The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 208 Four Rules and Consciousness Warning (Please subscribe)

Chapter 208 ‘Four Rules’ and ‘Consciousness Warning’ (Please subscribe)

Spiritual world, Eastern Continent, Xuanyou Forest.

Chen Mu's figure shuttled through the forest, and after a moment, he stopped in the depths of the mysterious forest.

Chen Mu stopped and stepped on the soil under his feet.

The soil here is no longer considered soil, it is much harder than rocks when stepped on.

Not only the soil, everything here is extremely hard.

The influence of rules sometimes has a lot of external effects.

"The Rock Rules."

Chen Mu said to himself.

He did not activate the spiritual method, but looked at the surrounding environment with his naked eyes.

He has been pursuing this rule for nearly a hundred years, and he has some understanding of its nature.

As long as he activates the slightest amount of spiritual power, the rules hidden in the dark will disappear again.

At this time, nine hundred years have passed since Chen Mu left the Soul Academy.

This is not the first time that Chen Mu has discovered the rule of no master in the spiritual world.

There are even more than one rules for capture.

A fourth-level psychic master is in a completely different realm from a third-level psychic master, not to mention that Chen Mu has not slackened on his spiritual practice in recent years.

His realm has been steadily improving.

His plan in the spiritual world is also progressing steadily.

Give him another two thousand years, and he can bury at least ten masterless rules in the spiritual world.

However, Chen Mu didn't know whether these rules had no upper limit.

Because in the spiritual world at this time, the division of whether the rules have an upper limit has not yet appeared.

The upper limit of the rules was discovered by the wizarding world tens of millions of years later.

Because whether the rules have an upper limit is not important to the psychic, but it is extremely important to the wizard.

Integrating into a rule is more like getting a key to unlock one's own body for the spiritual master.

For a psychic, all rules are unlimited.

The only thing that determines the upper limit of realm is talent.

Therefore, Chen Mu could only judge based on his memory of the rules he knew in the wizarding world in his previous life and his own experience.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Mu did not act rashly.

He just looked at the surrounding environment silently, trying to find any abnormalities in this environment.

Chen Mu has never lacked patience.

What's more, he has been following this rule for nearly a hundred years, and he doesn't care about this moment.

After a moment, Chen Mu's eyes lit up.

His figure disappeared instantly.


The spiritual storm surged around Chen Mu in all directions.

It started almost out of the blue.

But the moment Chen Mu mobilized his spiritual power on a large scale, the surrounding environment changed again.

The originally extremely hard soil suddenly turned into normal.

But this has no impact on Chen Mu.

Since Chen Mu suddenly took action, he was sure of it.

Sure enough, when Chen Mu appeared again, there was already a palm-sized stone in his hand.

This stone looked no different from an ordinary stone, and Chen Mu held it tightly in his hand without any struggle.

There was a smile on Chen Mu's face.

The next moment, his hand suddenly exerted force, but the stone in his hand did not move at all and was not affected at all.

After confirming that the stone in his hand was transformed by the rules of the rock, Chen Mu mobilized his spiritual power.

A disk was suspended in front of him.

The next moment, Chen Mu held the stone in Chen Mu's hand and pressed it tightly against the disc.

The moment the stone and the disk came into contact, the stone disappeared, while the disk remained suspended in front of Chen Mu without any change.

Seeing this scene, Chen Mu nodded, and then put the disc back into the space ring.

"The fourth rule."

After putting away the rules seal disc, Chen Mu thought to himself.

Nine hundred years after leaving the Academy of Mind, Chen Mu has not stopped for a moment.

However, his harvest was also remarkable. In nine hundred years, Chen Mu harvested a total of four rules.

It almost takes an average of more than two hundred years to harvest an ownerless rule.

Chen Mu kept all these rules and did not integrate them in this world.

In fact, Chen Mu tried to integrate a rule in this world first.

After all, the realm of his world will be retained even after he returns to reality after finishing the simulation.

So the stronger he is in this world, the greater he will benefit in reality.

Although psychics are not as powerful as wizards, they are comparable to wizards in some aspects.

But just when he was ready to integrate a rule, his consciousness gave him a huge warning.

It seems that if all the fusion rules are ignored, unimaginable effects will occur.

Chen Mu finally chose to trust his subconscious and did not act rashly.

Of course, Chen Mu didn't have any other emotions. After all, his planning and collection rules were him in the future reality.

Even if he can integrate the rules in the simulation, he has no potential, and his realm will still be finalized after the simulation is over.

But in reality it is different.

As long as Chen Mu integrates the rules in reality, the only thing that limits his improvement as a wizard is the number of simulations.

Without the bottleneck of rules, it was only a matter of time before Chen Mu wanted to become a level five wizard.

Although Chen Mu didn't know how powerful the fifth-level wizard was, he knew that it was definitely incomparable to the fourth-level wizard.

After all, even in the Sea of ​​Watch, there are only three fifth-level wizards.

If Chen Mu can become a level five wizard in the wizarding world, then he will be the fourth level five wizard in the Sea of ​​Watch.

Some secret information may not be known to a fourth-level wizard, but for a fifth-level wizard, it may not be considered a secret.

And after becoming a fifth-level wizard, he is likely to become a real high-level executive in the Sea of ​​Watch.

By then, even if something happens in the wizarding world, it may not involve him.

Sometimes, strong strength is the best talisman.

After a moment, Chen Mu stopped thinking and disappeared into the mysterious forest.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye it was another three hundred years.

Three hundred years may not be considered the passage of time for the entire spiritual world.

But for Chen Mu, three hundred years is definitely not a short period of time.

At this time, Chen Mu had left the Soul Academy for more than 1,200 years.

This was truly an absence of more than 1,200 years, during which he did not return to the academy once.

He didn't go back, and his teacher didn't come to see him, as if he just let him go.

In fact, the system of the Spiritual Academy is indeed like this.

Students of the Psychic Academy can gain maximum freedom after becoming a fourth-level Psychic Master.

It doesn't even matter if you don't go back to the Spiritual Academy for the rest of your life.

This is completely different from the Sea of ​​Watch.

In the Sea of ​​Watch, the higher the realm, the more obvious the restrictions become.

At least this is the case from the first level wizard to the fourth level wizard.

As for what a fifth-level wizard is like, Chen Mu doesn't know.

Because he is not a level five wizard.

In the Academy of Spirituality.

Chen Mu's figure suddenly appeared on a high platform in the academy.

The high platform here was the first place he stayed after joining the Mind Academy, and it was also the place where his teacher told him about his talent.

Chen Mu looked at the environment of the Spiritual Academy with his naked eyes.

It has to be said that although one thousand two hundred years have passed, the Academy of Mind has not changed at all.

There are no more or less buildings in the college, and they are no different from when Chen Mu left.

There might be some changes, but Chen Mu couldn't see the changes.

Suddenly, Chen Mu's shoulders moved and he turned to look behind him.


Chen Mu said.

The person who suddenly appeared behind him was his teacher Dole.

Chen Mu knew that Dole would come to see him. After all, the two had not seen each other for more than a thousand years.

But Chen Mu didn't expect it to be so fast.

After all, he had only returned to the academy for a moment.

Of course, more than a thousand years is not a long time for Dole.

"I'm back. Yes, I haven't slacked off in my mental practice."

White light flashed in Dole's eyes. After looking at Chen Mu, he smiled lightly and said.

After saying this, before Chen Mu could speak, Dole continued:

"You have read a lot of books about rules over the years, so you should have some understanding of them."

"Since you haven't integrated into the rules on your own, you can try to integrate into the rules that Karl prepared for you."

But what surprised Karl was that Chen Mu shook his head and refused after hearing what he said.

"Teacher, I may not be able to fit in with the rules."

"Perhaps due to the influence of consciousness, I have tried to integrate into a rule before, but there was an early warning of impending disaster."

Chen Mu said.

He knew that some things were unavoidable, so Chen Mu chose to tell the truth.

Sometimes, the truth is better than lies.

Hearing Chen Mu's words, Dole frowned slightly.

It seemed that he did not expect Chen Mu to say such a sentence.

He did not doubt the authenticity of Chen Mu's words.

After all, no one would ignore the rules and not integrate. After all, that is the key to a higher realm.

Dole did not reply to Chen Mu's words, but frowned in thought.

He seems to be wondering why this is happening.

"How does it feel? Please describe it more specifically."

After thinking for a moment, Dole asked.

After hearing this, Chen Mu did not hide anything and described his specific feelings when preparing to merge the rules.

"A warning of consciousness?"

Dole muttered.

This was the first time he heard that there would be a conscious warning when integrating into the rules.

He saw many things about Chen Mu for the first time.

However, Chen Mu is still an ordinary person, not the incarnation of world consciousness.

Karl had already verified this, so Dole did not doubt Chen Mu's identity.

"I've never encountered this situation before."

"Integrating into the rules is only good for the body. How can there be a warning in the consciousness?"

There was a hint of doubt in Dole's tone.

Chen Mu also shook his head helplessly.

Let alone Dole, even Chen Mu himself didn't know why this happened.

He could only guess that it was because of the reincarnation simulation. The fusion rules in the simulation might conflict with his body in reality.

Chen Mu could only guess like this.

After all, apart from his status as a reincarnation, there is nothing special about him.

The spiritual world is also real, and the rules are real.

Then the problem can only lie with himself.

"The only thing you can do about your situation is let Karl help you take a look."

"If you cannot integrate into the rules, you will not be able to become a level five psychic master. This is undoubtedly a waste of your talent."

Dole said.

Chen Mu nodded and did not refuse.

After all, it's good for him too.

If it was really possible to incorporate rules into this simulation and become a level five psychic master, Chen Mu would naturally not refuse.

But Chen Mu knew there was little hope.

The smaller the gap between the realm in simulation and reality, the harder it will be to continue to practice upward.

Chen Mu has experienced this firsthand.

The fundamental reason is that even if everything is real, it is only the reincarnation of a consciousness in reality, not the reincarnation of a complete consciousness.

Seeing Chen Mu nodding in agreement, Dole mobilized his spiritual power and took Chen Mu away from the high platform.

"Can't fit into the rules?"

Karl looked at Chen Mu and asked.

Chen Mu nodded.

Karl didn't say anything, and with a flick of his hand, a lavender ball appeared in his hand.

The moment Chen Mu saw Yuanzhu, his heart moved.

Thousands of years have passed, and Chen Mu is definitely not unfamiliar with the rules after collecting the four rules.

So the moment the ball appeared in Karl's hand, Chen Mu recognized what the ball in Karl's hand was.

It is a sealed ownerless rule.

As for the specific rules, Chen Mu couldn't tell because there was no leakage of aura in the sealed state.

"Try to integrate this rule in front of me."

"Don't worry about the fusion. If there is a problem, I will interrupt it in time. This Ziyue rule was prepared for you."

Karl said.

While speaking, he threw the ball in his hand to Chen Mu.

The ball was suspended in front of Chen Mu.

Chen Mu nodded.

The next moment, Chen Mu mobilized all the spiritual power in his body, and then penetrated into the ball suspended in front of him.

This is the first step to integrate into the rules, to put his own spiritual mark into the rules.

The moment Chen Mu's spiritual power came into contact with the ball, the ball exploded into pieces.

A purple moon shadow appeared out of thin air in front of Chen Mu.


Chen Mu was shocked.

A strong warning emerged from the depths of his consciousness out of thin air.

Chen Mu almost instinctively put forward the rules to integrate.


A voice came into Chen Mu's ears.

The next moment, a warm white light enveloped his body.

Chen Mu calmed down and began to pour spiritual power into the purple moon shadow in front of him.

Time passed slowly, and a moment later, another strong warning emerged deep in his consciousness.

This time, before Karl could speak, Chen Mu's body instinctively stopped fusing the rules.

This is the body's instinctive self-protection, just like a person cannot strangle himself with a rope.

Chen Mu felt this way at this time.

"Sure enough, your consciousness cannot bear the intensity of the rules."

"If you force the fusion rules, your consciousness will be directly shattered."

Karl frowned and said.

Not to mention Dole, even he encountered this situation for the first time.

ps: Thanks for reading, thanks for the monthly votes, I love you all!

Next chapter ends the simulation~

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