The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 193 The Masterless Rules of the Mind Academy and a Thousand Years (

Chapter 193 ‘The Masterless Rules of the Spiritual Academy’ and ‘A Thousand Years’ (Please subscribe)

"So easy?"

Chen Mu was startled.

He was actually prepared to be rejected.

But what Chen Mu didn't expect was that Mansour agreed so easily.

This is the difference between physical simulation and literal simulation.

In text simulation, although Chen Mu can also implement some of his ideas in reality according to his subconscious mind.

But it is not that easy to implement.

This is one of the reasons why he in the text simulation cannot avoid it in time before the big event comes.

If all simulations of the simulator are compared to games.

Then the real body simulation is Chen Mu himself operating the game character.

The text simulation is when the game character automatically hangs up.

The difference is naturally huge.

Chen Mu's eyes lingered on the place where Mansour disappeared for a moment, and then he looked away.

The next moment, his figure moved and disappeared from the place.

An eighth-level wizard put too much pressure on Chen Mu.

Chen Mu didn't expect that Mansour actually agreed to meet him.

In fact, Chen Mu's plan is that if he cannot leave the Sea of ​​Watch, he will follow the Sea of ​​Watch normally to conquer other worlds.

Already a level four wizard, he was definitely not weak.

And now he has a lot of means to save his life, so even as the first group of vanguards to go to other worlds.

Chen Mu also has great confidence in saving his own life.

After all, real body simulation is not text simulation.

In the real body simulation, as long as Chen Mu wants to live in peace, he will definitely have to use many more methods than in the text simulation.

What's more, he still has a guarantee for the death of the devil.

Chen Mu owning this scapegoat is actually equivalent to having two lives.

As long as Chen Mu stays calm, he can at least live longer than the longest text simulation he has ever lived.

Chen Mu still has this bit of confidence.

But things are different now.

Mansur allowed him to leave the Sea of ​​Watch.

This means that Chen Mu no longer needs to participate in the war to conquer other worlds in the Sea of ​​Watch.

The same goes for traveling to other worlds.

The spiritual world can definitely be said to be one of the safest worlds for Chen Mu.

It is conceivable that Chen Mu can definitely live for a long time in this real body simulation.

At least there is no problem breaking his previous record of surviving in the simulation.

Watching Sea, above the pure white sea.

Chen Mu's figure suddenly appeared above the sea.

It will be some time before the Sea of ​​Watch begins to conquer other worlds.

Chen Mu estimated that it would be within thirty years.

This time is just a possible time calculated by Chen Mu based on previous text simulations.

It will only be long, not short.

Although there is still some time, Chen Mu does not plan to wait any longer.

The further you delay, the higher the chance of an accident happening.

Chen Muxian returned to the Sea of ​​Watch.

Although he did not plan to stay in the Sea of ​​Watch for a long time, Chen Mu still had to come back first.

After all, he is still unable to travel to other worlds on his own.

Now, if he wants to go to the spiritual world, he must use the world passage of the Watching Sea.

But if he is a fifth-level wizard, he does not need to use the world passage if he wants to travel to other worlds.

As long as he has world coordinates, he can travel to other worlds at any time.

It's just that Chen Mu is only a fourth-level wizard now, and there is still a long way to go before he becomes a fifth-level wizard.

Even though he later spent a lot of time practicing to the limit of his mental power, the masterless rule was still far away.

Even the most common ownerless rule is not something Chen Mu can expect at this time.

What's more, Chen Mu's goal is not the ordinary ownerless rules.

The upper limit of ordinary ownerless rules is only fifth level wizard.

Naturally, it is impossible for Chen Mu to lock his potential into the realm of a fifth-level wizard.

Even level five wizards are at the top of the pyramid in the wizarding world.

But Chen Mu's goal is far beyond that.

After all, if his target was only a fifth-level wizard, then he would not have refused the masterless rules given by his master Laner at that time.

At that time, Laner placed an easily accessible ownerless rule in front of Chen Mu, but Chen Mu finally refused.

Because once he agrees, it means that he will be on the path of a white wizard in the future, and his limit will be a fifth-level wizard.

However, it is definitely not easy to obtain owner-less rules with no upper limit on potential.

Chen Mu and Mansour said they wanted to find the way to the fifth-level wizard in the spiritual world.

In fact, it was not completely made up by Chen Mu.

In the spiritual world, there is an ownerless rule.

Many people in the wizarding world know this news.

But what kind of rule is this ownerless rule? Is it an ordinary rule or a rule with no upper limit on potential?

But no one knew, not even Chen Mu’s master Laner.

The location of this ownerless rule is the first organization in the spiritual world, the Academy of Spirituality.

Chen Mu is no stranger to this organization.

Because he had been favored by this organization as early as when he was just a knight.

Even the time he quit the Sea of ​​Watch in his text simulation, his final choice was to join the Mind Academy.

This is why Chen Mu can be sure that there is a masterless rule in the Academy of Mind.

Because during the text simulation, he had joined the Academy of Mind.

Among the three years of memories he retained at that time, there was the memory of the ownerless rule.

It's just that the relevant memories are only a very small part. Chen Mu only knows that the Academy of Mind has an owner-less rule.

As for more details, Chen Mu is undoubtedly unfamiliar with them.

My mind is tangled with thoughts, and thoughts are pouring out.

After a while, Chen Mu suppressed these thoughts and thoughts in his heart.

Now is not the time to think about this.

After all, he is still a long way from being a level five wizard.

His mental power is still far from the limit of a fourth-level wizard.

Now, he still has a long way to go.

After suppressing these thoughts and thoughts in his heart, Chen Mu called out the Book of Truth.

The moment the Book of Truth appeared, it was suspended in front of Chen Mu.

The next moment, Chen Mu's spiritual power surged out from the spiritual sea and attached to the Book of Truth.

The pages of the book were opened, and a white light came out of the book of truth.

White light enveloped Chen Mu's body.

An instant later, Chen Mu's body disappeared into the pure white sea.

When his figure appeared again, he was already in a void.

Chen Mu, who suddenly appeared here, did not change his expression at all, nor did he look around, but just walked towards the depths of the void.

After all, this is not the first time Chen Mu has been here in the void.

Not to mention being in a simulation.

Even Chen Mu in reality has used the world passage to travel to other worlds more than once.

So everything here will naturally not arouse Chen Mu's special emotions.

"It's you, which plane are you going to this time?"

Odom was not surprised when he saw Chen Mu suddenly appearing in front of him. After all, Chen Mu came here often.

Coming and going, he saw Chen Mu more times than he saw Bain.

"We won't use the plane channel this time."

"I need to go to the spiritual world and activate the world channel. I'm sorry to bother you."

Chen Mu said.

Before he came to Odom, most of them used plane channels.

Although after he became a fourth-level wizard, he did not need to borrow plane passages to travel to some small planes.

But if you want to go to some special planes or some large planes, you also need to borrow plane passages.

Hearing Chen Mu's words, Odom nodded to express his understanding.

He didn't ask Chen Mu why he went to the spiritual world.

"No problem, you just need to wait."

"For some reasons, opening the world channel is now more troublesome than before, and it also takes longer than before."

Odom said.

After he finished speaking, he called out his Book of Truth.

Because of his identity as guarding the space channel, his Book of Truth has more functions than Chen Mu's Book of Truth.

"about how long?"

Chen Mu asked.

due to certain reasons?

When Chen Mu asked Odom, he also had some doubts in his heart.

He hasn't borrowed the World Passage for a while, so he doesn't know about it.

After all, the last time he used the world channel, Odom opened it for him almost instantly.

"Ten days if possible."

"Of course, if you are in a hurry, I can help you open it now."

"It's just that if I directly help you open the world channel now, the opened channel may not be stable."

Odom operated the Book of Truth and explained at the same time.

Ten days?

Hearing this number, Chen Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

Ten days is not a long time.

When Odom just said that he would have to wait, Chen Mu thought he would have to wait for a few years.

As Chen Mu spent more and more time in the real body simulation, he felt that time was passing more and more quickly.

"Don't worry, I can still wait for ten days."

Chen Mu smiled lightly and spoke.

After the words fell, Chen Mu found a random place in the void and sat down cross-legged.

Ten days are just a period of meditation for Chen Mu.

Not even one meditation is enough.

Now, when Chen Mu is practicing meditation in the wizard tower, the shortest time for a meditation practice is several months.

In the long run, even one meditation can take years.

This is why Chen Mu feels that time is passing faster and faster.

Time passed, and ten days flew by.

"Okay, the world passage to the spiritual world has been successfully opened."

"It's just that it's still a little more unstable than before."

"Of course, as long as the mental power completely wraps the body when crossing the world passage, there will be no accidents."

Odom's voice reached Chen Mu's ears.

Chen Mu, who was meditating, stopped the meditation method and opened his eyes.

Looking at the illusory world passage in front of him, Chen Mu nodded.

Nothing different from before.

"Thank you very much."

Chen Mu said softly.

"You're welcome, that's right."

At the same time that Odom spoke, Chen Mu stepped into the world passage.

Time is like a gear that never stops turning.

Ten years, twenty years, fifty years.

In the blink of an eye, another hundred years have passed.

In the spiritual world, in the forest of light.

Chen Mu stopped practicing meditation, and the Book of Truth appeared and then floated in front of him.


After checking the information in the Book of Truth, Chen Mu let out a breath.

What was supposed to come came.

Although it was delayed by seventy years than Chen Mu expected.

Chen Mu expected that it would be within thirty years, but he did not expect that Mansour would make a decision after a hundred years.

But this has nothing to do with Chen Mu at this time.

Now, although he is still a member of the Watching Sea, he is not involved in it.

And since the Sea of ​​Watch declared war on other world-level wizard organizations in the wizarding world, members of the Sea of ​​Watch no longer have to complete tasks in the mission space.

Without the tedious tasks, Chen Mu felt much more relaxed.

Chen Mu has not taken on the task of watching the sea for nearly four hundred years.

Without thinking any more, Chen Mu recalled the Book of Truth back to the spiritual sea.

"The path of the wizard and the path of the spiritual master are incompatible. It is too difficult for me to pry into the masterless rules of the spiritual academy."

Leaving the sea of ​​watch behind, Chen Mu thought in his heart.

He has not forgotten the purpose of his coming to the spiritual world.

If only to make up a lie and stay away from the Sea of ​​Watch.

Then there are many places that are much safer than the spiritual world.

Chen Mu finally chose to come to the spiritual world. A large part of the reason was actually because there was news about an ownerless rule here.

After all, although Chen Mu was far away from the fifth-level wizard at this time, the advantages of early preparation definitely outweighed the disadvantages.

One hundred years have passed, and Chen Mu has not made any progress.

At least he knew the secrets of many spiritual masters.

Psychics are actually very similar to wizards in many ways.

The ownerless rule not only has a great effect on wizards, but also on psychic masters.

As an outsider, Chen Mu naturally found it difficult to pry into the masterless rules of the Academy of Mind.

The path of the wizard and the path of the spiritual master are actually not completely incompatible.

Just like the path of a spiritual wizard can be practiced together with the path of a blood wizard, the path of a spiritual master can also be practiced together with the path of a blood wizard.

But if you major in the spiritual wizard path, or the white wizard path.

Then there is no doubt that you cannot practice with a spiritual master.

A spiritual master actually practices spiritual power.

But just like some other extraordinary paths to cultivate spiritual power.

The way a spiritual master practices spiritual power is definitely different from that of a wizard.

But ultimately, it is all about the spiritual power of cultivation, so it is naturally impossible to practice together with the white wizard.

To put it simply.

In those worlds where Chen Mu was reincarnated, where cultivating spiritual power was the path to transcendence, it was actually impossible to practice with the White Wizard.

Even with the simulator, the extraordinary path he practiced in other worlds ultimately only took the form of regular gems, rather than actually appearing in his body.

"Are we really going to abandon the realm of white wizards and then try to join the Academy of Mind to pry into the secrets of the masterless rules?"

Chen Mu was thinking in his heart.

However, this idea was dismissed by Chen Mu the moment it appeared.

After all, if he really did this, what would be the difference between him and that text simulation.

In the previous text simulation, he was able to join the Academy of Mind and learn the secrets of the Masterless Rules. A large part of the reason was that he lost the realm of the White Wizard.

At that time, although he lost the realm of the white wizard, he retained some life span.

And because he still has some connections with the Academy of Mind, he was finally able to successfully join the Academy of Mind.

If he now abandons the White Wizard's cultivation realm and chooses to join the Spiritual Academy.

Not to mention anything else, lifespan is a big issue.

The rewards are completely out of proportion to the efforts, and Chen Mu would not do anything that would do more harm than good.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Mu's eyes lit up.

Something occurred to him.

Thinking cannot be too limited.

Although it is now after the simulation, Chen Mu's thoughts will not only be placed in the simulation.

After all, whether it is in text simulation or real body simulation, everything that is improved is for him in reality.

"Where's the reincarnation simulation?"

"If I reincarnate into the spiritual world during the reincarnation simulation, will I have the opportunity to join the spiritual academy and take a peek at the rules of the masterless world?"

Chen Mu was thinking in his heart.

This thought was why his eyes lit up.

After all, now he can choose the world of reincarnation in the reincarnation simulation.

He will not reincarnate in the God Realm recently, so will the spiritual world be a good choice for reincarnation?

After all, time passes almost the same in the spiritual world and the wizarding world.

It is very likely that when he was reincarnated, he would be reincarnated in the current era.

Maybe when he was reincarnated, the Wizarding World and the Blood Sea Realm were still in a cross-border war.

But this is not inevitable. After all, Chen Mu has not experienced reincarnation in the past of another world.

Without a true reincarnation in the spiritual world, everything is still unknown.

But even if he is really reincarnated into the past or future of the spiritual world, Chen Mu doesn't have to worry too much.

After all, the organization of the Soul Academy can be said to have been the largest organization in the Soul World from the birth of the Soul World to the present.

Moreover, there is definitely a reason for the ownerless rule in the Academy of Spirit to remain in the Academy of Spirit for such a long time without anyone trying to integrate it.

Even if the final reincarnation simulation was not what Chen Mu had imagined and exceeded Chen Mu's expectations, it didn't matter.

After all, what Chen Mu consumed was just one reincarnation simulation.

And one reincarnation simulation can be accumulated in two years.

Chen Mu was very happy to do this kind of trial and error where the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Mu suppressed this idea.

Although this idea is good, it cannot be carried out yet.

After all, he is still in the real body simulation at this time, and the matter of reincarnation simulation can be considered carefully after the real body simulation is over.

Now, he still wants to complete the things in the real body simulation.

After all, Chen Mu has a lot of life after leaving the Sea of ​​Watch.

Although he was unable to join the Academy of Mind, it did not mean that there were no other ways for Chen Mu to spy on the masterless rules in the Academy of Mind.

Difficulties are difficult, but you still have to try.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu did not continue to meditate and practice, but moved away from the place.

Time flies, and time always slips away from the fingers inadvertently.

Ten years, twenty years, fifty years, one hundred years.

Two hundred years, three hundred years.

In a blink of an eye, five hundred years passed.

It has been six hundred years since Chen Mu left the Sea of ​​Watch.

In the past six hundred years, Chen Mu has not returned to the wizarding world once.

It has to be said that during this real body simulation, Chen Mu stayed in the spiritual world longer than in the wizarding world.

After all, when he was in the wizarding world, Chen Mu didn't stay in the wizarding world for a long time due to the mission of Watching the Sea.

But in the spiritual world, there is no influence of tasks.

Chen Mu has truly lived in the spiritual world for six hundred years.

The spiritual world, the golden city.

In a shop.

Chen Mu was lying on a recliner in the shop. Next to him was an old man with a white beard who was busy with what he was doing.

"What's going on? Even if it's a natural spiritual creature, it takes too long to awaken."

Chen Mu, who was lying on the recliner, said helplessly.

After the voice fell, the old man with the white beard did not reply to Chen Mu's words, but continued to be busy with what he was doing.

"William, can you give me a confirmation? I can't wait another ten years."

"Use it, I know it. It's not like you haven't asked elsewhere. It would be great if I can help you enlighten your spirit."

"Apart from me, only those from the Mind Academy can take on your job."

"If you could find people from the Mind Academy, you wouldn't come to me."

William spoke angrily.

"Okay, okay, you do it slowly, I won't rush you."

Chen Mu said.

"That's pretty much it."

William snorted softly and continued busy.

Next, Chen Mu naturally stopped urging him.

But after a moment, Chen Mu spoke again.

"William, after the spiritual enlightenment is successful, is there really a chance to replace a spiritual sea?"

Chen Mu asked.

"There's not much hope. If you still plan to become a wizard or spiritual master, the probability of success by relying solely on the heart core is not high."

"But it's still possible to simply replace the mind sea."

"Of course, even if you succeed, there is an upper limit. You can only practice to a level two psychic master at the highest level."

William kept moving his hands, shook his head and said.

"What if I want to rely on this to join the Spiritual Academy? Is there any chance?"

Chen Mu asked.

Although he and William had known each other for a long time, this was the first time Chen Mu asked this question.

Only now did he express his final thoughts.

After hearing this, William finally stopped what he was doing.

He frowned slightly, as if it was his first time encountering this situation.

After thinking for a moment, William said:

"You'd better not have any hopes. Although you are a fourth-level wizard, the possibility is still low."

"As far as I know, there is no precedent for the Psychic Academy to recruit a fourth-level spiritual wizard."

"And you're not a member of the Watching Sea. Why would you want to join the Soul Sea?"

Speaking of this, there was a hint of confusion in William's tone.

Chen Mu is a member of the Watching Sea, and William knows this.

It can be said that the current Sea of ​​Watch has stolen the limelight in all the worlds surrounding the wizarding world.

In the past five hundred years, two small worlds have fallen in front of the Sea of ​​Watch.

As a member of the Watching Sea, Chen Mu actually had the idea of ​​joining the Mind Academy, which puzzled William.

After hearing William's words, Chen Mu thought for a moment and nodded.

In fact, he also knew that the hope was not very high.

Five hundred years have passed, and naturally Chen Mu has done nothing.

Over the years, Chen Mu tried many ways to enter the Spiritual Academy, but the final outcome was natural failure.

Chen Mu's goal is not to join the Spiritual Academy. Now that he is a member of the Sea of ​​Watch, he naturally cannot join the Spiritual Academy.

His goal is just the ownerless rules of the Academy of Mind.

Chen Mu didn't expect to get the ownerless rules, he just wanted to have a deeper understanding of the ownerless rules.

At least know whether the ownerless rule is an ordinary rule or a rule with no upper limit.

This is an important point.

Chen Mu's goal was not what he wanted from the beginning.

"It's not about joining the Spiritual Academy, but entering into the Spiritual Academy, for example, borrowing their library."

Chen Mu said.

William shook his head.

"It's impossible. If you are not a student of the Spiritual Academy, you are not qualified to enter the Spiritual Academy."

"Of course you can try to break in, but I guarantee you will die miserably."

"Although the Psychic Academy may not be as good as the Sea of ​​Watch where you are, as a psychic organization that has stood in the spiritual world for tens of millions of years, it cannot be underestimated."

William shrugged and said.

If Chen Mu had this kind of idea, he wanted to persuade Chen Mu to give up this idea as soon as possible.

An eighth-level wizard has emerged from the Sea of ​​Watch, and many people in the surrounding world of wizards know about it.

That’s why William said that the Academy of Mind is not as good as the Watching Sea.

"It seems it still doesn't work."

Chen Mu naturally heard the meaning in William's tone, and said helplessly to himself.

If you want to pry into the secrets of the ownerless rules of the spiritual world in this real body simulation, it seems that it is still too difficult and the hope is very small.

"Okay, I understand, then I won't be in a hurry. You can slowly activate your spirit."

Sitting on the recliner, Chen Mu narrowed his eyes.

William shook his head and prepared to continue what he was doing.

But when his hand touched the core of his heart, he suddenly frowned, as if he thought of something.

The next moment, he stopped what he was doing and looked at Chen Mu.

"I remember you are a level four wizard."

"You're not trying to follow the Masterless Rules of the Mind Academy, are you?"

William said, with speculation in his tone.

This sentence made Chen Mu, who was lying on the recliner, startled.

He didn't expect that William could guess his target so quickly.

But this also shows that the masterless rule of the Academy of Mind seems to be no secret at all.

"It seems that's true."

"Are you going to all this trouble just because of the masterless rule of the Academy of Mind?"

William said somewhat dumbfounded.

It seems that he did not expect that Chen Mu's goal was actually the ownerless rule.

"Oh, what do you say?"

"What's wrong with the masterless rule of the Academy of Mind?"

Chen Mu asked with interest.

He didn't expect that his unexpected expression of his thoughts would lead to unexpected gains.

William's tone clearly indicated that he had some understanding of the masterless rules of the Academy of Mind.

At least he should know more than the half-baked Chen Mu.

"If you are doing it for the masterless rule, there is no point in joining the Mind Academy."

"The ownerless rule of the Academy of Mind already has an owner."

William opened his mouth to explain.

He indeed knows more than Chen Mu.

Because he was once a member of the Academy of Mind.

The Academy of Mind and the Sea of ​​Watch are different.

Even if the students of the Spiritual Academy withdraw from the academy, their cultivation will not be abolished.

On the contrary, most of the students at the Mind Academy will eventually leave the academy.

"The ownerless rule already has an owner?"

Chen Mu asked subconsciously.

In fact, what William said was too contradictory.

Since it is an ownerless rule, how can there be an owner?

"This is actually a bit of a secret, but it doesn't hurt to tell you."

"The ownerless rule of the Academy of Mind has actually existed since the founding of the Academy of Mind thousands of years ago."

"This rule is a twin rule. If one rule is merged, the other will not disappear."

"This rule cannot be fused by another person until the master of the rules dies."

"And the current owner of this ownerless rule is the dean of the Academy of Mind."

William opened his mouth to explain.

What he said is indeed good, this is actually some secrets.

But in order to dispel Chen Mu's hope, he still spoke to Chen Mu.

Hearing this, Chen Mu's expression almost became tense.

This was the first time he had heard of this situation.

However, after Chen Mu digested William's words, he discovered something was wrong.

"How do you know this?"

Chen Mu asked.

"I was also a student at the Academy of Mind, so I was very curious about the rules that have existed for tens of millions of years, so I went to learn about them."

William said.

He wasn't lying about that.

If it were some other people, they might not know as much as he does.

After all, not everyone is interested in the ownerless rule.

Even most of the schools in the Academy of Mind actually don’t know what the rules are.

After William said this, Chen Mu stopped talking.

When William saw Chen Mu, he did not continue to speak, nor did he interrupt Chen Mu's thoughts.

Of course, the movements in his hands did not continue, as if he was waiting for Chen Mu to finish thinking.

At this time, Chen Mu was indeed thinking.

But what he was thinking about was not whether to give up this ownerless rule.

He pondered the truth of William's words.

From William's words, Chen Mu had actually obtained a lot of information.

For example, the master of the rules is the dean of the Academy of Mind.

This also means that this rule has no upper limit and is the rule that Chen Mu is looking for.

After all, the dean of the Psychic Academy is a genuine seventh-level Psychic Master, a powerful person at the level of a seventh-level wizard.

If the rules have an upper limit, the spiritual dean cannot become a seventh-level spiritual master.

In fact, this information is already the most important information to Chen Mu.

As for the rest, it doesn't matter.

Even though William had joined the Psychic Academy, the information about the ownerless rules was obtained from the Psychic Academy.

But what exactly that rule is, and whether it cannot be integrated, Chen Mu must verify it himself to know.

Chen Mu has already planned to reincarnate in the spiritual world for the next reincarnation simulation.

Reincarnating in the spiritual world and then joining the spiritual academy is the best way to verify whether this news is true or false.

After all, if this rule really cannot be integrated as William said, then all Chen Mu has consumed is just an opportunity for reincarnation simulation.

But if this rule actually supports integration.

Then Chen Mu would make a lot of money.

After all, he would have a goal.

A goal with no upper limit and no owner rules.

At least Chen Mu had something to do before he became a level five wizard.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu suppressed the rest of his thoughts in his heart and stopped thinking about it.

After all, he couldn't verify it at this time, so he could only temporarily believe that the news was true.

The moment Chen Mu stopped to think, William's voice came.

"So, do you still need this core to help you continue to enlighten your soul?"

William asked.

In his mind, since Chen Mu already knew the details of the Masterless Rule, he should not continue to be in Qiling Core.


Chen Mu said.

The spiritual enlightenment has begun and the money has been paid.

It would be inappropriate to end the spiritual enlightenment now.

Although even if the spirit enlightenment was successful in the end, Chen Mu would not be able to enter the Spiritual Academy with his heart core.

Seeing that Chen Mu finally made a decision, William said no more, nodded and continued to enlighten the spiritual core.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye it is another four hundred years.

The spiritual world, the capital of the soul.

This is definitely the largest single city in the spiritual world.

Its size can even be compared to several Wizarding Continents.

This is the first organization in the spiritual world, the location of the Spiritual Academy.

Unlike the Sea of ​​Watch, the Soul Academy in the Soul World is located directly in the Soul World, rather than in the rift of the world.

There are also world rifts in the spiritual world.

The City of Mind is a tall tower very close to the Academy of Mind.

This is Chen Mu's residence in the capital of the soul.

At this time in the tower, Chen Mu frowned slightly.

Suspended in front of him was the open Book of Truth.

After leaving the wizarding world for a thousand years, what is supposed to come will come.

"After a thousand years, I still haven't been able to see the ownerless rule with my own eyes."

Chen Mu said to himself.

He was a little helpless.

This is not the masterless rule that Chen Mu doesn't pay attention to at the Spiritual Academy.

On the contrary, Chen Mu attaches great importance to it. Over the years, he has found countless ways to try to enter the Academy of Mind, and he just had to force his way into it.

But it all ends in the end.

One thousand years, it seems that this is the time limit given to him by Mansour.

This time the person summoned to his Book of Truth was none other than Mansur himself.

An eighth-level wizard personally sent a message to Chen Mu.

It's impossible not to go back.

For a thousand years, Chen Mu sometimes felt that the Watching Sea should have forgotten about him.

But that doesn't seem to be the case now.

It's just that he didn't reach the time limit given to him by Mansour.

"It's time to leave."

Chen Mu sighed in his heart.

The next moment, the Book of Truth suspended in front of him lit up with a faint white light.

Chen Mu's body was wrapped in this white light and disappeared.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for your monthly votes, I love you~

This chapter is a big chapter, and the next chapter will be restored to 4,000 words.

The next chapter will end this real body simulation.

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