The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 181 The Goddess of Life and the Lord of Nature

Chapter 181 ‘Goddess of Life’ and ‘Lord of the Natural God System’

The Kingdom of Holy Glory, the City of Balance.

At this time, Chen Mu, who was on the top floor of the sacrificial tower, absorbed the power of faith around him.

A moment later, after all the power of faith surrounding him was absorbed, Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes.

Too little, too slow.

The number of believers is too few.

The inability to enter the God Realm means that Chen Mu has no way to spread his faith on his own.

All of his current believers were the original believers of the God of Holy Glory and then transferred to become his followers.

The number of these believers is too small.

Moreover, Chen Mu does not have the ability of an incubator, so he absorbs faith very slowly.

Ten years have passed since he first truly absorbed faith, but Chen Mu has not improved significantly.

At most, he has gone from being equivalent to a first-class wizard apprentice to being equivalent to a first-class wizard.

Even demigods are extremely far away from him.

The God of Shenghui thought he had a plan, but he knew his own affairs. Chen Mu knew too well that he had no plan.

The moment Chen Mu stopped absorbing faith, a white light group appeared in front of him.

The next moment, the white light group transformed into the form of an old man.

The God of Holy Glory has gone to the God Realm, and what remains here is his first divine thought.

Although it is not the true body, it is enough to show that the God of Holy Glory attaches great importance to him.

"I have cultivated all the light believers as you requested."

"But you don't have the ability of an incubator, so you can't upgrade the faith of these shallow believers."

Shen Nian said, with a trace of confusion in his tone.

Although shallow believers can be cultivated quickly, the power of faith they provide is very small in both quality and quantity.

He didn't think this would be of any help to Chen Mu.

"I see."

Chen Mu nodded and spoke softly.

The shallow believers are naturally helpful to him.

Otherwise, Chen Mu would not let the God of Holy Glory give up helping him cultivate true believers and fanatic believers, and instead help him cultivate shallow believers.

The reason is simple.

At this time, Chen Mu's rate of absorbing the power of faith was very slow and could not be balanced with the power of faith produced by true believers.

Although the power of faith produced by shallow believers is inferior to that of true believers in both quality and quantity, it is enough for Chen Mu.

After all, Chen Mu knew very well about his reincarnation in this life, and knew that he would probably not be able to become a true god in this life.

So what Chen Mu has to do is to absorb the power of faith with all his strength, and finally reach whatever step he can.

In this case, the more believers there are, the better.

If you cultivate true believers, you can cultivate up to six in ten years.

But if it takes ten years to cultivate light believers, a hundred can be cultivated in this time.

"Whatever you want to say, just say it."

Chen Mu looked at the Shenghui God in front of him who was hesitant to speak, and spoke.

After hearing this, Shen Nian spoke:

"You have absorbed a large amount of the power of faith from shallow believers. Although it will be of great help in the beginning, it will have a deeper impact on you later on."

"The power of faith is the key factor that determines whether you can become a true god."

The God of Holy Glory actually said this very euphemistically.

However, Chen Mu was not stupid, so he naturally understood what he meant.

To put it simply, the God of Holy Glory feels that he is destroying the foundation of his own country.

He was afraid that Chen Mu would affect his interests by doing this.

After all, the God of Holy Glory has invested a lot in him, so he naturally wants to take back some things.

Now that I see that he is trying to undermine his own abilities, I want to come and give him some advice.

Absorb a large amount of the faith power of shallow believers, or even absorb all the faith power of shallow believers.

This will cause Chen Mu's realm to be very frivolous, and even if he is lucky enough to become a demigod, he will still be the weakest among the demigods.

But Chen Mu didn't care.

The way Chen Mu saw himself was different from the way the God of Shenghui saw him.

The God of Holy Glory thought that he was the reincarnation of the Flame Lord God, so naturally he couldn't be satisfied with the little profit in front of him.

But Chen Mu knew that he was a real ordinary person and didn't have so many plans.

The fact that we have reached this point is all based on the imagination of the God of Holy Glory.

Between the two choices of illusory realm and no realm, Chen Mu would naturally choose the former without hesitation.

No matter how vain it is, it is better than nothing.

If you can't become a demigod, even if you have the foundation to become a main god, what's the point?

When you die, everything disappears.

The simulator won't help him retain his talent.

In fact, in this life, Chen Mu was lucky enough to be reincarnated into the kingdom of the God of Holy Glory.

For him who is not an incubator, if he can become a demigod, it will definitely be the best ending.

"Don't worry about this, I have my own plan."

"When I become a demigod, you will know why I do this."

Chen Mu spoke and made a riddle.

But the God of Holy Glory doesn’t know that this is a riddle.

He completely believed what Chen Mu said and thought that Chen Mu had some plans that he could only start after becoming a demigod.

So he said no more.

After all, every choice made by the reincarnation of a main god must have deep meaning.

When the power of faith floated around Chen Mu again, Chen Mu closed his eyes and began to absorb the power of faith.

The divine thought of the God of Holy Glory turned into a white light group and disappeared in front of Chen Mu.

Time passed, and three years passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past three years, Chen Mu spent most of his time in the sacrificial tower.

It's not that he doesn't want to leave here, the point is that he has nowhere else to go.

Not being an incubator means that he cannot enter the divine realm.

He could only wander around in the divine kingdom of the God of Holy Glory.

But there are some 'robots' in the Kingdom of God, and they can't communicate with Chen Mu.

So Chen Mu naturally has no interest in leaving here and going elsewhere.

Waiting in the sacrificial tower to absorb the power of faith has become Chen Mu's only thing every day.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this reincarnation in this world is Chen Mu's most boring reincarnation.

It has to be said that the power of faith provided by hundreds of light believers is still considerable.

Moreover, Chen Mu absorbs the power of faith from shallow believers faster than he absorbs the power of faith from true believers.

However, these shallow believers can only be Chen Mu's tools.

After all, he is different from other true gods.

The normal promotion path of a true god is like this.

The first step is to go to the God Realm and choose a region as the foundation of the God Kingdom.

Then spread faith and gather believers.

Slowly some of these believers will become true believers and fanatics.

Then absorb the power of faith, expand the territory of the Kingdom of God, become a demi-god, and then become a true god.

This is the most common promotion path for a true god.

After being reincarnated into this world for decades, and with a master of the gods beside him, Chen Mu is naturally no longer as unfamiliar with this world and the true God as he was before.

Compared with these true gods, Chen Mu couldn't do it in his first step to the God Realm.

Even becoming a demigod.

He is also a demigod with no believers and no kingdom of God.

This kind of demigod is the weakest, and perhaps some believers of true gods can compare with this kind of demigod.

After all, without believers, there is no difference between demigods and powerful believers without the Kingdom of God.

Because to be precise, the believers who are now providing him with the power of faith are not actually his true believers.

It was just the God of Holy Glory who forcibly helped him cultivate it.

If the God of Holy Glory wanted to, he could make all the believers of Chen Mu change their faith in an instant.

After all, this is the Kingdom of Holy Glory, the divine kingdom of the God of Holy Glory.

Even if the God of Holy Glory wanted to, he could even do some trick in secret, and maybe Chen Mu wouldn't be able to find it.

After all, there is a huge gap between him and the True God now.

Not to mention the reincarnation of this world, even a fourth-level wizard in reality is far from the true god of this world.

But Chen Mu knew that the God of Shenghui would not do this.

After all, there is no need to do this in the God of Holy Glory. He is definitely afraid of Chen Mu.

"If the flame lord above the light curtain is really a reincarnation simulation of me in the future, then how on earth did I become such a being as the lord god?"

"What was my state in reality during the reincarnation simulation of becoming the Lord God?"

After stopping to absorb the power of faith, Chen Mu had many thoughts in his heart.

Staying in the sacrificial tower all the time, there is nothing else to do except absorb the power of faith.

So Chen Mu found a way to kill time for himself, which was to think about problems.

This question of reflection is not limited to simulations of this life.

The issues Chen Mu was thinking about included the wizarding world and every simulation he had done before.

"It must have been reincarnated and became an incubator."

Chen Mu said to himself.

This is purely Chen Mu's guess.

The basis for the judgment is also very simple, that is, Chen Mu saw him on the light curtain before, and he was in the God Realm.

As for the God Realm, only incubators can enter it.

Naturally, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that it is his reincarnation simulation in the future, and he reincarnated as an incubator.

Chen Mu didn't know the probability of being reincarnated as an incubator.

Because at this time, he was only reincarnating into this world for the second time. He died before he was even born in the first reincarnation.

So at this time, he lacked a reference basis.

If there is a high probability that he will be reincarnated as an incubator, then it is naturally good news for him.

Of course, if it is only a small probability that he will be reincarnated as an incubator, it is even possible that he will never be reincarnated as an incubator.

After all, the simulation in which he became the Lord of Fire in the future was obviously many years ago.

Many years ago, Chen Mu didn't know what the rules of the divine world were like.

Of course, it is also possible that his simulator will be upgraded in the future, and it is not impossible that new options will be available.

Chen Mu considered everything he could think of.

When thinking about a problem, naturally you can't just think about one aspect.

As for the simulation in which he reincarnates as the Lord God in the future, what state will he be in in reality.

In fact, this question is meaningless.

Because reincarnation simulation can change the rules to completely preserve the realm.

In other words, no matter how weak he is in the future, he will always be stuck at the fourth level wizard.

After going through that simulation, he was able to become a being that could rival or even surpass a ninth-level wizard.

But Chen Mu didn't have too many emotions.

After having many simulation experiences, Chen Mu always has a little doubt about the future.

Because the future may be like that now, but after Chen Mu knows his future, the future may not be like that.

Maybe a little bit.

To put it simply, the future will change.

Chen Mu is also not sure whether he can become the Lord of Fire in the future.

After all, if he never reincarnates in this world from now on, how can he become the Lord of Fire?

So the future is never fixed, it just depends on how Chen Mu chooses.

The future he sees may be just one of thousands of futures.

And the future in reality may not belong to these thousands of futures.

After a while, Chen Mu stopped thinking.

The thoughts in his heart were suppressed by him.

The reason that made Chen Mu stop thinking was also very simple.

That is, there is a figure in front of his originally empty body.

The true form of the God of Holy Glory appeared in front of him.

Ever since the God of Holy Glory went to the God Realm, Chen Mu had been communicating with the God of Holy Glory.

He has not seen the true form of the God of Holy Glory in nearly ten years.

This time the God of Holy Glory returned from the God Realm and appeared in front of him again. If he said that nothing happened, Chen Mu would not believe it.

As the master of a pantheon, it is naturally impossible for the God of Shenghui to believe what he says.

Returning to the God Realm this time, the God of Holy Glory will find other true gods to verify his identity, and Chen Mu will not be an exception.

He knows that lies are called lies because they are likely to be exposed.

Chen Mu is already prepared, so no matter what happens in the future, he will not be surprised.

This simulation has paid off.

"I was lucky enough to meet an old friend of yours. She wants to meet you in the God Realm."

The God of Holy Glory spoke.

There was a hint of uncontrollable excitement in his tone.

Even Chen Mu, who was so different from the God of Shenghui, could hear this excitement.

One can imagine how excited the God of Shenghui was.

Chen Mu's heart tightened, but his expression did not change.

The accident still happened.

But the good news is that the God of Holy Glory in front of him has not exposed his lies yet.

But let him go to the God Realm to meet.

But he is not an incubator now and does not have the ability to go to the God Realm.

Moreover, Chen Mu was certain that Chen Mu did not know the old friend mentioned by the God of Holy Glory.

And he can become his old friend in the future. He is definitely not a simple person.

Doesn’t he still know his own principles for making friends?

Maybe it can’t be hidden this time.

"Which old friend?"

Chen Mu asked softly.

The God of Glory exhaled slowly, and it seemed that the name he was about to say made him a little unsteady.

"The goddess of life, the master of the natural pantheon, and one of the twelve main gods."

The God of Glory spoke.

Hearing this title, Chen Mu's heart sank to the bottom of his heart.


Lord God!

A main god who lived from unknown years ago to now.

In front of a main god, Chen Mu can be sure that he will definitely be seen through and see through.

What to do now, commit suicide and leave this world?

"I have lost the ability to be an incubator and am currently unable to go to the God Realm."

"The Lord God has taken this into consideration. She has prepared natural seeds for you, which can replace the hatching heart for a period of time."

The God of Holy Glory spoke.

The next moment, a fluorescent green seed appeared in his hand.

Chen Mu fell silent.

Didn’t we agree that incubators would not be able to enter the God Realm? ? ?

ps: Thanks for reading, thanks for the monthly vote~

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