to reincarnate to simulate the world in the abyss realm, because he actually wanted to know more about what the world in the abyss realm was like.

After all, if there is no simulator, if Chen Mu wants to enter the world in the abyss, he must become a transcendent.

Since the simulator can allow him to see other realms in advance, Chen Mu will naturally not give up this opportunity.

But now, Chen Mu has excepted the inherited memory that he retained before.

In addition, at this time, he had no understanding of the big crimson world he chose to reincarnate in.

It's okay if you just don't understand.

The key to the problem is that at this time, Chen Mu doesn't know how to understand everything in this crimson world.

After being reincarnated as a demon for so long, Chen Mu has just been wandering in the devil's mother river.

As for the other demons in the demon race except him, Chen Mu didn't even see a single shadow.

Even though Chen Mu had experienced so many reincarnation simulations, this was the first time he encountered this situation.

"If there is no concept of time in the abyss, doesn't it mean that no matter how long I wait, there will be no point?"

Chen Mu said to himself.

At this time, he really felt that this simulation opportunity was going to be wasted.

After all, if he keeps waiting but it doesn't make sense, then it won't make sense for Chen Mu to choose to reincarnate in this world again.

Because Chen Mu had no way of knowing how his demon body could become stronger.

If you don’t know this time, you may still not know if you choose to reincarnate in this world next time, or choose to reincarnate in a world in the abyss realm.

"That shouldn't be the case. The Devil's mother river is in the inherited memory and is indeed the place where the Devil was originally born."

Chen Mu was thinking in his heart.

After such a long time, Chen Mu still hasn't figured out why he seems to be the only demon existing in the abyss mother river.

He had several conjectures, but Chen Mu couldn't verify them at this time.

Now, he seems to have entered a dead end.

However, Chen Mu didn't feel any anxious mood in his heart.

After all, when he first chose to reincarnate into the world in the abyss, he chose it with the attitude of testing the waters.

Even if this reincarnation simulation was really wasted, Chen Mu wouldn't feel too distressed.

Now that Chen Mu knows about the abyss realm, sooner or later he will choose to try it in the reincarnation simulation.

It's just a difference between earlier or later.

What's more, this is not a waste of simulation times, after all, he has retained some inherited memories at this time.

To have something to reserve means to gain something, not to gain nothing at all.

If Chen Mu had just reincarnated into this world and the simulation ended inexplicably, that was a real waste of opportunity for reincarnation simulation.

Although these inherited memories cannot be said to have given Chen Mu a complete understanding of the abyssal realm.

But Chen Mu already has a simple understanding of the abyss realm, including the world in the abyss realm.

This is enough, at least Chen Mu thinks so.

Of course, there is another reason why Chen Mu is not particularly worried.

That is, although he was reincarnated at this time, he was also a real demon body born in the crimson world.

To the Crimson World, Chen Mu is a pure aborigine.

It was under this premise that Chen Mu didn't have the slightest worry or anxiety.

After all, a ninth-level demon king was born among demons, and this ninth-level demon king still exists at this time.

If all demons were like him after birth, then there would be no race of demons in the abyss.

It is even less likely that a ninth-level demon king will be born in the Crimson World.

After all, compared to other demons that were first born, Chen Mu still has a huge advantage, that is, he was reincarnated into this world with all his memories.

Other demons born in this world do not have this advantage.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu no longer thought about it.

There is no point in thinking about this anymore.

No matter how much he thought, his situation would not change at all at this time.

It's impossible for him to do whatever he wants.

Chen Mu is not a son of destiny. He was reincarnated into this world as an ordinary little devil.

So everything should be let nature take its course.

Other demons who don't have the advantage of memory like him can be promoted normally, so there's no reason why he can't.

It's not possible now, maybe because it's not that time yet.

After putting away his thoughts, Chen Mu's body continued to wander in the devil's mother river.

Over the years, Chen Mu's body was constantly sensing the surrounding environment while wandering in the devil's mother river.

But unfortunately nothing was gained.

Everything in the Demon Mother River that Chen Mu could sense was exactly the same from beginning to end, without any changes.

This is why Chen Mu doubts whether he has been spinning in circles.

After all, everything Chen Mu perceived was the same from beginning to end.

Of course, this may also be because the Devil's Mother River is too big.

If the entire Crimson World is a mother river of demons, it is possible that Chen Mu will encounter a situation that no other demon has encountered in these years.

But this possibility is low.

Chen Mu didn't think this was possible.

Because no matter how big the demon mother river is, it won't be so big that he can't understand it.

After all, during the reincarnation simulation, Chen Mu observed the red light spots representing the crimson world.

Although the red light spot representing the crimson world was large, it was not so large that Chen Mu could not understand it.

Of course, although Chen Mu had a lot of guesses in his mind, he was not in a position to verify these guesses at this time.

Everything is waiting for a variable to appear.

Chen Mu didn't think that his reincarnation simulation would always be like this until the end of his simulation.

After all, if this is the case, what about the other demons born in the demon mother river?

It can't always be like this. If it were really like this, the demon race wouldn't be one of the largest races in the abyss.

It's just that Chen Mu can't realize it with his current knowledge.

But that's only for now.

There is always a time when he can realize it.

Chen Mu is still somewhat confident in this judgment.

But what exactly this variable would be and when it would come was beyond Chen Mu's expectation.

The abyss knows no time.

I don’t know how many years have passed.

At least in Chen Mu's perception, a long time has passed this time.

During this period of time, Chen Mu was as usual, his demon body wandering aimlessly in the demon mother river.

But at this moment, Chen Mu suddenly had a thought in his mind.

Because Chen Mu suddenly discovered that his perception of the Demon Mother River had changed differently from before.

This discovery made Chen Mu's heart move.

During this period of time, Chen Mu actually never gave up his awareness of his surrounding environment.

This has become a habit, and Chen Mu himself doesn't have much hope.

But at this moment, Chen Mu suddenly discovered that his perception of his surrounding environment had changed differently from usual.

This change is a very subtle change, but it is very obvious compared to the same.

So Chen Mu caught this change right away.

"I seem to feel a similar energy flowing into my body."

"Is this how demons become stronger?"

"Is it just my bad luck before that's why I've never encountered this before?"

At this moment, Chen Mu thought to himself.

Three thoughts emerged in Chen Mu's mind one after another.

Although Chen Mu didn't know exactly what this energy flow represented, Chen Mu knew that it would definitely help him.

After all, his demonic body didn't feel uncomfortable at all after the influx of this energy flow, but instead felt very comfortable.

This feeling was something Chen Mu had never felt before.

He had never felt anything before.

Chen Mu couldn't even feel the most basic hunger and fatigue.

But at this moment, Chen Mu could clearly feel a very comfortable feeling.

Although this feeling was very weak, Chen Mu knew that his body would not deceive his consciousness.

This means that all this is real and is not a psychological factor.

"Finally it's not static anymore. Although I don't know what this energy represents, it's better than nothing at all."

Chen Mu said to himself.

While thinking in his mind, Chen Mu had no intention of resisting the influx of energy into his body.

After all, even if this situation was a bad thing for him, Chen Mu would not refuse.

No matter how bad it is, how bad can it be? At worst, this reincarnation simulation will end.

It was just a reincarnation simulation. If this reincarnation simulation ended due to this situation, Chen Mu would not suffer any loss.

After all, this was a trial and error for him.

Of course, this is just the worst-case scenario.

The situation at this time is definitely not the worst, not even the worst.

After all, Chen Mu didn't feel any discomfort at this time.

If his body really felt uncomfortable, then maybe Chen Mu would instinctively stop and continue to pour in this energy flow.

"But this energy flow is too weak. If I didn't deliberately perceive it, I would hardly be able to detect it."

Chen Mu thought in his mind.

This is actually where Chen Mu was a little confused at this time.

That is, the energy flow he sensed was too weak.

How weak is it?

It was so weak that Chen Mu even doubted whether he had encountered this kind of situation before, but he didn't consciously sense the surrounding environment at that time.

With this level of energy flow, it is conceivable that the opportunity will not bring obvious changes to Chen Mu's demonic body.

That's just the way it is.

When everything calmed down, Chen Mu felt that the surrounding environment was back to the same as before.

When Chen Mu felt his demon body again, he found that there was no change at all.

Yes, nothing has changed.

Perhaps it was because this change was too weak for Chen Mu to detect.

After all, Chen Mu couldn't feel any changes in his body.

If Chen Mu hadn't actually sensed that everything he perceived had really changed, Chen Mu would have even thought that what he just experienced was an illusion.

But what just happened suddenly gave Chen Mu an idea.

He seemed to have fallen into a misunderstanding before.

After becoming a demon, Chen Mu has always been aware of the surrounding environment.

Because he has no eyes and cannot see everything around him, he can only rely on the instinctive perception of the demon body to sense the surrounding environment.

The reason why Chen Mu believed that there were no other demons in the Demon River was because he could not sense any other demons.

But think about it another way.

Not being able to sense other demons doesn't seem to mean that other demons don't exist.

After all, from the moment he was born to now, except for the slight changes he just perceived in everything around him, his previous perception of the surroundings has remained unchanged.

In other words, he didn't know what it was like when he sensed other demons.

After all, these inheritance memories are not there.

"Am I surrounded by demons?"

"Or I can't sense other demons at all, and other demons can't sense my existence."

"Or maybe I've been surrounded by demons since I was born. It's just because my perception of the surroundings hasn't changed from the beginning to now, so I think there are no other demons in the demon mother river. "

Several thoughts came to Chen Mu's mind.

As these thoughts appeared, Chen Mu suddenly had a strange feeling.

Maybe it was intuition. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was surrounded by other demons, but he couldn't see or touch them.

"Then what I just sensed, could it be the aura emitted by a higher-level demon, or could it be another existence different from the demon?"

After having those thoughts, Chen Mu instantly began to draw inferences.

He began to think about why his perception just changed.

But thoughts are just thoughts after all, and these thoughts are just Chen Mu's thoughts.

After all, at this time, after experiencing the changes just now, he still couldn't verify the conjectures in his mind.

He could only keep an eye on it, Chen Mu still couldn't do anything except for the first time.

Even if he is surrounded by demons, so what? If different demons cannot sense each other's existence, it will be no different from the absence of other demons.

ps: Thanks for reading, thanks for the monthly votes, I love you so much ~ (End of this chapter)

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