The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 239 The end of the simulation and the unexpected surprise (please subscribe)

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, twenty years passed.

After leaving the Twilight Realm Lord's space, Chen Mu returned to the family.

Within the family, Chen Mu’s residence.

Chen Mu held the cross-border stone in his hand, and there was no ripple in his deep eyes.

His expression didn't change at all.

The next moment, Chen Mu thought, and an inexplicable force surged out of Chen Mu's body.

The moment this force appeared, it enveloped the cross-border stone in Chen Mu's hand.

When the cross-border stone came into contact with this trace of destiny, it lit up with a faint fluorescent light.

A moment later, this faint fluorescent light suddenly became extremely dazzling.

The cross-border stone in Chen Mu's hand also turned into nothingness at this moment.

An illusory and transparent portal suddenly appeared in front of Chen Mu.

Chen Mu was not surprised when he saw this scene. He moved his body and stepped into this illusory portal.

When Chen Mu's body completely stepped into the portal, the illusory and transparent portal also disappeared.

All the messy thoughts were temporarily suppressed in Chen Mu's heart at this moment.

Time passed slowly, and five hundred years passed by in an instant.

On top of a towering mountain, clouds and mist shrouded the sky.

Chen Mu stood silently on the top of the mountain.

His face was very plain, and he stood motionless on the top of the mountain, as if he was thinking about something.

A full five hundred years have passed since using the cross-border stone to come to this new world.

Chen Mu spent almost all of this time exploring this world.

Of course, even in this new small world, Chen Mu did not stop practicing the power of faith.

But unfortunately, I don’t know if this is the reason why this world has a world master.

Chen Mu's ability to practice faith in this world is the same as practicing faith in the twilight world.

He didn't become a world lord just because he arrived in a new world.

Of course, this is most likely related to the fact that this world originally had a Realm Lord.

Although Chen Mu has never met the world lord, nor has he heard any news about the world lord.

But Chen Mu is 90% sure that this world has a world master.

Because the popularity of extraordinary power in this world is even greater than that in the Twilight World.

However, in this small world, extraordinary power is not called the power of faith, nor the power of destiny, but the power of inheritance.

Although the names are different, the power of inheritance, the power of faith, and the power of destiny are all the same power. Chen Mu can still be sure of this.

"Is it possible that this world is the main world of Canglan Realm?"

On the top of the mountain, Chen Mu muttered to himself.

This new small world he crossed over with the Cross-Border Stone.

There are still some differences from the small world in Canglan Realm that Chen Mu reincarnated into twice before.

The biggest difference is that this small world has no boundaries.

It cannot be said that there is no boundary, but no one has explored this boundary yet.

At least five hundred years have passed, and Chen Mu still doesn't really know how big the world is.

The two small worlds that Chen Mu reincarnated into before had clear boundaries.

Chen Mu can also roughly judge how big the world is.

But he couldn't judge this world because it seemed a little too big.

If Chen Mu at this time had the realm of a fourth-level wizard in his previous life, he might be able to explore the whole world.

But the reincarnation simulation is starting from scratch, so Chen Mu naturally cannot have the same cultivation skills as in his previous life.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to explore the complete world with just the power of the beliefs he is practicing now.

As for why Chen Mu had this idea, it was very simple.

He had this idea entirely because of what the Twilight Realm Lord told him before.

Since the power of his faith is directly connected to the Canglan Realm.

Then the power of faith he mobilized when using the cross-border stone is also the power of faith that directly connects the world consciousness of Canglan Realm.

In this case, will the new world he came to across the border be the most central world in the Canglan Realm?

This is just an idea of ​​Chen Mu.

As for whether this was what he thought, Chen Mu didn't know.

Because although it has been five hundred years since he crossed over to this world, Chen Mu still knows very little about this world.

A large part of the reason for this is because of his identity and unfamiliarity with this world.

This world is too big. After Chen Mu came to this world, the number of people with extraordinary power he met did not even exceed three digits.

Most of the rest are ordinary people.

And what Chen Mu learned from these people with extraordinary power was also very limited.

At least he couldn't understand anything at the realm lord level.

This is what Chen Mu thought before. If he is very weak, even if he comes to a new world through the cross-border stone, the help to him will still be limited.

If Chen Mu was the Realm Master at this time, then all the troubles he is having now would cease to exist.

After all, even if he is the world master of a small world, his status in the Canglan world is definitely very high.

"If this world is not the main world of the Canglan Realm, then how many worlds are there in the Canglan Realm that are as big as this small world?"

Chen Mu thought with some emotion in his heart.

This small world, even if it is not as big as the wizarding world, is probably not much different.

If there are many small worlds like this in Canglan World.

Then Chen Mu really couldn't imagine how the wizarding world could resist the attacks of the Canglan Realm thousands of years later.

Chen Mu has experienced many reincarnation simulations. Although his level in reality is not particularly high, his vision is definitely not low.

From his perspective, even if the wizarding world were given tens of millions of years, it would be impossible for it to catch up with the Canglan Realm.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu suddenly thought of the reincarnation space of reincarnation simulation.

I thought of the light group that represented the Canglan Realm.

He had always believed that the bigger the world, the bigger the light group.

But now Chen Mu suddenly thought of another possibility.

Because the light group representing the Canglan world is about three times larger than the wizard world in the reincarnation space.

But based on Chen Mu's understanding of the Canglan Realm at this time, the Canglan Realm must be more than three times larger than the Wizarding World.

So is there a possibility that the light clusters in the reincarnation space that represent a world do not represent the size of the world.

But the level of the world.

If you think about it this way, the world level of Canglan World is definitely much higher than that of Wizard World.

The world level of the True Spirit Realm is also higher than that of the Canglan Realm.

As for the world light group that Chen Mu reincarnated before, which represented the spirit world, it was more than ten times larger than the wizard world.

Then the world level of the spirit world must be much higher than that of the wizard world.

The world is no longer on the same level at all.

"There is no room for further improvement, and there is not much life left."

"In the next time, let's continue to explore this world."

Thinking of this, Chen Mu stopped thinking about it.

Chen Mu's figure disappeared on the top of the mist-shrouded mountain.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, three hundred years have passed.

In a bustling city, on top of a towering pavilion.

Chen Mu looked down at the prosperous scene on the street, his expression not changing at all.

Although his face is still young, his lifespan is running out.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Mu's body gradually dissipated.

If anyone else saw this scene at this time, they would be absolutely stunned.

After a moment, Chen Mu's figure completely disappeared, and a white light that no one could see gushed out from Chen Mu's body.

The moment this white light appeared, it flew towards the outside of Canglan.

The white light crossed time and space and flew to an unknown place.

Within the reincarnation space, Chen Mu's consciousness returned to consciousness.

Before Chen Mu could have any thoughts, his consciousness was kicked out of the reincarnation space.

After Chen Mu's consciousness left the reincarnation space, the familiar mechanical voice sounded in his mind again.

[The reincarnation simulation is over! 】

[Reincarnation simulation memory has been successfully retained! 】

[It is detected that the host will not be affected by the reincarnation memory. The memory protection function of the simulator is not turned on. Do you want to turn it on actively? 】

"Do not enable memory protection."

In reality, a familiar mechanical voice sounded in Chen Mu's mind.

In the wizard tower, Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes.

The light blue light curtain was still suspended in front of Chen Mu.

The next moment, Chen Mu thought, and the light blue light curtain disappeared in front of him.

In this reincarnation simulation, Chen Mu can still be said to have died.

He has lived to the limit of the body in which he was reincarnated.

In both reincarnation simulations, Chen Mu lived to the limit.

But there is also a big gap between the two reincarnations of simulated life.

After all, when he was first reincarnated into the Canglan Realm, he had not practiced any extraordinary power.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu thought.

A piece of consciousness appeared in his spiritual sea.

No wonder he felt like something was missing just now.

This time, after the simulation of his reincarnation ended, he did not retain his extraordinary power.

In the spiritual sea, Chen Mu's consciousness looked at his spiritual sea and found that his spiritual sea had not changed at all.

The next moment, Chen Mu's consciousness left the spiritual sea and returned to reality.

"This reincarnation simulation did not retain the power of faith that I practiced?"

Chen Mu said to himself.

This was the first time he encountered this situation.

In his previous reincarnation simulations, as long as he practiced extraordinary power during the simulation, he would remain in reality after the simulation ended.

But this time is obviously different.

Could it be that the power of faith is not a supernatural power?

"Perhaps it's because the power of faith I control does not belong to me?"

"Or is it that only by becoming a Realm Master in the simulation can the realm be retained in reality after the simulation is over?"

Chen Mu thought in his heart.

Because this was the first time Chen Mu encountered this situation, he didn't know what the reason was.

There is no prompt from the simulator either.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Mu thought no more.

After all, he will be reincarnated in the Canglan world once, and he will be able to try and make mistakes by then.

Moreover, even if the power of faith he cultivated in Canglan Realm is preserved, it will not be of much help to Chen Mu.

He chose to be reincarnated in the Canglan Realm not to cultivate extraordinary power and then retain it in reality.

What he wants more is to find a way out of the entanglement of fate.

As for the others, they are all secondary.

Of course, in this reincarnation simulation, he did not retain the extraordinary power in the simulation.

But Chen Mu naturally gained nothing, at least he had a deeper understanding of the Canglan Realm.

And he also has a deeper plan for reincarnation in the Canglan world.

For example, this time he was reincarnated in the Canglan world and gained the power of faith to practice.

This means that next time Chen Mu is reincarnated into a world without extraordinary power in the Canglan world.

He can also use the power of faith he gained this time to practice and become the only transcendent, or even become a world lord.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu's eyes lit up.

It seemed that he suddenly remembered something.

The next moment, Chen Mu thought, and the light blue transparent light curtain appeared in front of him again.

Chen Mu moved his gaze to the column of simulation times at the bottom of the light screen.

[Number of text simulations: 1]

[Do you want to enable text simulation? 】

This text simulation was one that Chen Mu had deliberately reserved before.

The question is to verify something after the reincarnation simulation is over.

It's just ready to use now.

So Chen Mu naturally did not hesitate and started this text simulation.


[The simulation is over, please choose your reward! 】

【Keep realm】or【Keep spell】

【You can choose to keep three memories! 】

Chen Mu looked away from the last line of black words above the light screen.

After looking away, the black fonts on the light blue light screen gradually began to disappear.

"Preserve the realm."

Without any hesitation, Chen Mu chose to retain his realm.

After choosing to retain his realm, Chen Mu's spiritual sea fluctuated slightly.

After a while, Chen Mu's mental sea returned to calm.

Now that the simple improvement in realm after a text simulation is over, the improvement brought to Chen Mu is not particularly large.

After feeling the changes in the spiritual sea, Chen Mu had a thought in his mind.

"Choose to keep the memories of sixty-two, sixty-three, one thousand five hundred and forty-five."

The next moment, three unfamiliar memories appeared in Chen Mu's mind.

Almost instantly, these three unfamiliar memories were digested by Chen Mu.

After digesting the memory, Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes.

The memory he retained was enough to verify his conjecture.

"The method of cultivating the power of faith in the Canglan world can actually be used in the wizarding world!"

Chen Mu said to himself.

This is actually what he wanted to verify in text simulation.

Although the practice of retaining the power of faith cannot be preserved in the realm, memory will not lie.

It's just that practicing the power of faith in the wizarding world actually reflects the understanding of the power of rules.

Understanding the rules is extremely time-consuming.

But now that Chen Mu has the method to understand the rules, it will definitely save him a long time.

Even the construction of regular space can be completed quickly.

This can be regarded as an unexpected surprise.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu stopped thinking about it and started practicing meditation.

As for this method of understanding the rules, let's leave it to the real body simulation.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for your monthly votes, I love you~ (End of this chapter)

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