The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 189 Strange yet Familiar and Nine Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty-Two

Chapter 189 ‘Strange yet Familiar’ and ‘Nine Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty Two’

Beyond the wizarding world, beyond the third rift

Chen Mu's figure moved into the third crack.

Chen Mu spent nearly 150 years on this mission of watching the sea.

This time consumption was greatly reduced compared to the time it took Chen Mu to complete this task during text simulation.

After returning to the Sea of ​​Watch, the Book of Truth was suspended in front of Chen Mu.

A flash of white light flashed, and the Book of Truth automatically began to turn the pages.

Stop until you turn to one of the pages.

When the Book of Truth stopped turning pages, a trace of Chen Mu's consciousness appeared in the mission space again.

The moment his consciousness appeared in the truth space, he seemed to feel something.

A faint fluorescent light flew out from him and then dissipated in the mission space here.

The next moment, this consciousness was ejected from the mission space.

The task has been completed and delivered.

At least for the next nearly sixty years, Chen Mu no longer has to worry about the mission of Watching the Sea.

But sixty years is said to be a long time, but said to be short is also very short.

At least for Chen Mu, sixty years is still a long time.

Although he is now a fourth-level wizard, sixty years is still a long time for Chen Mu.

After all, in reality, although Chen Mu experienced witchcraft, the real time he traveled to the wizarding world was actually less than thirty years.

This time sounds extremely incredible, but it is true.

But what if Chen Mu had been practicing meditation in his wizard tower for the past sixty years.

Then sixty years passed quickly for Chen Mu.

After all, as long as a senior wizard enters a deep state of meditation practice, he often practices meditation for half a year.

Sixty years is equivalent to dozens of meditation practices, so time will naturally pass by very quickly.

But it was obvious that Chen Mu would not spend all of these sixty years meditating in the wizard tower.

After all, meditation practice can also be performed in text simulations, and can even be performed better than real body simulations.

The real body simulation is more to help him see the way forward and the future clearly, and avoid detours.

Therefore, in the real body simulation, Chen Mu spent most of his time after the task, in addition to meditating, to verify some conjectures that could not be implemented well in the text simulation.

The conclusions finally verified by these conjectures will directly determine some of Chen Mu's future choices in reality.

Wizard Tower, top floor.

Chen Mu's figure appeared here instantly.

The moment he appeared here, Chen Mu took a look at the environment on the top floor of the Wizard Tower.

After nearly one hundred and fifty years, the Wizard Tower has not changed much.

Because of the special material of the wizard tower, there is no dust here.

For one hundred and fifty years, this place has been functioning normally.

The moment Chen Mu returned to the wizard tower, he could start to continue to operate the meditation method normally and continue practicing.

"A strange yet familiar feeling."

Chen Mu sighed slightly in his heart.

Although Chen Mu has the memory of countless simulations.

But memory is memory, and re-experience is re-experience.

Chen Mu has not performed a real body simulation in nearly six years.

After not returning to the wizard tower for one hundred and fifty years, Chen Mu did have a feeling that was both strange and familiar in his heart.

But this emotion only lasted a moment.

The next moment, Chen Mu adjusted his mood and his expression returned to calm.

Chen Mu walked to the middle of the top floor of the Wizard Tower and sat down cross-legged.

After sitting down, Chen Mu slowly closed his eyes and began to practice the meditation method by running the meditation path.

After practicing meditation in the Star Realm for more than a hundred years, Chen Mu felt very good when he returned to the wizard tower to practice meditation again.

It was so normal for him to feel this way.

After all, practicing meditation in the wizard tower in the Sea of ​​Watch is much faster than practicing meditation in the Star Realm.

So Chen Mu naturally had a good feeling.

This feeling comes from the speed of meditation practice and the slow improvement of mental power.

After I started practicing meditation, time passed much faster.

After all, if Chen Mu completely concentrated on practicing meditation at this time, time would be extremely fast for him.

Because of a long meditation, Chen Mu could even spend three years.

Time passed, and twenty-two years passed by in a blink of an eye.

It has been twenty-two years since Chen Mu completed his first mission to become a fourth-level wizard.

During this period of time, Chen Mu has been staying in the wizard tower in the Sea of ​​Watch, and has never left here once.

In fact, during the past twenty-two years, he has been practicing meditation on the top floor of the Wizard Tower.

Twenty-two years have passed, and Chen Mu has been practicing meditation for twenty-two years.

Chen Mu has certainly not done anything but tasks in the Star Realm for more than a hundred years.

He has no shortage of spiritual resources.

So after returning to the Sea of ​​Watch and the Wizard Tower, Chen Mu meditated and practiced for twenty-two years.

There is less than forty years until the next mission begins.

Although forty years is not a short period of time for Chen Mu, it is not long either.

If he concentrates on practicing meditation and is not affected by anything else, then forty years will pass quickly for Chen Mu.


Wizard Tower, on the top floor.

Chen Mu exhaled a breath of turbid air and slowly opened his eyes.

This time of meditation, two years have passed.

After stopping this meditation practice, Chen Mu did not immediately start the next moment of meditation as usual.

Instead, he stood up and moved his body slightly.

In fact, his body was not stiff at all.

At most, I feel like I want to move after sitting for too long.

If it were the previous Chen Mu, he would naturally not care about this feeling and would continue to practice the next meditation method.

But this time, Chen Mu chose to stretch his body, which had been sedentary for twenty years.

After all, it is indeed a long time to practice the meditation method for twenty-two years at once. The end of the meditation method this time is also the time when Chen Mu leaves the Sea of ​​Watch again.

He had to go to some places and verify some conjectures.

Of course, these things are definitely dangerous.

However, this kind of danger is not particularly dangerous for Chen Mu, who is currently a fourth-level wizard.

At best, it's potentially dangerous.

Of course, if he is really in danger inexplicably, or something unexpected happens.

Then with the guarantee of killing the devil, Chen Mu can safely return to the sea of ​​watch.

This special situation is similar to the reality when he went to the void battlefield in the wizarding world and met the old fifth-level wizard who he had only seen in simulations.

In fact, until now, Chen Mu was not sure whether it was a coincidence or a test.

The next moment, the Book of Truth was suspended in front of Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's spiritual power surged out of the spiritual sea and attached to the book of truth in front of him.

The next moment, the Book of Truth automatically turned its pages. After one page stopped, a faint fluorescent light lit up on the page.

This fluorescent light and spiritual power mixed together wrapped Chen Mu's body.

An instant later, Chen Mu's body disappeared on the top floor of the wizard tower.

After becoming a fourth-level wizard, Chen Mu can already directly enter some other planes through the Book of Truth.

Of course, these planes that can be accessed directly through the Book of Truth are only a small part of all planes.

In other planes, even if you become a fourth-level wizard, you still have to enter the plane through the plane channel.

Leaving the Sea of ​​Watch this time, Chen Mu chose to go to other planes and worlds.

After all, there are too many conjectures that he wants to verify in reality, so let's do everything slowly.

Chen Mu still has nearly forty years before the next mission begins.

This time will indeed pass quickly if you keep meditating.

But it doesn't actually take long to travel to other worlds and planes and become familiar with them.

It can be said that Chen Mu, who is already a fourth-level wizard, even goes to a world as big as the wizarding world.

Chen Mu can roughly visit all the places in the world in less than a year.

It does sound exaggerated.

Because the wizarding world is really too big.

Even Chen Mu now has actually not visited all the wizarding continents in the wizarding world.

After Chen Mu left the Sea of ​​Watch, when he reappeared, he was already in a small plane.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, thirty-five years have passed by in an instant.

In the wizarding world, there is a wizarding continent.

In the center of the continent, there is a strange-shaped building.

This building was naturally built by Chen Mu.

The next moment, the building disappeared, and Chen Mu's figure appeared where the building disappeared.

"It's over, the 9232nd Wizarding Continent."

After Chen Mu put away the building, he felt a little emotional.

Leaving the Sea of ​​Watch this time, he first traveled to more than forty planes within a year.

Next, Chen Mu spent nearly thirty years traveling to six worlds surrounding the wizarding world.

The detailed memories and experiences of these six worlds are now imprinted in Chen Mu's mind.

Experience and memory are the most important things in real body simulation.

In the real body simulation, he may not have any improvement in mental power, but his experience and memory must be improved.

Otherwise, there would be no difference between this real body simulation and a waste of time.

After all, compared to reincarnation simulation, it is reincarnation at another time.

Text simulations can retain memories for three years.

Real body simulation has a huge advantage over these two simulations.

That is, he can retain all the memories, and these memories are undoubtedly very useful to Chen Mu who lives in the wizarding world in reality.

The knowledge in books is shallow, and Chen Mu knows this very well.

Therefore, Chen Mu can only rest assured if he has seen, heard, and experienced it with his own eyes.

The experiences and memories of these planes and the world around the wizarding world may one day play a very important role.

After experiencing these planes and worlds, Chen Mu had another idea.

Since he has traveled to other worlds, why not travel to the wizarding world?

You know, although he was born in the sub-continent of the wizarding world.

But Chen Mu actually spent most of his time not in the wizarding world.

He spends more time in the Sea of ​​Watch.

The Sea of ​​Watch is in the space rift of the wizarding world. To be precise, it actually belongs to the wizarding world.

But Chen Mu knew very well that the Sea of ​​Watch was actually very far away from the real Wizarding Continent in the wizarding world.

It's just that Chen Mu, who has strong mental power and is a fourth-level wizard, has forcibly shortened this distance.

If you were a first-level wizard, then there would be a natural chasm between the Wizarding Continent in the wizarding world and the Sea of ​​Watch in the third rift.

Chen Mu thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he had never truly traveled through the wizarding world.

So after returning to the Sea of ​​Watch, Chen Mu decisively returned to the wizarding world.

In five years, he set out from the Carson subcontinent.

A total of more than 9,000 wizard continents were visited.

Chen Mu thought before that he could turn around the wizarding world in a year at most.

But when he actually started to execute it, Chen Mu knew that what he thought was indeed right.

But if this is the case, he will have to travel to at least hundreds of wizard continents in one day.

It's not much, but it's just a quick glance and a general experience, which means nothing to him.

So in the end, Chen Mu spent five years thoroughly traveling around the wizarding world.

Nine thousand two hundred and thirty-two wizard continents.

This number alone is enough to reflect the vastness of the wizarding world.

Of course, these wizard continents range from small to large.

The small one is an ordinary first-level wizard continent.

The large Wizarding Continent even has five levels.

The fifth-level wizard continent, yes, the wizard continent with fifth-level wizards stationed there.

It has to be said that in some world-level wizard organizations, although there is no seventh-level wizard, there may be only one sixth-level wizard.

But there are even more level five wizards than in the Sea of ​​Watch.

In the wizarding world, there is actually no accurate definition of the world-level wizarding organization with the first comprehensive strength.

But Sea of ​​Watch can definitely be ranked in the top five, or top three.

Of course, Chen Mu's five years did not actually mean that he had completely traveled through the entire wizarding world.

Because in the wizarding world, Chen Mu did not go to more secondary continents.

It's not because Chen Mu looks down on these small sub-continents.

It's because there are too many sub-continents and they are too complex.

I want to go through all the sub-continents and understand the specific details of all the sub-continents.

Chen Mu definitely doesn't have enough time.

Therefore, traveling to all sub-continents in the wizarding world can only be postponed until the end of the next mission.

After all, he is only three years away from his second mission.

In the next time, Chen Mu will also return to the sea of ​​​​watch and make some preparations.

In countless previous text simulations, his first and second missions were the same every time.

This made Chen Mu have to wonder whether there were not many tasks related to the Sea of ​​Watch and level 4 wizards.

Taking one last look at the Wizarding Continent here, Chen Mu moved away from the place.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for your monthly votes, I love you so much~

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